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Friendly Frugaleers- Accounting Accurately All April

1000 replies

Wolfcub · 26/03/2021 08:19

New fred

OP posts:
Happierwithouthim · 29/03/2021 14:21

Easter holidays used to start here on the Thurs before Easter, dc finished up at 12pm last Friday though.

Wolfcub · 29/03/2021 16:15

£4.20 on pork pies and buns for an impromptu picnic

OP posts:
lifelongfrugaleer · 29/03/2021 18:13

£15 on feeding DC today.
Thinking about joining forestry England for £49 but free parking. £6 per shot it's a no brainer really

Wolfcub · 29/03/2021 18:51

You'd only have to go 9 times a year to make that work. That's why I pay rspb membership as it's £4 parking a time. I'm not getting the value of my rhs membership this year though. Covid is knackering that a bit but it'll come good in the end and I'm looking forward to a trip to Bridgewater when it opens

Had an excellent birding day, saw some to tick off my mental lifetime bird list

OP posts:
Unescorted · 29/03/2021 18:54

Impromptu picnics are good - it is almost as good a feeling as bunking off school.

life you would only have to go every 6-7 weeks to make that pay.

I joined the union today - it is good to know someone has my back.

Unescorted · 29/03/2021 18:55

What did you see wolf?

Wolfcub · 29/03/2021 19:01

Unescorted- Cetti's warbler, lapwing, meadow pippet, Reed bunting, Slavonic new grebe, tufted duck, kestrel, red kite, swan, arctic tern, greylags and some standard ducks, coots,
Moorhens and swans amongst other things. Also really pleased to see lots of fat bumblebees

OP posts:
Wolfcub · 29/03/2021 19:05

and how could I forget my favourite little wol

OP posts:
ememem84 · 29/03/2021 19:06

Im in awe how y’all know all the birds (or do the ones near you have name tags? Or do you have some sort of Pokemon Gp app for birds?)

I have seen a big ass pigeon. And some sparrows.

Unescorted · 29/03/2021 19:14

I have seen a few Kestrel and lapwings recently. I need to get better at the small brown ones. There have also been quite a few ducks getting jiggy in the village. I am going to look up yours b/c I think there may be some similarity.

Em I wish .... each time I am out with people who know these things I ask what each type of bird is. Think really irritating child number of questions.

Wolfcub · 29/03/2021 19:43

Em I tend to look up what I don't know - following other birders helps give me a rough idea and then if I still can't identify I ask. I can't identify anything other than a garden bird and a few wetland birds by sound alone, I need to see them

OP posts:
lifelongfrugaleer · 29/03/2021 20:07

I'm in border knowledge awe too.
Yes. Dh thinks we can find enough free parking spots to not bother paying.

Mrsmadevans · 29/03/2021 21:27

There are Woodpeckers up MumBobs you should hear them drumming it is unbelievable how loud they are , Dh said they are doing it as a mating call Smile ahh bless they are beautiful. Bobbo has a lot of wildlife in his back garden , his property backs onto a river and the birds and insects and Squirrels especially that live there is wonderful.

SnugglySnerd · 29/03/2021 22:14

I'm quite envious of a couple of those birds Wolf, some there I have never seen.

Mrs drumming woodpeckers is one of my favourite sounds! We have seen several this year so far.

AmberItsACertainty · 29/03/2021 23:04

£6.40 posting some no longer needed herbs to an animal charity for a pony that can't breathe right. Today's birds were a robin in the car, two seagulls on the roof and a flock of crows in the trees, plus a bumble bee on the grass looking for dandelions.

Gensola · 30/03/2021 00:08

Almost an NSD today then got sucked into the clothes section at Sainsbury’s and bought a jumper and a skirt Blush I might return the skirt, haven’t decided yet.

Planning a long walk and picnic in sun tomorrow.

Unescorted · 30/03/2021 06:54

I am being abandoned by my family today - DS to school, Dh on his bike and DD out with mates. She is so excited - all her local local friends have been in the village but decided not to meet up (even 1 on 1) to keep everyone safe. Who said young people were all feckless?

Have a good Tuesday everyone - at the end of today we are half way through the week.

Gensola · 30/03/2021 08:32

It’s such a gorgeous sunny day here. We are going for a super long walk with picnic included. I need to post my mum and step dad’s presents for their birthdays before we head out. I got my step dad some new cooking scales and a zoom cooking lesson for a vegetarian lebanese meal and my mum we made her a travel voucher for flights to come and see us whenever it is allowed again. DH did it and he put in so much effort to designing it bless him.
We are having lunch with friends in their garden tomorrow, maybe Easter Picnic with other friends but not sure yet.

Wolfcub · 30/03/2021 10:37

I bloody hate teenagers. I suggested skate park this morning as it'll be dead and he doesn't like to skate in front of other people. You'd think I'd suggested burning his precious Xbox. He's now doing the usual holiday bullshit of arsing about and refusing to get ready so that going anywhere will be impossible. I have tried to explain whilst he's been to school and grandmas and his dad's I've been trapped in the house and the same two square miles since Christmas and I do not want to spend every morning of my leave in the house as well. I could cry I really could

OP posts:
lifelongfrugaleer · 30/03/2021 11:38

Bloody teenagers. We are at the outside park again and it's packed compared to yesterday

lifelongfrugaleer · 30/03/2021 11:39

Can you leave him for a bit to you go out?

Happierwithouthim · 30/03/2021 13:08


I forgot to attach this photo of some 'special offer' strawberries from my local fruit and veg shop. Needless to say, I didn't bother with two punnets.

Also, I'm getting a new work laptop. I've been using my own laptop for working from home but it's ancient and doesn't have a camera, so I haven't been able to join in any Teams meetings. I was toying with the idea of buying a new laptop but held off. Anyway, my boss said she's going to arrange a work laptop for me Smile.

Had to explain the special offer to dd by working out the maths for her Grin

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Happierwithouthim · 30/03/2021 13:12

€7.04 on a litter picker for ds from Ali express he hates litter Star
€44.85 on a hammer & two key safes one for a colleague so net cost to me €24.85
€25 horse riding

€10.74 Aldi on flowers for me, remainder on groceries

Friendly Frugaleers- Accounting Accurately All April
ememem84 · 30/03/2021 16:12


Can you leave him for a bit to you go out?

I was just going to say this. Can you just go out?

£39.50 nails. And £14 in gifty type shop on Easter decs for Sunday. Ds wants to know when our Easter tree is coming. And also what her the “beasty bunny” is going to eat him 😂
Unescorted · 30/03/2021 16:19

Wolf I think in the teen years they are Vampires. DS will happily sit in the dark all day. DD appears to have re-inhabited her body thankfully.

Today was a very spendy day - I have paid for the car.

Happier the flowers are beautiful.

Gen hope you had a lovely day out....

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