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Mental health

Anxiety support, Hand hold or chit chat come say hi #2

987 replies

Fairydust26 · 12/03/2018 20:56

Hi everyone this is part 2 as the original thread is full up! But as the title says this thread is support for all that are struggling and could do with a handhold and a chit chat so come and say hello😊.

OP posts:
Fairydust26 · 25/03/2018 21:56

Glad to hear your both doing good!😁

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Fairydust26 · 26/03/2018 10:32

Had a terrible nights sleep last night had an anxious pit in my stomach that kept me awake so feeling pretty blurgh today!.

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Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 10:38

Me too now, very up and down. Currently depressed in med looking at the sunny day wishing I could get out and enjoy it but my hip is still painful and I'm calm in bed.

Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 10:43

Bed not med. But I'm eating and drinking well. I impulsively called a guy I had a crush on years ago the other night and had an intense amazing conversation. May have even said love you at the end. Can't remember He is on methadone withdrawal and was equally confused and emotional as he's been in a new long distance relationship for 3 weeks. Brought up conflicting emotions and I feel so guilty like I'm having an affair.

Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 10:45

I was going to call samaritans but when I looked at my phone he had texted me as I'd just been messaging during the day about my pregnancy as he knows me and my husband and has a son himself.

Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 10:58

Also, had a psychotic episode during Ramadan a few weeks ago, now it's holy week so I'm battling my faith as my family is Christian, lent has had a significant impact on me and chocolate makes me ill. I'm agnostic but go to church, been going since my last episode but not every week.

Yourmentalhealthmatters2017 · 26/03/2018 15:44

@Lyra2018 and @Fairydust26 I hope
Your both ok

I found writing my thoughts down does help me and also sitting quietly and deep breathing when I'm feeling a meltdown

I'm good today considering it's Monday and I work in a GP' surgery

Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 15:52

Thanks @yourmentalheath I have simular anxieties to you. Been listening to the guys video. I'm clearly not the only person he has this effect on. I only contacted him about a year ago because he did a mental health post and he poured his heart out to me. I only wanted to help. It was hard to listen to but helped me feel less confused and easier to cut contact.

Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 15:56

Feel bad as I promised not to tell anyone his story but thesse videos are all public. I'm turning the Internet off though. Feeling far too impulsive. I'll do some cooking or art or gardening now I've had a little rest. Just so worried about my grandma having to grieve in hospital. I'll probably visit her after Easter.

Lyra2018 · 26/03/2018 15:58

Looking at the date, could well have been about me... Did feel like it...

Yourmentalhealthmatters2017 · 27/03/2018 14:41

My biggest down fall MEN!

Lyra2018 · 27/03/2018 16:48

Haha, feeling better today now the meds are stabilising. Headakey and just about managed to a little puzzle for my grandmas birthday from menkind before ranting to the cashier about the name and walking out (he agreed). I also had a massive rant at an aspershic student who I was trying to avoid as he winds me up with his begheadedness. I was managing well until he asked 'don't you think interproffesionalism is overrated?' then I told him exactly what I knew about the who safety checklist (we had a lecture at uni from the creator) and how it's something you learn from experience more than theory then flounced out on my lunch which the coordinater quietly suggested I should take (was only 5 minutes early). Generally though a better day at work than home. Listening to pink Floyd now, comftably numb as I also had a brain fever as I child, didn't think I was permintantly damaged from it until I got pregnant.

Lyra2018 · 27/03/2018 16:56

College said its like a puppy if you give some of the male students too much help, can't hide or shake them off. Management know that I shouldn't be working with students but I didn't have the heart to tell them to leave me alone. Actually talking through and explaining what I was doing (with a female first year student) helped me keep more focus. The frustrating part is I find teaching students very satisfying but just can't deal with it right now. Said male student is also Polish so a double whammy of thinking the best way to do things is to follow the rules... Yes he can parrot information and is very knowledgeable but he's struggling with communication. He'll soon find all the radiographers hiding from him.

Yourmentalhealthmatters2017 · 27/03/2018 17:46

@Lyra2018 are you working in health too?

Peggyandkitty · 28/03/2018 08:09

Hi all. I haven't posted for a while but how's everyone doing?
I've been kind of OK for a while but anxiety is never far from the surface with me and I'm feeling quite on edge and when I'm like this I know I will give myself something to worry about before too long. I need to keep busy and distracted.
One of my dc's is off on holiday tomorrow so I'm edging towards panicking about that. Instead of being happy and excited for them I'm starting to get a bit wound up. Need to get a grip.

Fairydust26 · 28/03/2018 11:39

Peggyandkitty I know that feeling all too well! I’ve been doing okay actually had some good days but had to deal with a stressful situation which has left me feeling slightly anxious hoping it doesn’t turn into a full blown anxiety attack just trying to ride the wave.

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Yourmentalhealthmatters2017 · 28/03/2018 16:02

Today has been a good day.
I went to my grandmas funeral (we weren't close last saw her about 10 years ago)
And had a meal with my family....ok a small starter but I still ate in front of people and in a public place...this was a HUGE step for me ... the boy situation is ok I feel in control as he sent me a message but I haven't opened it so I feel in control

Well in control if everything atm

How's everyone else doing?!

Peggyandkitty · 28/03/2018 18:06

Sorry for your loss Your but it sounds as if you are doing well and on the right track.

Well put Fairy. Its exactly like riding a wave and trying not to fall off into the anxiety abyss. I don't handle stressful situations very well at all and I make them ten times worse with my overactive imagination. I often look around at other people who don't seem to give a hoot about anything and I am envious.

toffee1000 · 28/03/2018 18:58

I thought I’d sent an enquiry email to the Maudsley Hospital about their ASD Psychology service. Turns out it didn’t send (was trying to do it on iPad). Better send it again. Ugh.

Fairydust26 · 28/03/2018 19:51

toffee1000 oh no well at least it’s sent now😊.

OP posts:
Lyra2018 · 29/03/2018 07:06

Yourmentalhealth I have to decide whether to go to my great aunts funeral. If I stop feeling sick by Easter Monday I'm visiting my grandma in hospital. I love art but struggling to make her a card. Feel sick, guilty, and angry. Esspesally at anything pink or that implies only boys are good with computers as my grandma worked with early computers and only thing I really remember about my aunt is her showing me toy magnets enthusiastically. I love physics but due to my dyslexia and being female my intelligence is regularly dismissed. Also, Steven hawking.. And I'm having a baby girl. Pink and girly makes me sick. I bought my grandma a. Little puzzle from medkind, nearly knocked over displays and walked out... I'm better today, just need my morning coffee.

Itsonly5oclock · 29/03/2018 07:20

I am on the downward spiral here again and I can feel myself getting too wrapped up in another something that "might" happen.
My last worry is fading into the background and I find myself moving onto the next thing.
Does anyone else do this. Can a simple conversation or comment start you off worrying?
I really don't know anyone else like me. I think I must have some kind of thought ocd if there is such a thing because I do become obsessed with a worry/idea and can't stop thinking about it.
The stupid thing is that when I think of all the things I have worried about and tormented myself with over the years, none of them have been disasters and all has turned out OK, or I have coped with the outcome. Still I can't stop myself doing it and its wearing me down.
I can't go on like this Sad


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Fairydust26 · 29/03/2018 14:35

Itsonly5oclock hugs for you I know what it’s like also when you seem to be doing okay it likes to pop up and say remember me? It’s so tiring!!!.

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Exbrummie1 · 29/03/2018 20:23

hi all. Had to re register with a slightly different user name but long time lurker and occasional poster.
Am really suffering with anxiety at the moment as my parents are arriving tomorrow for an easter visit. I can't cope with visitors especially my parents. I just have this complete sense of dread about it. Not 100% sure what triggers this but I think it's a combination of not wanting my space invaded and health anxiety (my dad although fit and well is starting to get a few problems that come with age) not really sure what i want to say here really just offloading i suppose.

Fairydust26 · 30/03/2018 19:33

Exbrummie1 hope your feeling somewhat better todayFlowers.

How’s everyone doing hoping you all have a peaceful Easter weekendEaster Smile.

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