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Westminstenders Contines. Boris outmaneovered everyone?! Now War and Peace?

978 replies

RedToothBrush · 14/07/2016 22:31



This set of threads started out asking if Boris had been outmanoeuvred by Cameron handing him a poison chalice. Fate made it seem as if Boris lost the battle but May has confounded everyone and handed him a second chance. Or so it might seem.

May now has a new Cabinet after a sweeping cull of Cameron's lot. It is more right wing than in a generation. A number of appointments have raised eyebrows. There are plenty of poison chalices and plenty of Brexiteers. Will this create peace in the Tory ranks? Or is it just the calm before the storm

Labour are tearing themselves apart what now seems to be all out civil war. Talk of gerrymandering, violence, disenfranchisement, deselection and intimidation are rife. The seems to be no end in sight, and no prospect of a solution apparent. The question perhaps seems to be when and how, rather than if the party will split, and who will retain the name and party funds.


So the sad face of British politics in the last two days can be summed up in a single image. Boris and a brick.


I think we have a while to go yet before we hit the bottom.

Excuse me with the intros as I'm starting to struggle to keep up with things myself Previous Thread Nine

Westminstenders Contines. Boris outmaneovered everyone?! Now War and Peace?
OP posts:
Wordsaremything · 15/07/2016 01:25


What can we do?

OlennasWimple · 15/07/2016 01:35

Be grateful we have TM as PM, not AL for one thing words

OlennasWimple · 15/07/2016 01:36

Do we know what the other Theresa turned down?

derxa · 15/07/2016 02:44

terrible news from Nice

BestIsWest · 15/07/2016 06:05

80 dead in France now Sad.

OppositeOfGenius · 15/07/2016 06:09

Thanks for the new thread Red.

Unbelievable about Nice. Sad

Top tweet apparently by Donald Trump asking "when will we learn"...

JedRambosteen · 15/07/2016 06:47

Thanks for keeping up the good work, Red. These threads are now moving so fast I've had to abandon whole chunks of recent ones.

I seem to have missed something eventful at the end of a thread in the last couple of days - sounded like a poster (Showme?) had been on the receiving end of abuse from her local CLP/Momentum group. What did I miss?

JedRambosteen · 15/07/2016 06:51

Top tweet apparently by Donald Trump asking "when will we learn"...

Bit rich coming from a country where citizens are regularly massacred by compatriots with firearms due to their lax gun controls. It may not be recognised as domestic terrorism, but the outcomes are the same.

OliveBranchCollins · 15/07/2016 06:54

100 cancel Aberystwyth University places after Brexit -

SugarPlumTree · 15/07/2016 07:09

Awful news about Nice Sad

OppositeOfGenius · 15/07/2016 07:20

Yes - except pro-gun lobbyists are sarcastically calling for a ban on trucks saying it's not the weapon that kills it's the person.

Nothing on this earth will ever convince that group I think, in fact they're probably more convinced than ever that more guns would equal more safety.

Given all the Brexit shit and general UK divide, I guess we can be grateful (?) that half the nation isn't definitely armed and waiting, unlike in the USA...

OneArt · 15/07/2016 07:23

In reply to someone (can't remember who, sorry) on the last thread who said they couldn't understand how anyone could switch from Labour to Tories, can I just tell you about my mum.

She's a Labour voter and Labour Party member (also a Remain voter). She is seriously considering switching to the Tory party. I think her main reason is the current misogynistic feeling within the LP - thrown into stark contrast by the fact that the Tory party have just chosen a female leader. This is a huge issue for her. She's also impressed by the state school background of many of the new cabinet members.

Hope that helps to understand a certain viewpoint. (Not mine btw - I'm a Lib Dem!)

boldlygoingsomewhere · 15/07/2016 07:45

I think there is a problem with Labour and women although some of that is also historical - trade unions were not very supportive of women gaining equal pay.

I'm also wondering how to vote next- none of the main parties seem to address issues which concern me.

OneArt · 15/07/2016 07:51

Yes I agree with you that sexism is not new within the Labour Party. But previously she saw the Tory party as just as bad (the public school old boy network).

Peregrina · 15/07/2016 07:52

I'm also wondering how to vote next- none of the main parties seem to address issues which concern me.

I have the same problem. I vote LibDem usually because it's the best way of keeping the Tories out round my way. I wasn't pleased when they went into coalition with the Tories.

Greens have policies which are attractive and represent much of what I think, but are at present too small to get anywhere. They also come across as a one issue party, which isn't actually true. For most people feeding, clothing and housing themselves are things they understand; saving the planet isn't.

DoinItFine · 15/07/2016 08:21

Do we know what the other Theresa turned down?

I heard it was a Secretary of State job at the Home Office.

So a demotion. Not a cabinet position.

Chalalala · 15/07/2016 08:29

Top tweet apparently by Donald Trump asking "when will we learn"...

worthless human cockroach.

to relate Nice to the discussion somewhat, the attacker appears to have been Franco-Tunisian, continuing the trend of attacks committed by EU nationals.

my guess is no clear impact on the French Presidential election - you'd think it would favour Le Pen and Sarkozy over Hollande and Juppé, but sadly this is not a seismic shift, just yet another attack. If terrorism is going to make people shift to the far right, they've already done so months ago.

DoinItFine · 15/07/2016 08:34

[this is not a seismic shift, just yet another attack.]


Both shocking and predictable.


Showmethewaytogohome · 15/07/2016 08:52

Right so I attended the M meeting (will try not to use their name too much in my posts). People were friendly and smiley (in a we are all in the same club kind of way) and everything was kept very very civil. BUT the media was outside so I think that kept things very much in check IMO

Did I feel threatened being there? No. Did I feel I could speak publicly about my views to the whole room without feeling threatened. No I did not feel safe and comfortable to do this at all.

In fact people noticed I didn't clap and when I told some my views it was frosty. The chair gave me what could only be described as a two minute death stare (I gave a good return death stare back) at the end of the meeting after I privately asked his colleague what the governance for M was - no one can show me any documented information about this at all - and they got antsy when I asked. In fact asked me why I needed to know - and this was after them heavily criticising the Labour party for cancelling the CLPs and the actions of the NEC regarding voting rules- they can not see the irony in this.

I am hugely concerned that there is NO transparency within M. No governance. No one knows who runs it. No validation of members. Whilst at the same time they openly are campaigning in meetings to take over CLP's and the NEC to support JC and ensure they have MP's and and NEC that will support JC. So whilst they didn't actually say the words deselection the inference was there. They are taking over the machinery of the Labour Party whilst giving no information about how they operate. It's like having a shadow party taking over.

They are very very organised - and this must be coming from somewhere - Who? Where? They didn't say. I spotted some of the key agitators that attended my CLP so I KNOW the intimidation at that meeting came from M. The vitriol they have for the so called plotters is palpable, cries of against democracy etc. But they are an undemocratic organisation that allows members of the extreme left to be members and has an underlying current of intimation and bullying

I am not religious but to me it was like attending a religious meeting - everyone believes the same thing. Like I said I made my views clear to a few people and the know who I am as I believe it is safer (and more honest) to visible. They can't expel me as there are no procedures to do this so I will keep attending meetings - they have said they will give me a written structure at the next one - hhmmmmm back of fag packet

BTW I saw no evidence of the masses of working class and minorities they claim they are. At my meeting it was overwhelmingly white middle class (think 90% up) with equal distribution between 20-30's and the middle aged. S'OK tho they know what the working classes want

DoinItFine · 15/07/2016 08:57

What was the gender breakdown, Showme?

Glad you were/felt physically safe.

Showmethewaytogohome · 15/07/2016 09:00

I will give my condolences to Nice on this thread as I can not bear the rhetoric and hand-wringing that leds to outward racism and anti-muslim sentiment on other threads that occurs after every awful disgusting terrorist attack that happens

I will send my thoughts to those affected - just as I did after Istanbul and every other attack. I hold on the the fact that technically we live in the safest time in history for humans - that is why these attacks impact us even more. I think it is natural to ask when will it be us in the UK. Then I rationalise that it will be one day, somewhere and there will be nothing you can do about it. So I concentrate on giving my empathy and compassion to those affected.

Showmethewaytogohome · 15/07/2016 09:01


It was pretty evenly split - but those who attended the CLP that had the issues were probably at least 75% men. At least


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flippinada · 15/07/2016 09:13

Showme thank you for updating us on the meeting. I'm glad you are physically safe, at least.

What you've described echoes anecdotal evidence I've seen and heard elsewhere from Labour activists. By that I mean who have been members of the party for yonks and go out on campaigns, leafleting etc.

flippinada · 15/07/2016 09:18

Btw Show you are not wrong about the thread that always pop up after these horrific terrorist attacks. How quickly they descend into something unpleasant. I have a friend in Nice, thankfully she and her family are OK. It's so awful.

Showmethewaytogohome · 15/07/2016 09:25

Oh I would also say M to me is a one man marketing campaign. No vision at all of life without JC. If he goes they fail - it's in their vested interests for his to remain. If they were a movement they would have a vision, broader support amongst the PLP and not be associated only with JC

That is another reason I have such an issue with them.

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