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BFP after IVF: nervous ladies needed a handhold Part II

999 replies

gingergnome · 18/08/2018 10:51

Hi everyone,

Think that the last thread for this topic reached its limit, so have started a new one.

Good luck to everyone who has finally got that longed for BFP!

This is a place for everything that comes after the 2WW: celebrating milestones, being (cautiously!) excited, symptom checking, worrying, sharing advice, commiserating bad news, generally keeping each other going, and willing each other along on our way to the 12 week mark.

A bit about me: 39 y/old, 0 DC, IVF ICSI cycle 1, first BFP since TTC, currently 6+0.

Look forward to meeting lots of people with new BFPs and sharing your journey!

Tagging in some ladies from the old thread,

OP posts:
Itonlytakesone · 29/08/2018 18:44

I had no nausea until week 9 so don't worry just feel grateful (Iv not been sick at all- yet!)

I'm awaiting my blood results from tomorrow's test & scan and then my 12 week scan which is next week then I'll know quite a bit about this pregnancy by next Friday then I'll start to maybe tell people - so if it were me I'd wait. When are you having your test?

Beherenow32 · 29/08/2018 18:50

@Itonlytakesone has the blood test today. The measurements at the scan were fine.
I’m back at work tomorrow and just so nervous. Feel like I’ll need support from the people I’m working with. Still feel pretty unwell xx

Beherenow32 · 29/08/2018 19:15

I’m going to wait. I can wait until next week. The Hospital phone within a week if any worries xx

Itonlytakesone · 29/08/2018 19:20

I would because when people know you can't take it back and a week is nothing when you've waited this long Smile

Beherenow32 · 29/08/2018 19:23

@Itonlytakesone yeah, I want to be excited about telling people. Not worrying. Tbh, quite a lot of people already know... but they’ve been so supportive and listening to all my worries. I don’t regret telling any of them xx

Tigerlily99 · 29/08/2018 20:07

Thanks everyone! I feel a bit better after hearing that.

Scan Fri afternoon and I’m counting the hours. Oddly I got a mystery text from a different department at the hospital about another appointment which I knew nothing about. Will have to call tomorrow to find out what it’s for!

Is anyone planning on paying for NIPT?

Tigerlily99 · 29/08/2018 20:13

@beherenow32- hope all test results come back great so you can tell work! I’ve only told a v small no of people at work who are discrete and already knew about FET ( I needed to leave at short notice a few times for scans etc). haven’t told any of our family or most of friends yet. I think I’d want to be comfortably out of first trimester with normal NIPT results before I start letting people know.

Beherenow32 · 29/08/2018 20:42

@Tigerlily99 what is the NIPT? Is it like the harmony testing? We weren’t planning on doing any private tests, as I’m not sure what they involve. X

Itonlytakesone · 29/08/2018 21:02

I'm having NIPT tomorrow it's just a simple blood test on me, and a scan. I'll get results 3-5 days after. Look into it online but it has to be done at so many weeks think it's 10-14?

cannonball8726 · 30/08/2018 08:42

@itonlytakesone best of luck for your scan today! ❤

@tigerlily99 we will likely have NIPT done as well. What are you ladies thinking of going for? My clinic offer the SERENITY test - so I'll either opt for that or have the HARMONY at the Fetal Medicine Centre on Harley Street.

@beherenow32 I think if all goes okay, then I'll tell very close friends and family after 12 week scan and NIPT results. For others, I'd like to keep it quiet until the anomaly scan at 20 weeks if possible - although this may be totally unrealistic!

My next scan is next Monday and I'm feeling a bit worried as symptoms have disappeared...

Itonlytakesone · 30/08/2018 09:47

Hi all, my scan went really well & everything is just as it should be. I bought a usb stick too with recordings of images and the heartbeat. My df couldn't be there as he was working, took my mum she loved it so that was nice. They gave me loads of photos it was lovely and i did cry a little with relief! Smile

cannonball8726 · 30/08/2018 10:05

Brilliant news, @itonlytakesone. Have fun wedding dress shopping!

cannonball8726 · 31/08/2018 13:29

8+1 today and the nausea and breast tenderness are back. Crazy that symptoms fluctuate like this and mess with our minds... also got a booking in appointment for midwife and 12 week scan.

Hope you're all doing okay. Best of luck for scan, @tigerlily99 xxx

Tigerlily99 · 31/08/2018 17:32

@cannonball8726- it’s funny how the symptoms come and go isn’t it?!

I had a bit of drama just before my scan. Started getting period like pain about 10 mins before which then became really quite severe. They dragged me into the recovery room but by the time a doctor came to see me the pain just vanished! Anyhow the little blob has grown from 2mm to 7.8mm in 1 week and they seemed happy with the progress. self referred to the antenatal unit and waiting to hear about the first appointment.

Hope every else is doing ok! X

cannonball8726 · 31/08/2018 17:48

Glad that it went okay, @tigerlily99. That's impressive growth in a week!

beanhunter · 31/08/2018 18:08

Great news tigerlily xx

Beherenow32 · 01/09/2018 09:33

How’s everyone? Good news on scans going well. That’s me over 12 week now!
But also stressing about something else... I had 2 days off (not even full days) work, due to severe headaches. Now they’re saying that I’m getting pulled in for a meeting due to my absence, and also being off for the ivf treatment. It’s making me feel so rubbish, and I’m sure it shouldn’t be allowed. Need to get more advice on that.

So, I was relaxing before... I’m so stressed about this! Keep trying to push it out my mind, but I am struggling with work anyway!

Sorry for the rant! XX

tikha · 02/09/2018 06:40

@Beherenow32 i am not sure they can say anything to you. Does work know your circumstances? If they cause problems, worth touching base with union if you are part of it.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and glad to know that people scans are looking good. Am still waiting for my first one which is next week Friday. I am suffering from insomnia which is not a good combo with work. I have never had this before. Oh well.. small price to pay. Listening to Aretha Franklin for pickme up, and in remembrance. Take care all.

Beherenow32 · 02/09/2018 09:01

@tikha yeah. My work know. They just don’t seem to understand! I joined the union yesterday, so will speak to them ASAP. Also emailed the occupational health nurse, and need to make a docotors appointment too.
Really wish maternity leave started as soon as we knew we were pregnant 😂

Oh insomnia will be difficult. You’ll be exhausted anyway. Hope you’re scan comes in quickly. They’re so amazing xx

And good luck for yours tomorrow @TheArtfulScreamer

TheArtfulScreamer · 02/09/2018 10:15

Thanks I'm so nervous just terrified that having come this far our bubble will be burst. I'm sure your employer can't discriminate against you because of time off during pregnancy and IVF, you're in a protected category when pregnant. My work have dedicated maternity reps that tell you what's what mines fab they should be compulsory in every work place who employ over so many people if you ask me.
Glad all the others who have had scans have had positive outcomes.

Beherenow32 · 02/09/2018 12:01

@TheArtfulScreamer I know, you’ve waited a long time for this!! Hope you don’t have to wait too late in the day for it.
Maternity rep sounds like such a good idea! I feel like ivf shouldn’t be counted either. That part is finished. Also, I used holidays for the first 3 attempts!! 😡
Hope you manage to relax rest of today xx

TheArtfulScreamer · 03/09/2018 13:48

Well we appear to have a very mischievous jumping bean who wouldn't stay still during the scan, it took the sonographer ages to get the measurements which blessedly are exactly as they should be.
Who has a scan next? My next one won't be until end of Oct start of Nov which feels like forever away.


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cannonball8726 · 03/09/2018 14:48

Awesome news @ArtfulScreamer! Congratulations :)

@beherenow32 how did your meeting at work go? Hope things are okay.

@tikha - poor you having insomnia! I feel so tired at the moment. I'm ready to fall asleep by 8pm...

I had scan this morning too. 8+4. All okay. Still so nerve wracking... Going to arrange NIPT for a couple of weeks time. 12 week scan is still three and a half weeks away. Hoping it flies by!

Hope you're all doing okay xxx

Itonlytakesone · 03/09/2018 15:29

That's crap Work has been making you feel this bad? Definitely get in touch with the union. Hope they aren't too hard on you in your 'meeting' you have done nothing wrong and need a break!...comgrats on getting to 12 weeks!

I'm now nervously awaiting the nipt results they could take until next Monday to arrive back!

Glad your scan went ok but what a scare for you?

It seems ages to wait for a scan then they all seem to come at once. Good luck on Friday

You definitely have a lively baby that's funny but great news that all is good at the scan it's such a relief especially after ivf.

It's my offficial 12 week scan on Friday so I'm excited about that and it's only a week after my private scan last week. Still nervous, i doubt this feeling will ever go away! Ordered my wedding dress though! It's lovely they are tailoring it to fit me for December. So now I'm on a healthy eating mission to only eat healthier foods and cut out my cake addiction 🐷

Beherenow32 · 03/09/2018 15:43

@cannonball8726 @itonlytakesone
No meeting yet, so gives me time to gather the right info. The doc was good. Says I’m protected with absences. Blood pressure was fine too.

@TheArtfulScreamer great news! Must have been lovely. Just got letter through for my nhs scan at 18 weeks!!! And I have a private one for 16 weeks 😊😊

@itonlytakesone congrats on the wedding dress! That’s so exciting. Good effort if you’re able to eat healthy! I’m so, so! Xx

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