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May 30 Day Shred - come one, come all

439 replies

yadahyadah · 30/04/2014 21:07

Logging my daily JM fix and getting advice and motivation has been great over the past two months so here is a thread for all those of you who want to do the same again or for the first time. Come on, summer's nearly here and your butt's got Jillian's name on it Smile

OP posts:
StuntNun · 04/05/2014 20:11

Tesco have the Shred DVD for £5 including delivery afaik.

Cocolepew · 04/05/2014 22:07

It's the same on Amazon.

MsIngaFewmarbles · 05/05/2014 10:51

A bit late to the party but can I join you? I did 30DS 2 years ago along with Paul McKenna and lost 2 stone. I am now a stone heavier than that starting weight :(

Day1 of 30DS done, my arms and legs are shaking but I do feel good. I only managed about 2/3rds of it but I can build up from here right? I was planning on doing lots of fruit and veg and lean meat/fish with whole meal carbs IYSWIM. What results would anyone expect if I make it through the 30 days?

Everyone sounds like they are doing so well :)

tabulahrasa · 05/05/2014 10:56

30DSL2D3 done

I started by doing as much as I could manage and still be able to walk the next day, I just did an extra bit each day until I could make it through the whole thing and then I've been counting since then.

I don't know about weight as I'm doing a diet as well, but I go down clothes sizes quicker and I'm definitely more toned...and I have arm muscles, I mean not impressive ones, but they exist, which I didn't think they did, lol.

MsIngaFewmarbles · 05/05/2014 11:02

I have just measured so I can compare at the end. I want to cry :(

Lambzig · 05/05/2014 12:01

Just completed RI30 L1D6. Do I have to go to level 2 now. I must say I really like this level, I love the skaters and the hops and the running man and I usually loathe the cardio bits.

Two of those 4lb seem to have come off despite me eating like a pig out for most of the weekend.

Lambzig · 05/05/2014 12:02

MsInga, I lost 17cm off my waist in just over five weeks. It gets results quickly.

AreYouFeelingLucky · 05/05/2014 12:08

I'm going to start this week!

I've never attempted any JM before, but I'm being optimistic. I've bought the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, and messed about with it yesterday. The camera shouts at you for not doing the positions right, which is a bit daunting!

I've got about a stone, a stone and a half to lose, but I've lost all my toning over the years. I'm hoping that this will help get it back.


StuntNun · 05/05/2014 12:46

30DS L3D8 done.

leesmum · 05/05/2014 13:05

Wow Stuntnun I'm impressed, have you done everyday and are you seeing changes to your body?

PrivateBenjamin · 05/05/2014 13:20

Hooray I found you!

I am on Day 9 of Level 1 of the Shred. My fitness level was somewhere around dead slug before I started. I had to stop Day 1 twice to lie on the floor and concentrate on not dying. I put myself in the recovery position and everything.

Now I love it, I even woke up early this morning to get my shred in. Has anybody else found their knees hurting? Mine hurt after the first few days so I went really gently after that (I took a few rest days, followed Anita and really concentrated on my form) and it seems to be getting stronger but I wondered if there were other knee exercises to do to strengthen them up.

Has anybody noticed on the first set of lunges with bicep curl, when Jillian goes over to Anita you can see Natalie in the background cheating ? She just does the arms and not the lunge. It makes me feel better when I do either the legs or the arms in the anterior raise with side lunge at the end, that one kills me.

tabulahrasa · 05/05/2014 13:39

I don't spend that much time looking at the screen, I'm mostly concentrating on not keeling over, be fair I have a very love hate relationship with all of them anyway, so I'm not sure if Natalie cheating is a good or a bad thing.

I found my knees a bit twingy to start with, but I stopped trying to do it in my bare feet and put something between my knees and the floor for my pathetic push ups and they've been loads better and mostly they've just got stronger as I've done it longer.

Babesh · 05/05/2014 13:40

Ha ha private b - you describe at great first session:) I do enjoy the sessions too. Don't look like Gillian yet though- maybe it takes longer than a week huh

Babesh · 05/05/2014 13:43

My would tell you to check your knees don't come forward when you squat... Very bad like Gillian says apparently.

MsIngaFewmarbles · 05/05/2014 13:56

17cms? Wow that's amazing, well done. What about the rest of you? Did you measure anything else?

PrivateBenjamin · 05/05/2014 14:22

Agree with the love/ hate thing, some days I happily chat along to Jillian, others I curse at her. I'm finding it strangely addictive.

I am careful not to put my knee over my toes and have been putting a cushion under my knees when I do my "push ups" (I should call them "flop downs" really - I will try the box push ups the OP suggested tomorrow), My knees are definitely hurting less as time goes on, maybe it's just because I have never really done any exercise before so the muscular support is weak.

MsInga I haven't lost a pound since starting but I have lost a couple of inches off my waist at least. It's amazing how fast it works.

Lambzig · 05/05/2014 18:58

Hi, yes lots off' but the waist measurement was the most drastic. Overall have gone from rapidly heading for a size 16 to a small 12. Still weigh too much though.

AmeliaToppingLovesShopping · 05/05/2014 19:23

Brilliant results so far lambzig.

Waiting to put the DDs to bed before doing shred. Might even do L2D1 eek! :)

hinkyhonk · 05/05/2014 19:30

I've fallen off the wagon. Only shredded twice in the last week. Arse. Nearly finished level 2 so need a big push to finish. Any ideas for motivating factors?

StuntNun · 05/05/2014 19:34

Leesmum not every day, not even close, I started at the beginning of April iirc. I have seen big changes actually: noticeable biceps, triceps are toned so bingo wings are gone, top part of my abdomen is flatter, lower part is coming in incrementally. The biggest difference is to my legs which were flabby in a skinny-fat kind of way but are now looking more shapely than flabby. There is still work to be done but there is definitely progress. I have also dropped from a size 12 to a size 10 without losing any weight so I guess that shows how much toning is possible. The changes you can't see are probably more remarkable; that overall improvement in strength, balance and flexibility that makes everything else easier such as climbing upstairs, running around after the children. I helped my FIL move a sofa last week and not only was I much stronger to be able to lift it, but I didn't break a sweat or get out of breath. You do see the progress as you do the DVDs as well, for example the double jump rope on level 2 seemed impossible at first but now I do it in the level 3 warm up and it's no problem. When I finish my first time through the shred I'm going to work on my press ups and sit ups since I'm horrendous at those then start again from the beginning, trying to emulate Natalie a bit more.

leesmum · 05/05/2014 19:59

Good idea Stuntnun best to just go at your own pace, no good going mad and then ending up with an injury! Lambzig thats brilliant , im loving hearing about how well everyone has done, did day 8 of 30 DS L1 earlier on and it is getting easier, press ups are sooooo hard though but im still managing 5 and then doing the modified ones!!! Im not bothered about losing loads of weight but need toning up, especially legs and arms.

MsIngaFewmarbles · 05/05/2014 20:05

Lambzig that is fantastic. How long did it take you to get from 16-12? I'm starting at 18-20 :(


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GwladysFrightandthePups · 05/05/2014 21:14

Here you are! Sorry I'm late, can I still join in?

I started the shred today - like a pp I weighed and measured myself this morning and nearly cried. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and a stone or more heavier than DP (in my defence though he is quite small and I did only give birth 8 months ago!)

Didn't find it too bad, apart from the press ups which I just can't do. No upper body strength at all - definitely hoping this will change. I had been planning to do it every day for the 30 but having read through the thread will now try to have a rest day or two every week.

In terms of diet, I'm cutting down (drastically) on sweet stuff, which is my downfall. But don't want to go too mad as I'm still breastfeeding. Will try to eat more protein than carbs as well though, and plenty of veg.

I'm just using tins of beans for weights though - should I get proper ones? Didn't buy them with the DVD as I thought my mum had some I could have but she's given them away.

Good luck everyone - hopefully we'll all see results soon!

BrianButterfield · 05/05/2014 21:46

Some good results here! I did 30ds L1d5 today - have been alternating with running too.

Am down a couple of pounds but more importantly definitely fitter - more stamina, feel stronger and more energised in general. L1 now feeling very "doable" also side lunges with anterior raises still kill me. I have 2kg weights though. Dh said he can see more definition in my body already and my mum tum is shrinking. I love and hate Jillian in equal measure!

ErrolTheDragon · 05/05/2014 22:44

Well done everyone!
Gwladys - yes, do get some weights. You may want to keep the beans handy for the anterior raises for a while though Wink. Somewhere between 2-3kg works for most people I think. You might want to get a couple of sizes.

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