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Mental health

Anxiety support thread anyone :)

190 replies

YommyMommy · 24/10/2012 12:51

Was wondering of anyone was interested in a anxiety support thread :D

X x

OP posts:
3plus2 · 18/11/2012 17:51

It was really horrible I really think I'm totally loosing the plot and I'm really scared :(

QuiteQuiet · 18/11/2012 19:20

Thank you, my GP is helpful, but my psycotherapist actually asked 'what would you like me to help you with?' I answered, panic attacks, flashbacks, night-terrors, overly angry/happy outbursts, unblocking bad memories and more than 3 hours sleep would be a bonus, thank you.

I see her again in 2 weeks.

3plus2 I know that feeling all too well, I some times struggle to remember my cashline number on a bad day. I hope you are getting some help.

3plus2 · 18/11/2012 20:15

No my GP is useless I never see the same one either. I can't take the meds I'm doing it all alone but I'm sure I will get there ......

YommyMommy · 18/11/2012 20:21

3 plus, you should try to see another, good, GP! It can really help have a professional put ur mind at ease!!

What ages are it LO's? Smile x x

OP posts:
QuiteQuiet · 18/11/2012 20:39


I was in the same position as you, you cannot let it go on, please try to find a doctors who is not a locum and DEMAND help. I cried lots, that helped, also a note saying 'I am going insane here' helped. Then I spoke to Practice Manager, he was my doctor when I was 10, I'm 37, I'm sticking with him, I do find however, I have to make an appointment 2 weeks in advance of asking for help.

girliefriend · 18/11/2012 20:42

Hello can I join as well please? I have had anxiety in the past to the extent that I was agrophobic but somehow got myself well and was o.kay for quite a long time but annoyingly the last couple of years a lot of the old fears are creeping back in Sad

My anxiety tends to focus around bloody toilets!! I have IBS and the thought of being somewhere and not being able to get to the loo brings on overwhelming panic. You would not believe how much thought has to go into everything I do in order to avoid being in a situation where there might not be a friggin toilet!!

Other things that make me anxious include being in the car with anyone other than my dd, I avoid being a passenger at all costs, going to the cinema - which is ridiculous as I love going to the cinema!! I really get anxious about eating out, going out for a meal would be my idea of hell. There are lots of other things as well I am sure!!

MulledWineOnTheBusLady · 18/11/2012 21:36

Marking place. My anxiety bounces backwards and forwards. Sometimes I hyperventilate at the thought of sending an email, sometimes I get through a week pretty "normally". Generally I am anxious about all work situations, any situation where I have to negotiate, and any social situation where stuff is actually riding on me. And some days I just cannot bear to even go to the shops - I find the noise and people overwhelming. I've not been sleeping the last few nights - awake like clockwork at about 3am and never get back to sleep. Not had this before. I hope I'm not entering into a new phase!

Am Sad at the number of people mentioning anxiety related to their DC's safety. I don't have any and this would be a major reason not to.

BreastmilkDoesAFabLatte · 18/11/2012 22:22

Hello. Anxious about lack of mobile phones (both broken), humungous workload in week ahead, hospital appointment in seven weeks, sudden flare-up of chronic pain, cash-flow isssssues, how I'm going to manage the journey get an essential signature from a person for a vital form (can I cope with two hours of slow and bumpy bus rides possibly standing up? would it be a kamikazi act to attempt just to cycle it? would it be financial self-annihilation to take a taxi one way?)... and I'm rrealllllllly anxious about all the stress and arguing between DH and I and the effect it'll have had on the kiddies.

I've taken half a valium but am now worrying I should have kept the tablet for more significant challenges...

3plus2 · 19/11/2012 07:42

I'm actually thinking of just walking into hospital and asking for help but I'm scared I will be sectioned or something and loose my baby :( my elder two are 4 and 8 they are at school full time. I can't take the seroxat I've been prescribed not only did it give me the worst symptoms ever and after research can cause up to 3 stone weight gain and us highly addictive ! There was even a panorama program's about it! When I phoned my GP she fobbed me off saying no no it's not known to cause drowsiness or make you feel worse - ur rubbish it says it in the damn leaflet so since then I'm not going back plus I'm too bloody scared to go back now (everyone judging me anxiety ) I'm fed up waking up and just wanting to sit in and cry all day it's ridiculous!

3plus2 · 19/11/2012 07:43

And I don't want to contact my sure start centre as I know someone who works there and I don't want her knowing what's wrong with me. :(

alwaysworriedtoo · 19/11/2012 09:29

Big hugs 3plus2. Sorry your having problems with g.p.Sad

My anxiety is still ok at moment but due to this event;
I now feel misserable as owt and keep getting weepy. I started to talk to a friend from the school and couldn't otherwise I would have blubbed in the playground, I had to tell them I would have to tell them about it later.
My back and neck feels tight and I feel crap.
I talked to dh told him I know it wasnt nice what dd said but doesn't he think there might be a bit of an over reaction? DD talks to my mum about gran did this, that and the other and gran bought this, that the other but there is never any bad feeling about it.
Dh says I will always take dd's side and that she must have said something really horrible to make his mum cry.
''I want my mummy and daddy, I want to go home. i like it at nans, you could take me and mummy and daddy could pick me up'' Was the main gist of the sentance dh finally told me'' and shed been crying a lot/fussing.
Sorry I'm repeating everything but I keep thrashing it around in my head trying to make sence of it and can't.
I think I'm going to write an email to mil and say I'm sorry that dd upset her and ask if there is anything else bothering her that she wants to get out in the open.
Sorry this isn't really an anxiety issue but just so 'aaarrrggghh' Sad

keekeeblue · 19/11/2012 09:30

Hi 3plus2, it sounds like you are really struggling at the moment. Sad Can you see another GP? Maybe you can change the medication. I am taking Paroxetine (seroxat) since March and I feel so much better for it. I have heard that the withdrawal symptoms are quite bad but as I'm feeling so well have decided to deal with it when the time comes. But there are lots of other meds you can take and it does help to have a sympathetic GP. Have you trying call MIND or Anxiety UK? Focus on your breathing when you feel things are getting out of control. Leave the room for a few minutes peace and then when you go back in try to feel a sense of calm. Easier said than done I know Smile. Thinking of you.

alwaysworriedtoo · 19/11/2012 09:31

3plus2 Can you change your g.p? Or is there a practice nurse who would maybe be more sympathetic at your surgery?

YommyMommy · 19/11/2012 09:47


How are you feeling this morning? Thinking of you Smile x x

OP posts:
3plus2 · 19/11/2012 10:17

Well managed to do asda and I survived my bank card didn't tho Grin feel really pleased I was ok in there even tho I was less then an hour . I've emailed an nhs pnd place for help hoping they may b able to point me in right direction ! I think my anxiety is too
High to take meds cause I freak when I've taken one that my throat will close up and I can't breathe! Will let you know if I hear back. Thank you so much ladies :) always worried don't worry about what dd said she is a child she doesn't realise my dd hates being away from home. keepkeeblue I'm glad the seroxat is helping you , I know I should but it made me feel most strange :(

YommyMommy · 19/11/2012 10:30

Yeah 3plus!! Well done you!!! Grin

I hope you get a response from the NHS, I'm sure you will!!

I started taking cItalopram about 4 weeks ago and can honestly say I've had no side effects, but I can totally understand your concerns re taking meds. I hate even taking pain killers, lol! Luckly I'm not sick or in pain very often Grin

Hope ur good day continues! X x

OP posts:
3plus2 · 19/11/2012 11:10

Thanks yommymommy so nice of you to take time out to talk to me Blush it really makes a difference . Glad the citalopram is working for you that's brilliant. I can't take that it made me go funny lol the only one that I'm fine with is prozac but I'm bfeeding so trying to be strong by talking to you lovely people and getting out as much as I can handle...

QuiteQuiet · 19/11/2012 12:06


Please don't be afraid of asking for help, I was but I realised I wasn't getting any alone.
I have 2 diagnoses for my head. PTSD and GAD, generalised anxiety disorder (scared of everything).

I couldn't take mitrazpine due to weight gain, but I found if I spoke with Gps about this they would suggest 'go to the gym' (another fear).

So I explained they were making my dreams horrific, so they changed me onto amytriptiline and I can now sleep at night, most nights without the night-terrors.

I was in an abusive marriage my soon to be ex loved o say 'I will tell social services on you you are mental' Hmm and 'I will drive you to kill yourself' (lovely name not)

Another fear of my is bloody GP waiting rooms, I take my phone sit in the corner and stare at my phone, I am a big fan of 'telephone consultations' but they do force me out every 3 months to their offices. Grin

I have been on most medications mentioned here and a few more, largatil was the worse, I think GP's just wanted to knock me out for a few weeks, well that's how it felt.

One thing I can say helped was a confidence group, It took me 2 years to walk through the doors only to find 13 ladies all the same as me, sadly I missed the final few weeks and lost out on many phone numbers, but this group, you can do it again and again, so I have to do it again, it's in week 6 just now, so I am not going into this one but will try the next one, next year, these ladies are fantastic, they were all nervy/anxious people and what they say makes so much sense, I did fell confident every Thursday for a while Grin

I even managed to go a 'date', see I cannot even date men as I am fine via telephone, internet but when it comes to meeting them, I shake, uncontrollably, it's horrid.

Anyway, a few weeks back I was certain I was having a nervous breakdown, my mind was racing, I couldn't stop crying, so I took myself to the GP.

I told him 'I am insane, I talk to myself, my mind goes at 100mph and I cannot stop thinking so sometimes find I talking to myself Blush' I then told him 'I think I need locked up by the men in white coats do you?'

He spoke to me about my worries and life and broke it all down for me and he made so much sense, so I have no over-night answers to my problems and no medications can fix me immediately, I need a therapist, to take all my blocked boxes in my brain and talk it all out, then he thinks I will be okay. I hope he is correct. I also old him 'I am hyperactive, I cannot sit still' he explained I was not hyperactive I was overly stressed, so I am working on relaxation, angry outbursts and a few other things next week with my therapist.

His final words on me leaving were 'Quite, you are NOT MAD/INSANE' I whimpered 'thank you' then off I went and started talking to myself again...Hmm

I am big fan of hiding in the house, not facing life, internet shopping, anything so I don't go out, everyone is now trying to 'get me out' it is difficult but when I get out I am usually okay.

I know it is horrid asking for help with your head and I worry a lot also but sometimes we all need to ask for help and you have done the correct thing.

Hello everyone else, I hope you are having a good day, I am, I'm allowed to stay locked indoors until Thursday. Hmm I will worry about that on Wednesday.

MulledWineOnTheBusLady · 19/11/2012 12:15

Quite I'm having a day at home too. I shouldn't be. Sad I have something I'm supposed to go to this afternoon but I can't manage it today, it's too much. Too many worries running round my head. So now I feel guilty about not going to the thing as well.

I really hate being like this for poor DP. He puts up with so much when I'm constantly pinging around between anxiety/guilt/tearfulness about a million different things. I am quite boring to live with sometimes. Sad

QuiteQuiet · 19/11/2012 13:01


Don't be sad, I am the most boring person alive I think.

Can you not talk yourself into doing your thing this afternoon?

MulledWineOnTheBusLady · 19/11/2012 13:03

Too late now, Quite. I should've left ages ago.

I've kind of talked myself into being ok about not doing it though. That is progress. Usually I would spend the whole of the rest of the day wracked with guilt and self-loathing that I didn't go, which is completely pointless because then I can't do anything else useful instead.

QuiteQuiet · 19/11/2012 13:03

Are you on any medication?


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MulledWineOnTheBusLady · 19/11/2012 13:05

No, I have been in the past but it doesn't make much difference TBH. I also think it may have been partly responsible for some not very good side effects.

QuiteQuiet · 19/11/2012 13:06

I do this often. Have little talks in my head and somehow manage to put most things off, unless necessary. I have 2 things to do on thursdsay, on is must GP's.

The other should be a must, but I am sitting right now saying 'what's the point?'. I don't know if this is just my mood today, but I think I will back out!

You're not alone. many people feel like this.

MulledWineOnTheBusLady · 19/11/2012 13:07

Thanks for asking though. Smile I'm going to get on with a bit of work and tidying, I think. I'm lucky in that I am studying at the moment (which wouldn't be possible without DP), so if I don't want to go out I can at least get on with some work at home.

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