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Life-limiting illness

Mum has pancreatic cancer

234 replies

oldbaghere · 16/12/2013 19:09

He has a few months at most


OP posts:
Tiredtrout · 28/12/2013 00:25

I was thinking of you yesterday, glad you updated, I hope you can sort out the pain relief, my mum was so stubborn with it and kept refusing it, she didn't like feeling fuzzy headed. It's so good you had a nice day I hope you get to have more

oldbaghere · 29/12/2013 11:00

So many things are driving me nuts. If I wrote them all down I'd a - explode b - cry c - out myself totally.

Pass the gin?

OP posts:
PacificDingbat · 29/12/2013 13:40


Sometimes that's the only thing. Or chocolate....

minmooch · 30/12/2013 10:28

I've just read your thread with tears in my eyes. Cancer, whatever type, is just horrendous to go through and to watch loved ones go through. My DS was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour just before his 16th birthday, a month before Christmas two years ago. He has survived standard treatment but so has the tumour. We stopped his last ditch palliative care chemo as it was making him too ill.

Christmas is very hard when you have an ill loved one. The only thing you can do is make every moment count - which is extremely difficult when the ill person does not feel well enough to do anything. I want to whisk my son around the world and cram in every life opportunity but the reality is he just is not well enough.

It's hard but we love and laugh every day because at the end if the day that is what is important.

I wish you and your family strength xx

BettySwollocksandaCrustyRack · 06/01/2014 14:23

Just wondering how things are Oldbag?

My lovely mum had lung cancer in 2010 - a terribly difficult time for everyone.

Thinkng of you. x

Spero · 08/01/2014 21:07

Thank you so much for this thread. I just found out my mum has pancreatic cancer today - it has spread to her liver and the doctors say she has only a few months left. I am going to see her in hospital tomorrow. I am trying to read up on some stuff tonight.

PacificDogwood · 08/01/2014 21:54

Oh, crap, Spero, I am so, so sorry to hear this Sad.
I am trying to curtail my MNing, but sending you and your mother best wishes.

Spero · 08/01/2014 22:30

My poor dad. He has just broken down on the phone saying she has been with him 47 years and he can't imagine life without her. I am so sorry for everyone who has had to go through this. He told me not to come tomorrow but I have insisted and I think he is quite glad now.

gaelicsheep · 08/01/2014 22:54

Oh no Spero, I'm so sorry. And I'm so sorry for you OldBag. I've read through the whole thread and I recognise so much of what you're feeling.

My mum is suffering with advanced cancer that has now spread throughout her abdomen. She was given 3 or 4 months, possibly longer with palliative chemo (if it is effective), but things have moved on so fast she's currently too weak to start the chemo (it was meant to start today).

I totally get the way people find themselves reacting to hospices. When my Dad told me a few days ago that Mum was being admitted to the hospice I did panic. I thought they were places that people go to die. But as others have said, they're really not. What they are doing is trying to get her dreadful symptoms under control and restore some comfort, and hopefully get her managing to eat a bit again. Whether the chemo will ever happen now, whether it would do more harm than good, I don't know.

Big hugs to everyone on this thread going through this. xx

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