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May 30 Day Shred - come one, come all

439 replies

yadahyadah · 30/04/2014 21:07

Logging my daily JM fix and getting advice and motivation has been great over the past two months so here is a thread for all those of you who want to do the same again or for the first time. Come on, summer's nearly here and your butt's got Jillian's name on it Smile

OP posts:
ImogenQuy · 30/05/2014 20:23

Incidentally, I'm not noticing any difference in measurements yet, though possibly my arms look a bit more toned. My stomach is the problem area and no visible change there yet (though I have horrible crepey sagging skin since DS was born, and for all I know it's hiding a six-pack!) I'm another one with an industrial strength sports bra too: I like JM's little crop tops but I'd have two black eyes if I tried to copy them.

TorianaTollywobbles · 30/05/2014 20:26

Imogen, I'm on L2 D9 and I still can't do the double jump ropes either. I'm going to move up to L3 anyway, watched it through tonight, not looking forward to it!

MegBusset · 30/05/2014 20:53

I'm on level 3 and still can't do the double jump ropes, or rather, my pelvic floor can't Blush

tabulahrasa · 30/05/2014 20:53

"Try not to get negative about it"

Oh I moan about everything Grin I don't enjoy exercise really is the issue, but I know realistically that if it was easy it wouldn't be doing any good. Some of my attempts at the sections are very bad indeed, but I figure it's better than sitting on my couch thinking about doing it, lol.

BetterWithCheese · 31/05/2014 09:21

That's pretty much been my mantra - better to do it half-assed imperfectly than not do it at all!

tabulahrasa · 31/05/2014 13:28 legs hurt :(

I mean I'm not walking like John Wayne or anything, but they're achy. I might have been slightly more effective at the not running man though, which means i might even get my limbs coordinated before the end of the level, lol.

I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day though.

Lambzig · 31/05/2014 16:28

Oh dear, had to take a day off today. Last night my muscles started to lock up and be very painful. I had a terrible nights sleep where the shoulder and neck muscles and leg muscles were too painful to stay in one position. I felt the sort of flu-like muscle pain I have only ever had 15 years ago when I used to run marathons. It took a hot bath and ibuprofen to loosen my neck off this morning. Definitely overdid it.

BetterWithCheese · 31/05/2014 17:25

30DS L3D9 done, last day tomorrow!

Lambzig that doesn't sound good. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

tabulah enjoy your rest day tomorrow. I'm a bit scared of Ri30 especially as I'll have had a week off when I start. Hopefully, I'll come back refreshed and not too worse for wear.

tabulahrasa · 31/05/2014 18:28

I'm a bit scared of it too, lol.

Nah, it's not that bad, it's not like starting it from scratch or anything...I'm just clearly using slightly different muscles from the shred, but I've just walked 3 miles with the dog and I'm no worse, so it's not really sore or anything.

That sounds horrible Lambzig :(

ImogenQuy · 31/05/2014 20:03

Sad Lambzig. I'll stop moaning about my ankles now (they are getting better after a day off: I clearly need to get some trainers with decent cushioning).

tabulahrasa, you and I are clearly kindred spirits - I really hate exercise too.

ImogenQuy · 01/06/2014 07:01

30DS L2D2 done. Those chair squats with a V-press are evil: I'm lacking some key muscle that would make my arms go up... I'm also depressed that I still seem to be putting on weight: did anyone else who was doing this for toning rather than weight loss have that experience after the first few days? I've gained 4-5lb since I started, which I wasn't expecting.

I have also, against my better judgement, ordered RI30 for that mythical day when I finish the Shred.

MegBusset · 01/06/2014 08:17

I have just ordered ri30 as well, I must be mad! Slowly getting to grips with 30DS L3 but the last strength circuit is still a killer especially with a hangover like this morning

StuntNun · 01/06/2014 09:42

DH bought Ri30 for me too. Is this going to hurt?

BetterWithCheese · 01/06/2014 12:07

30DS L3 D10 - I finished it!!!

I did my measurements at the start and today. I've lost 1" from bust, 4" from waist, 3" from hips and an inch from each thigh. Only lost 5lbs though. I'm really chuffed with those results.

I can still only do about 4 full push-ups and can't do full - plank moves for very long before swapping to knees. I'm going to do Ri30 when I get back from my holiday. Are people doing 10 of each level or 1 level a week then moving on?

I've downloaded (off YouTube) level 1 of 6W6P and Cardio Kickbox to try while I'm on holiday, not sure I'll do them but I'd like to try and workout a few times so it's not such a shock when I get back.

BetterWithCheese · 01/06/2014 12:09

Meg I hate those plank leg things in the last circuit, I can't do them in full plank but find it hard to get my form right on my knees.

StuntNun · 01/06/2014 12:12

Well done Better what a great feeling to be finished. Smile

Ri30 L1D1 done. I thought it was too easy at first but it really ramps up towards the end. I also did the core workout on Kettlebells for Beginners and used my 6kg bell for most of it but had to go back to my 4kg bell for the end.

Lambzig · 01/06/2014 16:42

RI30 L3D4 done very gently. My neck and shoulders hurt so much this morning I decided to do it and hope it loosened me up and it worked. I was quite careful though.

BWC, I do each level 8 or 9 times. I think yadah does it ten times, so up to you really.

ImogenQuy · 01/06/2014 18:26

Well done, BetterWithCheese! Lucky you - I have a long way to go (and my measurements aren't changing at all - growl - though I suppose I ought to be grateful they're not going up as I've put on weight).

AnyaKnowIt · 01/06/2014 19:47

Well done BetterWithCheese

I know I said I was having the weekend off but I actually felt like doing it today

TorianaTollywobbles · 01/06/2014 21:09

Well done Better, those are fantastic results! Were you also dieting at the same time, or is that just from the Shred?

Imogen, I am the same, although I've done L2, and am going to start L3. I haven't lost any weight or inches yet either. I'm hoping that its because muscle weighs more Grin

L3 starts tomorrow!

ImogenQuy · 02/06/2014 07:12

L2D3 done. I might have given up by now if it weren't for this thread! I have to go away for work tonight - dithering about whether to take JM and my portable DVD player and Shred in the hotel room tomorrow morning or whether to award myself a day off.

Lambzig · 02/06/2014 08:57

RI30 L3D5 done. It's finally come together. I managed it all at advanced except for the hop bits at the end (which send severe pain up my ankle so probably not a good idea). Even did the rock and roll crunches without looking too ungainly (there may have been a quick shove to get me upright again though).

Super active day yesterday, did RI30, took the kids swimming, then did a 5 mile country walk (still counts if it was to a pub and back doesn't it?). Was feeling quite smug until I tried my bikini on this morning, I think everything else being toned has made my CS tummy look worse.


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tabulahrasa · 02/06/2014 12:14


"I might have given up by now if it weren't for this thread!"

I find on the days were I really can't be bothered having this thread pop up spurs me on.

Oh and I'd so not take it with me if it's only one day, just have a rest day, lol.

Lambzig, if the only thing that you're noticing in a bikini is your tummy, I really wouldn't stress that much...I still wouldn't even wear a one piece, lol.

Lambzig · 02/06/2014 13:14

Oh I glossed over the fish belly white skin, the wrinkly knees and the scaly feet, the tummy was the worst bit. Everything else does look toned though.

tabulahrasa · 02/06/2014 13:30

Other than part of my arms and my shoulders...I'm mostly made of blancmange trapped in a bag - there's less blancmange than there used to be though, so it's good. Grin

That's quite a weird image to just drop into conversation, thinking about it, but hey, it's true, lol.

So I think bikinis would just sort of sink in...that's not a good look. Blush

I have gone down two trouser sizes for doing shred/ripped though since starting it, not quite as much in jeans, but then I don't need to jump up and down in them.

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