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May 30 Day Shred - come one, come all

439 replies

yadahyadah · 30/04/2014 21:07

Logging my daily JM fix and getting advice and motivation has been great over the past two months so here is a thread for all those of you who want to do the same again or for the first time. Come on, summer's nearly here and your butt's got Jillian's name on it Smile

OP posts:
yadahyadah · 06/05/2014 21:20

areyoufeelinglucky you can either do it tomorrow and break through the pain barrier or you can leave it a day to give your body time to heal. Have you come to Rin30 new or off the back of Shred? I think most of the JM experts on the thread equate L1 of Ripped with L3 of Shred, so if you are doing it from scratch, take it easy on yourself or switch to Shred which you can get level1 of on youtube. Good luck from a fellow abs dodger.

OP posts:
Fubble · 06/05/2014 21:20

So just finished 30DS L1D1. I was so fed up procrastinating that tonight I just did it.
Ow, ow and ooh the shakes is how I feel just about now!! Confused

BUT the important thing is I did it. Now to keep going. I've really been enjoying reading peoples stories on here - it's a real encouragement/kick in the backside Wink

leesmum · 06/05/2014 21:28

Well done Fubble

StuntNun · 06/05/2014 21:28

30DS L2D9 done but I'm knackered today after a hard day of baby-wrangling so I followed Anita on two exercises I normally follow Natalie for.

Level 2 is a step up from level 1 but it's more fun too. When you get to the plank jacks you will cry and fall over but by the time you get to level 3 they will be a whole lot easier so it's a satisfying progression each day too.

StuntNun · 06/05/2014 21:29

D'oh typo that should be L3D9!

PrivateBenjamin · 06/05/2014 21:32

Ok Leesmum I'll take one for the team tomorrow and report back Wink

I might swap my 2kg weights for tins of beans though.

PrivateBenjamin · 06/05/2014 21:35

Oooh what are you going to do next StuntNun? You've almost graduated from the shred!

MsIngaFewmarbles · 06/05/2014 22:11

Well done fubble :)

MsIngaFewmarbles · 06/05/2014 22:12

Well done fubble :)

ErrolTheDragon · 06/05/2014 22:43

I actually like plank jacks .... I think when I first did L2 I was just so pleased that there weren't any regular press-ups that I was happy with the planky things!

ThePowerOfMe · 07/05/2014 07:46

I've just got back into it (again!) I've had a break for a week and I think I'm meant to be on L1D6 but I'm going to count it as L1D3.

StuntNun · 07/05/2014 08:13

I like plank jacks too Errol... now that I can do them! I'm still not keen on mountain climbers though.

Private I actually have two more days of shred as I only did two days on level 1. When I'm done with my 30 days I'm going to cycle through the levels for a bit of variation and mix it up with kettlebells and Pilates in between. I had a few days off over Easter and decided to ease myself back in with level 1 only I realised level 1 was still an awesome workout for me because I was following Natalie more apart from the dreaded press-ups and using heavier weights than the first time round.

StuntNun · 07/05/2014 08:13

Sorry that should have read eight days on level 1. Serious sleep dep here sideways glance at the amazing non-sleeping toddler.

ErrolTheDragon · 07/05/2014 08:23

I'm even OK with mountain climbers now. Squat thrusts OTOH... don't think I'm ever going to be flexible enough for those. (I'm 53 so I don't expect total miracles! Grin)

GandTnow · 07/05/2014 08:57

Well last night a bunch of friends said that I was looking trim and fit! Whoop!!!! I then may have causally taken off my cardi so they could admire my sculpted arms Grin!

So far I've lost 1/2 stone and three 1/2 inches off my tummy - major area where worked needed to be done. It would be wrong to celebrate this with a cream cake?!

StuntNun · 07/05/2014 09:33

30DS L3D10 done. One more session to go!

GwladysFrightandthePups · 07/05/2014 09:53

Well done Stunt! Can I ask, and sorry if you've already said earlier in the thread - it's been a while since I read the whole lot, what difference you've seen in weight / tone? I've just done L1 D3 and I could do with the motivation!

It was pretty tough again today, but as I'm still aching from the last two days so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The first circuit is worst - push ups then the jumping jacks and skipping rope thing - I've had to stop every time so far. Jillian would not be happy. Tell me it gets easier?!

ErrolTheDragon · 07/05/2014 11:30

glwadys - It does get easier - those aching muscles are getting stronger!
I hated the jacks and jump rope together so just swapped them around with the other moves - so I'd done everything just in a different combination. Also, having read more about HIIT I started to do the cardio parts as hard as possible (rather than pacing myself to survive the whole two mins), hitting the pause button to recover between the moves.

StuntNun · 07/05/2014 12:05

No difference in weight Gwladys but my BMI is 21.5 at the moment so I don't really need to lose any more weight than I already have through diet. I have quite definitely dropped a clothes size from 12 to 10, the top part of my tummy is flatter and the lower part of my tummy is coming in gradually but I have had two caesearean sections so there's more work to do there than others might have. My arms (I have biceps!), legs and butt are more toned and I'm sure my shoulders and back probably look better thank they did. The one thing the shred isn't great for is the internal abs (for narrowing the waist) so I have been doing the stomach vacuum as well to work on that area. I also need extra work on my press-ups and sit-ups so I'm going to focus on those once I finish my 30 days then start again and try and work up to sticking with Natalie all the way.

yadahyadah · 07/05/2014 12:51

Rin30 L2D2 - flipping heck it's hard. As yesterday was my first day on L2 I was holding back in the moves in order to protect joints etc but today I gave it a bit more welly and man, I was pretty f'd by circuit 2.

OP posts:
AreYouFeelingLucky · 07/05/2014 18:53

No, I'm new. I'm glad it's not just me that considers it hard!

I didn't feel it too much this morning, only when I kneel down, but by this afternoon my legs and back are aching.

It's all worthwhile, right!?

PrivateBenjamin · 07/05/2014 19:58

Today I did L2D1. It wasn't as scary as I was expecting! There was definitely a step up from Level 1, but it was doable (with occasional swapping of weights for tins of beans). My only issue is that it presupposes that you are coordinated and can move your arms and legs independently of each other in rhythm, and I can't. My arms were flailing all over the place with the ice skaters. Fun though!

This is a nice supportive thread. Everyone is doing so well! Smile


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tabulahrasa · 07/05/2014 20:11

Lol at's the oblique twists that get me, I'm so glad I can't see myself flailing away.

Level 2 is definitely harder work I think, but, not in the oh dear god what have I done to my body way that starting to begin with was.

yadahyadah · 07/05/2014 20:58

L2 of shred was great for making me feel really strong by the end of it. It is really great for that.
areyoufeelinglucky keep it up it is worth it for sure. we are going to be smokin' by the end of this Smile

OP posts:
Fubble · 07/05/2014 21:07

Woke up this morning feeling grand but as the day wore my thighs in particular we're starting to feel stiff and sore. Was totally dreading doing 30DS L1D2.
But, warned husband no mockery was allowed at the state of me attempting some of these moves (he finds GG boobs hilarious during star jumps!) and I did it. Feel tired, warm and sweaty but I didn't :)
Going to reward myself with watching the new 24 now. Woo and indeed hoo!!

Thanks for listening folks :)

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