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Neat and clean in 2017 - it's the January Flylady thread

972 replies

CotswoldStrife · 30/12/2016 23:42


Welcome to the January Flylady thread, where we try and maintain our nests in good order by following the Flylady method. We'll post links each day to the Flylady website for the babysteps, daily focus and extra missions in the current zone. The habit of the month is shining your sink (or whatever other place in your home motivates you).

If you are just starting, Flylady recommends decluttering the weekly zone before doing the detailed cleaning and not to do too much at once!

All are welcome, so feel free to join us anytime.

OP posts:
Note3 · 01/01/2017 11:20

Hey celeste how about scooting or riding, a nature walk to look out for certain items on a checklist (you prepare it at home first with a list of stuff to tick off).

Craft good as doesn't have to be messy. ..could just cello tape cut out picture from christmas cards into paper

Gizlotsmum · 01/01/2017 11:21

We are off to the cinema but have bedding on and washing, all washing up done and put away (huge step for me normally left on drainer) and this afternoon all decs up into the loft and a bit of a declutter whilst we still have bin space

Stilllivinginazoo · 01/01/2017 11:24

Eeek.I turned my back and shiny new thread exploded with posts before I even realised its here!!
(Any who know me know I not super sharp,except motivational pointy sticks!!)
Good to see lots "old friends" and new faces.those returning remember lots of us have hauled off cobwebs and climb back on wagon repeatedly
Dd2 want see new year in.I doze n cough thru that
Lil zoo up extra early 445,D's up 455.gave up 5am sleep is for the weak
Shined sink
Fed cats
Wipe bath
Wipe sink
Feed zoolets
Out by 730for a walk as I felt we all needed fresh air and I want a newspaper. Nice long walk later we all needed extra breakfast(toast and hot chocolate).yum yum

celeste84 · 01/01/2017 11:24

The weather is not that great here today; light drizzle all morning and proper grey looking like it could tip down any moment ha.

We've been cinema a fair bit of late not sure there is much left for us to watch ha.

Stilllivinginazoo · 01/01/2017 11:25

PS on laundry new years day it's a no mum drum that into us.not new years day or good Friday. This only two days machine get off a year do hope ut enjoys the rest and braces for extra loads tomorrow

celeste84 · 01/01/2017 11:27

Why no laundry on New year day or Good Friday? Is xmas day and Boxing day allowed?

Gizlotsmum · 01/01/2017 11:28

Isn't is superstition? You wash someone away?

bassetmum · 01/01/2017 11:31

Morning all (just)

Ta da
Chilli in slow cooker
Made bed

To do
Food shopping
Clothes washing
Changing guinea pig bedding
Dishwasher emptied and reloaded

I had never heard of the no washing on new years.

YoureMyWifeNowDave · 01/01/2017 11:35

Hello everyone

I have decided that this year WILL be the year that I finally get the house and myself sorted out

It might take all year as there is an awful lot to do Blush but I am determined to make it happen

On Thursday builders are arriving to replace our ensuite/main bathroom and when that is done we are having a new bedroom. Currently most of mine and DH's clothes are in piles in the lounge as our last working wardrobe collapsed a couple of months ago so until the building work is done I am a bit limited as to how much I can realistically get done but the post Christmas toy decluttering starts on Monday as DD is off to a friends house for the day.

I am off to clean the sink as soon as I've finished feeding the baby

cheekyfunkymonkey · 01/01/2017 11:41

Hello all ( waves)Brew. This is just what I need.Todays Tada's: Up dressed face on, dishwasher on, stew on, beds made, kitchen surfaces done. I need motivation for bathrooms, new lightbulb shows up the fact they need a through shining Blush. Off out soon though so it'll have to wait.

Afreshstartplease · 01/01/2017 11:42

So after spending two days plodding along at the kitchen and getting it half sorted this morning I have started the living room. I know I should finish the kitchen first but I'm sick of bloody looking at it!
Older DC are on computers, DC3 not very well with cough and cold so snuggled on sofa, DC4 down for nap

Ta Da so far

Me and 4DC up and dressed
4DC fed
Lifted sofas and scooped out all the junk that was living there
Tidied toys under the tree
Put bottles to sterilise

Afreshstartplease · 01/01/2017 11:43

Oh and dryer on!
And kids beds stripped!

NewYearNewNickname · 01/01/2017 11:54

Can I join too please. Like many others I am determined to get my house into a state I feel proud of this year and this seems manageable!
Want to also try and keep time spent on my phone to a minimum so will try to keep posts brief.
Thanks for the links they're very useful for a newbie like me!

Stilllivinginazoo · 01/01/2017 12:04

*afresh" I am fed up of this cold going round chez woke lil zoo so damn early.dd2 still not right.she's go attempt first bit non smooth food at lunch(since Xmas Eve)-a wrap with be any hummusy type thingy and cherry tomatoes

Afreshstartplease · 01/01/2017 12:08

zoo dd has not complained of throat yet but did not eat much breakfast which is unlike her. I really hope 10 week old ds does not catch it Sad

Dreamingoutloud7 · 01/01/2017 12:13

Was about to say morning, then realised I'd slept that away so..
Afternoon everyone!!
Slow start today but I think that's allowed on nyd

Ta das
Load of washing on (trying to ignore the superstition that I had never heard of until this thread, I'm not worried, nope, ok maybe a little!)

To do
Empty dishwasher
Make bed
Clean kitchen

Dinner at in laws later so not much of the day left to do anything, and truth be told I'm exhausted!

Stilllivinginazoo · 01/01/2017 13:10

afresh you are being exposed the cold so your antibodies are in action and as milks made using blood you are offering some protection to your little oneXmas Wink(uses festive emoji prob last time before it vanishes)

travelmad · 01/01/2017 13:12

So, day 1 and I'm off to a semi good start.

Ta das

Kitchen worktops cleared
Dishwasher ran and emptied
Massive pile of clean washing put away
Collected up all dirty washing to be put on tomorrow (the idiot in me just cannot do any washing on NYD - silly superstition!)

To do
15 min declutter - think I'm gonna start with the DCs room as its been awful since Christmas.
Take the tree down and get it up the loft.

knittingwithnettles · 01/01/2017 13:17

Streaming colds here and we are just back from four days in Berlin visiting relatives, and visiting monuments!

Nephew stayed in house and he managed to turn something important off that we now cannot turn on again..and I'll leave it at that ...sigh. Thinking he was being economical...worse still he did not finish up the christmas leftovers as instructed (again being economical he probably didn;t hink he ought to eat OUR food) so fridge full of sour milk and rotting veg..oh the youth of today why are they so helpful in the wrong ways????

on plus sides, cats all love him, and the house didnt burn down and he took the rubbish out.

meanwhile, sea of mess. Dh has put on two loads of washing and so have I. I have made porridge with all the milk that wasn;t cancelled, and I can see many rice puddings in the days to come...and pancakes and lasagnes and cauliflower cheese. Not a good time to give up dairy.

Rain dolefully falling outside a very cold house.

My resolutions this year are:

Intellectual course of study
Deutsch course
dog walks (borrow sisters)
continue declutter fest
start running with elderly runners' club I am thinking this is more of a social fresh air occasion than actual running, but I may be wrong...

revitalise garden maintenance skills with son's aid, and possibly extend to charging others (mostly relatives) He can be brawn and I can be brain.

Afreshstartplease · 01/01/2017 13:26

Unfortunately ds is not receiving any antibodies from me, as he is formula fed!

Trying to teach dd to cover her mouth when she coughs but she only remembers to do so after the cough!

Stilllivinginazoo · 01/01/2017 13:27

"Knitting* sounds like good plan. Least if weathers cold n crappy milky puds and cheesy sauces are def way forward (or latter frozen?)like you say house and cats are OK,that's main thing!!
travel well done.a sterling start!

MercuryRising · 01/01/2017 13:46

Happy New Year all. Bit of a lazy start today. The dc didn't get up until 9, which is practically unheard of. I have washed up, prepped a roast and been to visit my dm. The plan for this afternoon is to read and room rescue the living room. I intend to shine the sink but will start flying properly tomorrow.


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FoolandFitz · 01/01/2017 13:55

Ta da so far:

Finished YNAB set up
Put away Christmas decorations and tree
Booked holiday
Change bedding

Rshard · 01/01/2017 14:16

Another newbie here!
Perfect start to 2017 for me. We've been doing up our house for 4 years now so slowly emerging from the chaos but will be embarking on an extension this year so need to de-clutter despite having a massive clear out before moving here!

Ta da's
Dishwasher loaded, ran and emptied (thanks DH)
Rest of dishes washed and put away
Sink cleaned and shined as per flylady - thanks looks amazing!
Exercised with DD
Me and DD fed

To do's
Load of washing
Living room tidy and hoover

That's it for now I think.

PurpleDaisies · 01/01/2017 14:39

Wow, this thread has got busy!

I'm pretty tired after a late night but managed a few useful things.

Ta da's
Tidied out the fridge
Food shop done
Washing on
Cleaned out guinea pigs
Been to church
Made soup for dinner from yucky looking parsnips that dh has been trying to bin
Transferred dates from last year's calendar to this one

To dos
The kitchen is horrible-big clean planned
Meal plan (which would have been more sensible before the food shop!)
Rehang wardrobe doors after dh pit them on upside down

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