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May 30 Day Shred - come one, come all

439 replies

yadahyadah · 30/04/2014 21:07

Logging my daily JM fix and getting advice and motivation has been great over the past two months so here is a thread for all those of you who want to do the same again or for the first time. Come on, summer's nearly here and your butt's got Jillian's name on it Smile

OP posts:
Sorelip · 02/05/2014 13:05

I can't remember what day of level 3 I'm on. Jillian has destroyed me, in a good way. I tried KB & T which was painful and the kick boxing workout which damn near killed me.

Doing sod all diet wise at the moment. I'm trying to make other changes in my life, so eating habits can wait a little while.

Babesh · 02/05/2014 13:07

I hope so Errol, hmm might wander over to the 5:2 thread but when that would show commitment:) I did do it but with no knowledge and poor practice ( six low cal hot chocolates a day and a chunk of cheese) plus fruit and carrot sticks! Worked though!

tabulahrasa · 02/05/2014 13:18

I'm not finding that the shred is really helping with the weightloss - I've had some great weeks, but then the week after I stay the same, so it evens out to about what I was losing before.

I feel and look better though since starting it, so I'm quite pleased.

I also can't really moan about weight loss as I have lost 3 st 12 in the last 6 or 7 months.

I've been thinking about doing C25K as well, but I need to teach the dog that running doesn't mean please come and bounce on me and he's not been well this week so I'm putting it off a bit.

hinkyhonk · 02/05/2014 15:01

Just found you Blush ahem

I've still got l2d8 to do so I've not doing very well in April to get the whole shred done mostly due to long working hours knocking out 3 days a week. Still I'm getting on with level 2 and not grunting at every move now! And I'm lost cm but not weight (ignores extra pound or two on the scales today) for me it's more about shape than numbers but I do have a wedding to go to on 30th which I'd like to look great at so I'll be portion watching and snack cutting this month

GandTnow · 02/05/2014 15:41

Right, that's level 3 of Ri30 done - should I be worried about level 4? Gulp! Can't say i found level 3 easy (still a wobbly from it actuallyBlush!)

Perhaps it was harder today as I had 2 year old DD 'helping me', in other words doing a rolly polly on the mat and jumping on my back during down faced dog position! Fun times!

AmeliaToppingLovesShopping · 02/05/2014 15:54

I started C25K last year but my shins started to hurt so stopped. I'm hoping to get proper running shoes fitted and then will start again.

StuntNun · 02/05/2014 17:29

30DS L3D6 done. Almost there!

Babesh · 02/05/2014 17:49

Amelia I know nothing about whether this is often true but my bil was plagued with shin issues and then bought into the whole barefoot running movement. He has had no problems since and runs faster too.

ErrolTheDragon · 02/05/2014 18:36

Amelia - apart from getting shoes that suit your feet, another thing that could make a difference is the surface you're running on. I do a little on and off, was OK on a roughish grass towpath but running on pavements gave me hip pain (not just while I was doing it, was affecting things like walking or getting on a bike). I thought it was simply the hardness but a friend who is a serious runner (she's done a couple of 100K, no typo!) said that uneven surfaces can be kinder than level ones because you're not pounding in exactly the same way each stride. (maybe there's something similar going on with barefoot running?)

AmeliaToppingLovesShopping · 02/05/2014 20:24

That's interesting. Babesh what sort of surface does you BIL run on?

Errol I was running on either pavement or a path around the local national trust property, a lot of which was a muddy track. I can't remember if one was worse than the other.

Babesh · 03/05/2014 00:07

He pounds pavements usually but that just reflects where he runs rather than a preference. He got shin and knee problems before he changed his style and shoes.

Errol-100k? Wow

Babesh · 03/05/2014 10:04

Ok so making up for last night' take out got up and shredded. You are right Errol I can kind of do the bum out sideways lunge if I don't move my arms and really concentrate, am dividing it and doing arms and legs separately or nothing gets exercised! Am dreadfully uncoordinated... Will improve. Press ups are coming, easier with a solid middle and hurting my hip less.

I peeped at level 2, cardio intro fine but those walk out press ups, I can't touch my toes am no where near so it won't be pretty. My single biggest fitness fail is flexibility, I have non and it takes me weeks or practise to reach my ankles when straight legged. Pregnancy is the only time I have a bit of give!

Anyway am generally inspired so thanks all...I want to be where you are Stuntnun ( excellent name)

Lambzig · 03/05/2014 10:27

Well, I am very fed up as on RI30 L1D5 and I have put on 4lb since Monday. I measure exactly the same, but it can't be muscle can it? (I did 30DS straight before). I had been bragging on the April thread on Monday that I lost 11lb and many cm on 30DS, and now I have put half the weight back on.

I haven't been eating to excess, no meals out or drinking, just veg soups and low carb dinners, so I just don't understand.

Must say I am glad I did 30DS first as I think RI30 is much harder, but less boring so far.

Off to sulk.

StuntNun · 03/05/2014 11:23

Is it your time of the month Lambzig? I can easily gain 2-3 lb due to water retention around that time.

30DS L3D7 done and man am I sweaty!

tabulahrasa · 03/05/2014 11:45

30DSL2D2 done

Babesh - I bend my knees for the walk out ones...she says to do that if you're not flexible and I'm very not flexible.

BetterWithCheese · 03/05/2014 12:46

30DS L1D7 done. I did two consecutive days last week and hurt my shoulder so going to just do it on alternate days for a bit. I have quite mobile joints normally plus the leftover relaxin means I need to be quite careful about form and u find that harder when I'm already tired. Going to start buggy fit classes next week as well. I did a sneaky measure and have lost an inch from all my measurements but no weight. To be honest, I really don't care so long as the inches keep going down, especially from my horrible post-baby stomach.

AmeliaToppingLovesShopping · 03/05/2014 13:31

I did day 10 of the shred today, 6 in a row. Will have tomorrow off. Not sure whether to do level 1 again on Monday or move up to level 2.

Lambzing I put on 1.5lbs the week before my last period. I had been away for the weekend and wasn't overly careful but didn't think I had eaten that much! The following week I lost 5.5lbs so keeping going.

Walk out press ups do not sound fun!

ErrolTheDragon · 03/05/2014 22:35

Lambzig - there's a well known phenomenon which is that when you're doing muscle-strengthening exercise, your muscles take on some water initially - there's an explanation here.

If you measure the same but more weight, then that does sound like less fat, more muscle as it's denser, but some of the weight will probably be water either from this mechanism or (as others have suggested) a TOTM effect.

leesmum · 04/05/2014 09:32

Morning ladies, hows everyone getting on? Today will be day 7 for me on 30DS L1 its getting a bit easier and I managed 5 proper press ups and 10 cycle crunches (the really hard bit at the end) yesterday, I've been doing this via YouTube and I can't find level 2, I can see level 3 though and had a quick look..... Shock

tabulahrasa · 04/05/2014 09:39

I'm resting today...

I couldn't find level 2 online - well I could but not on a format I could play in my living room (my PC is in my kitchen) so that was when I ordered the DVD.

leesmum · 04/05/2014 10:20

Thanks, I've just had a nosey online and this was the best offer and free delivery.

tabulahrasa · 04/05/2014 10:45

It's £5 from Amazon


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leesmum · 04/05/2014 10:49

I think you have to spend a tenner for free delivery though or have I looked at it wrong? Anyway I was going to have a rest day today but after consuming a fair bit of wine and chocolate last night I think I'll have a go later.

tabulahrasa · 04/05/2014 10:56's not an add on item, not that I can see anyway?

Cocolepew · 04/05/2014 18:35

I've ordered the 30 Day Shred so may be joining the thread.
I'll be the one crying Grin

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