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Mental health

Anxiety support thread anyone :)

190 replies

YommyMommy · 24/10/2012 12:51

Was wondering of anyone was interested in a anxiety support thread :D

X x

OP posts:
AppleCrumples · 31/10/2012 14:45

toms I think the build up to things and feeling trapped are the worst things with anxiety. Took ds2 to a party today had to go in with him and felt all panicked and practically ran out! Then I got all worked up about seeing mw and that was fine once I got there!

jubbly I have no idea how to linky but if you look on ante natal threads the jan 2013 is there it's the one where we are nearer the end... Yes join now. Everyone is going through the same things which is helpful x

Henners1 · 31/10/2012 22:28

Evening everyone, ive had my first glimpse today that everything might just be ok and I might just make it out of this slump. Hopefully it's the new tablets that are working.

Hope everyone is doing ok, really hope that I don't wake up tomorrow back to square one x

alwaysworriedtoo · 01/11/2012 10:50

good news henners! I am again ok. I worked out that I peaked 10 days before my period is due. I think this is around ovulation time. I now have achy boobs (another side affect of a.f!) about a weekish before I am due. I am wondering if my hormones are not having an effect?
Thge only proper 'panick' I have had is when i dropped off d.d at mums for babysitting and she was cooking puddings on gas, they were all in the kitchen it was very stiffling and hot and when we left I wanted to take back our carbon monoxide tester. hubby wouldn't let me so I sent mum a text telling her (grin) to 'make sure you keep the room ventalated because you dont want to get carbon monoxide poisoning' Mum was ok about this and agreed telling me she had opened the window more. I did actually relax after this. But I was cross with hubby for a bit because he had poo-poohed my wanting to lend them our tester!
I also didn't want to finish a drink after I noticed the glass was dirty (we'd gone to a pub)
But! I diod drink a very strange drink with glitter in it! It had glittery bits j2o sparkle or something and I actually drank it all. I forgot to look to see if I had sparkly erm... (toilety stuff!) afterwards though!
When we went to pick up dd the room felt a lot better, and everyone was fine!
Iv'e not done anything aboutn the counceling yet. have decided to wait and stick to my original plan. hopefully then I will have more facts of triggers to tell doc!

Henners1 · 02/11/2012 17:46

Things don't seem to be getting better. Took my son to the doctors tonight and thought I was going to freak out. Managed to wait it out but this doesn't give me any sense of achievement.

I just don't get it. Up unti a month ago I was fine. I'd had anxiety for 7 years but I'd always managed it,in fact the longest anxiety attack I'd ever had was an hour and then I managed to get out of it. Now it's like theres some kind of fog that i just can't lift. Like my heads really heavy and I could topple over at any minute - does that sound odd? I'm just so frustrated with it!

YommyMommy · 02/11/2012 20:41

Hi henners,

Have you just started taking meds?? Don't have time to read all the threads again right now, but I'd that's the case apparently they can increase ur anxiety in the first few weeks!

How are you feeling tonight? X x

OP posts:
Henners1 · 02/11/2012 21:01

I was on citralopram for 7 years, they switched me o sertraline but after 3 wks I felt awful so a few days ago they changed me to fluoxetine.

I'm pretty restless tonight and spaced out. Only having 3hrs sleep last night because my son isnt well probably doesn't help though. I just need to know this will get better as I'm slowly losing hope!

Ahhhtetley · 02/11/2012 21:14

Another one here too Smile

I'm booked in to see a councillor via work soon so I'll let you know how I get on.

I've had panic attacks and anxiety for about 3 years now. Started at work and for about the last 2 years its stayed at work, however it's now started to creep into my private life. I had a panic attack to and from Tunisia on the plane so it's put me off flying. Sad Plus various other bouts of anxiety.

I take Propanlol as and when I need it at work which is why I think it's been getting progressively worse. I use it for stage fright and to get me through stressful situations. I reckon I'm now using it as a crutch, which I can't chuck away right now.

Are there any others our there that work full time and deal with panic attacks and anxiety?

YommyMommy · 02/11/2012 21:16

It will get better henners. 3 hrs sleep is really not enough and you know it makes anxiety much worse!!

Your being really hard on yourself! You should b impressed for sitting it out at doctors surgery with DS! Be a little kinder to yourself! It's tough when our kids are sick :(

You will get better henners! X x

OP posts:
YommyMommy · 02/11/2012 21:21

Hi tetly,

Yeah I work full time and deal with anxiety! It's not great, but I get through! Going through a really tough time right now and have just started on AD's. Would this b an option for you? X x

OP posts:
Ahhhtetley · 03/11/2012 21:19

Hi YM I haven't ever taken ADs as I'm not classed as depressed. Just right royally pissed off with the situation. I know it's all in my head and anxiety never hurt anyone but I can't for the life of me tell my head that Angry

Henners1 · 03/11/2012 22:25

Hi Tetley, hope you don't mind me butting me. I'm not depressed either, although you would think that anxiety is enough to make anyone feel depressed. There is still medication you can take. When I first started getting anxiety I didnt see how medication could help what was going on inside my head but it's a chemical imbalance so it really can. I would definitely go and see your gp x

YommyMommy · 04/11/2012 08:27

I second what henners said. My doctor said I didn't have depression either, but the anxiety was making everything a struggle and making my mood low. Just wish I had gotten help sooner Sad

OP posts:
YommyMommy · 05/11/2012 10:20

Morning ladies,

How is everyone? X x

OP posts:
Ahhhtetley · 05/11/2012 16:15

Afternoon Smile

Thanks for the responses, I'm a bit hesitant to visit my GP as myself and my dH are going through the adoption process and your medical history is well and truly scrutinised...

I've had an ok day at work today. I had 3 days off last week due to a bug and I'm usually terrified of going back to work after time off but it went well. Only one small wobble in a meeting so all is well.

How is everyone else?

alwaysworriedtoo · 06/11/2012 20:41

Im Great! I honestly am.
I managed to cook food for a bonfire party and didn't freak out when...
a; water from the sink may or may not have splashed into the onion pan.
b; some chips fell out of the tray and went onto the oven door whilst I was turning them and my mum put them back into the tray.
c; d.d. was tipping sweets onto her grubby mittens and eating them.
d; I wasn't sure if the coffee had been opened by dh or was unsealed and it got used.
Also nobody (as far as we know) got poisoned!
Maybe at another time of the month I would have freaked and ...
a; chucked onions out and made fresh.
b;threw the fallen chips away.(my mum actually ate some off the oven door as well so she is obviously a sensible (sane) woman!)
c;Told her to 'stop' not let her eat the ones she had tipped out, given her a small saucer or kitchen roll to put sweets on.Or even 'save your sweets till later'!
d; chucked coffee out after buying a replacement possibly secretly Blush

Also Mil brought d.d a set of panflutes and after she had tried them told us that the man had demonstrated them and 'everyone' had tried them and no-one could make them work. This morning I gave them a wipe over and held them for a short while over the kettle steam!

Hope lots of you out there are o.k too Smile

keekeeblue · 07/11/2012 16:03

Hi Always

It's great to hear you are feeling so well and coping with all your anxieties. I am very happy for you.

I'm also having a good week. I've been really busy with lots of errands to run and appointments with osteopath, counsellor, etc. Maybe this has helped.

Although I have just invited my parents for dinner in a couple of weeks so I am sure the run up to that will be anxiety riddenn and stressful (due to their toxic parenting and my mother's constant put-downs).

Taking each day at a time and hoping tomorrow will also be happy.

Take care Always x

alwaysworriedtoo · 07/11/2012 19:36

Keekee, glad you are having a good week too!
Hope everything goes okay with your dinner. It's awful and arkward when you don't know what someone is likely to say, and you know that its probably going to be condescending.
I, a few weeks ago offended mil but dh thinks she might have been off with him too for some unknown reason. I was dreading them coming on bonfire night and wondered if I should say anything or just avoid her, but, instead I talked to her very chattily as if nothing had happened, it felt as if I was being too forced, but it helped me get over the arkwardness and she soon was talking to me like she used to normally(I ignored all the things that normally make me grump in my head =what she does that I wouldn't normally allowetc) It was almost like pretending nothing had happened. I told dh she was ok with me even before she had drank the wine! He was glad!
I know your situation is different, but what if you maybe 'pretended' that you had to ignore all the bad stuff, like been an actress, for every put down come back with some sort of compliment?
I think sometimes people don't realise what affect they have on people especially parents.
My upbringing was particullary strict, more than my brothers and I use to get so confused trying to 'second guess' what they were trying to telll me in a roundabout way and then getting all upset and confused because I really didn't understand what the problem was with what I was doing/not doing!
I resolved to be honest and straightforward with any children i ever had and not skirt around an issue with hints and nudges where you have to get all the clues right! (I actually have a wonderful relationship with my parents, I think in part because I accepted my upbringing, learned from it, and moved on. I know I am really lucky to have been able to do this)
Sorry! What a waffle!
back to the piont!
I think keeping busy definatly helps, as does seeing each day as fresh.
Hope all stays well for you!

alwaysworriedtoo · 07/11/2012 19:51

Just thinking about my family... I wonder if anxiety/depression is hereditory or can be in our genetic make up? (is that the same thing?)
My dad has been to gp with depression once that I know of a few years ago and other things that he does I notice I do too. Learned behavior maybe? For example if I buy some new product to eat I will often keep the packet for a few days 'just in case' I noticed my dad does this though he actually keeps a little of the product as well. Re checking stuff ie doors locked?, 'what did that say?'( HAVE to know other wise itll bug me), who opened the milk?. Wierd little stuff...
I know sometimes I will say or do something and dh will say 'its a 'my maiden name-ism' (Like ' A Jonesism')
One of my brothers also used to have a thing about washing his hands, at the time I thought it was because of his occupation and things he had to do in his job he was doing also at home, but maybe again an ocd thing...
I may have to do some more research...

Henners1 · 07/11/2012 20:46

Hi everyone hope you are well, apparently anxiety/depression is hereditary, my dad has suffered for years so reckon that's where i get it from.

Well I went to a group anxiety cbt session Monday. It turned into anarchy. The bloke that runs it basically told me that he doesn't believe my legs turning to jelly, which is what happens when I have a bad attack, is real as this is uncommon so there must be something else going on. He also doesn't beleive in drugs as they just mask the problems and the doctor telling me to breath into a paper bag is ridiculous. He also told 3 members of the group that there anxieties, which stem from their bosses at work, would best be solved by a tribunal and this probably wasn't the place for them. He then told the group that we talked too much amongst ourselves, sharing stories and sympathising, and he was there to do a job so we needed to stop! One girl ran crying from the room.

The good thing to come out of it is that I met 2 really nice people and we've been I touch since the session, but methinks that he might be in the wrong job x

keekeeblue · 08/11/2012 10:03

Oh my god! Henners that would put me off therapy for life - what an awful condescending person. He is DEFINITELY in the wrong job! Where is the compassion and empathy. Have you reported him? Hope you are OK x

Hi Always, it's really interesting that anxiety is hereditary - I think both my parents have mental health issues but have never accepted them or asked for help. Good tip though about coming back with a compliment I will try that. It seems whenever I am in the company of my parents I revert back to being a child, not in a childish way, but I just nod and only talk about things I know won't rock the boat so to speak. I was never aloud my own opinion as a child and still feel now that if I have a different opinion to theirs they don't like it and get angry. Unfortunately I have till next Sunday to worry about it. But like you say today is a new day and I am feeling good and even have a plan to do ironing and housework! though obviously MN takes priority!! Grin thanks for the advice and hope you have a good day x

AppleCrumples · 11/11/2012 14:23


henners that guy sounds awful. I have done group cbt before and it works best if those in the group feel they have some support and are free to talk. Obviously there is stuff they are trying to teach/explain but some calm flexibility would clearly be more helpful! Is it through nhs? Is there anyone you can compain to?

I had been feeling quite ok recently but felt rotten and anxious this morning. Think it's because during the week we have a proper routine witg school etc and I have the day to clean and try to eat/ relax when I need to. But weekends are hard! I am 30 weeks pg and tired and achey and uncomfortable and dp works weekends so it's just me and 3 dcs and I feel guilty that at the mo I'm not doing much with them and we hardly go out!

This pg was a huge shock and I have to admit that at times I feel trapped by it, like I could cope and get out and about with dcs if I only had my body back to myself :(

AnAirOfHopeForSnow · 14/11/2012 14:33

my phone is not working i cant contact oh and i have to go pick ds up from school but i think im having a panic attack.

Im shaking and feel sick and dont want to go out of house.

what do i do


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YommyMommy · 14/11/2012 14:59

Tell the panic to fuck right off!! Remember it CANNOT harm you other than make you feel like utter shit!!!

X x

OP posts:
AnAirOfHopeForSnow · 14/11/2012 16:23

I went and got son. Im not normaly that bad :(

  1. O forgot it was show and tell day for ds
  2. I was just told he is not in school tomoro as its a polling station
  3. I needed to give them £2 for the tickets to see my ds be a camel in the school play
  4. Ds has another party invite to another party he 'must' go to because 'they like me mum i have to go' lol

    Im antisocial and have depression. I also have a hyper three year old son and an 11 month old dd and a disabled dh.

    I think im about to lose the plot and i sooo need to be able to cope right now.

    and breath. :)

    Thank you for reading
3plus2 · 14/11/2012 16:54

Anyone here still? Is it too late to join? I have just had third dc 3 months ago and have pnd :( and anxiety. I have a meeting next week with work and I'm terrified I really don't want to go . I'm convinced all the attention will be on me all faces staring at me ! I keep telling myself they are going to sack me I don't think they are but I'm convinced that they are and I feel so sick . Every time I wake In the morning it enters my head with utter dread its making me so miserable :(

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