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Friendly Frugaleers- Accounting Accurately All April

1000 replies

Wolfcub · 26/03/2021 08:19

New fred

OP posts:
Unescorted · 11/05/2021 07:06

That is so rock 'n' roll em

Wolfcub · 11/05/2021 07:15

Unescorted I'm sorry that must be a really horrid situation for you and your dad Thanks

Life Mexican was tasty but a bit hot especially for ds

OP posts:
Unescorted · 11/05/2021 07:29

Up until now it has been in the back of our minds - now it is real. He is losing weight so quickly and is a yellowy grey colour. My Dmum is still in the ostrich pose. Not helped that she is slowly but surely losing her marbles.

I am looking forward to the day I can pimp up the chilli.

ememem84 · 11/05/2021 07:57

Never let it be said that I don’t know how to live my best life unescorted

Dc are dressed. They look like they’ve been dragged through a hedge but they’re dressed. Am now trying to keep them from wrecking the house while Dh has one of his long showers.

AmberIsACertainty · 11/05/2021 11:53

Olive I never return anything either. The trick is to put it back before you even bought it.

Wolf Evil torpedo sounds about right Grin I'm not a fan.

Unescorted sorry about your dad. Hopefully something positive will come from the hospice meeting. The redundancy situation must be soul destroying too. At least if you knew one way or the other you could make plans.

Spent yesterday pottering around doing little jobs here and there. Will probably end up doing the same today.

Spends: £10 phone credit.

oliveroses · 11/05/2021 12:34

Unescorted that sounds really tough, I'm very sorry.

Have a grocery delivery coming today, tried to get it under £100 and failed - it always seems so expensive and I think I should try to find my local Aldi once I'm confident driving baby around.

Cooking with some sausages that have been in the freezer for a couple of months but realised I don't have enough so will have to buy more.

Was going to make muffins for a friend in hospital as would be more delicious than the very expensive chocs available in local shops here but apparently I threw my muffin tin away last year as it was going a bit manky. So I've ordered one now ... argh Confused

Unescorted · 11/05/2021 13:06

My best muffin tray is the one that looks manky.... an aged patina / natural non stick coating Grin Both kids want it in their inheritance to cook the yorkshires in.

The redundancy thing causes me no pain..... we get paid well and have good holiday and pensions. Our skills are sought after in the wider sector so the usual career path is work there until you max out the VR payment and walk into another job. Ideally I will take redundancy in about 2-3 years.

Mrsmadevans · 11/05/2021 13:10

Snuggly God lovely that was such a lot of money for you to shell out [, you will not know yourself when they are all in school ! It will be like having a massive wage rise Smile

Mrsmadevans · 11/05/2021 13:20

Life that must have been soul destroying for 4 years but well done to you for doing that! Enjoy your Hairdo Yay! Smile
Wolf that sounds delicious Smile
Unescorted you sound ok with the way things are with your VR and the way your job works l am glad you are not stressed about it Smile
I am so sorry about your Dad. Hope something the hospice meeting goes as well as can be expected for your Dad and you all Flowers
Olive l love it ! Grin There is a planter in it too Grin

Mrsmadevans · 11/05/2021 13:28

NSD for me today , Dh wanted a steel set of drawers for his tools 180. So l thought about it and decided to bargain with him, so l said very nicely to him, if he wanted that then l wanted a Gtech. l said to him, what will you put in them ? He said the economy lightbulbs he wants to store them in there as well as his tools . I just thought WTH you don't store lightbulbs in tool drawers you stick them on a shelf unit ! He has decided to not bother with the Tool drawers so l can only conclude that he doesn't want/need the tool drawers as much as he thought Grin

lifelongfrugaleer · 11/05/2021 13:52

Actually no Mrs it wasn't because I knew we would come out of the other side and I could not be a sahp. Financial and logistics it was tough but no more than now with teen/pre teen

Unescorted · 11/05/2021 17:54

Today is going down as the most surreal day of my life. Roaring with laughter at dignity in death, DM going to a&e and being asked to clean up after a body had been found. I am now drinking the most expensive bottle of wine I have ever drunk as thank you for cleaning the squalid state of my parents' kitchen & bathroom. It all started quite normally with a course on modern day slavery and money laundering.

life it is good to be able to see the end of things when you are making daily sacrifices to get there. I think it is like running up a hill. Even if you are moving slowly so long as you keep going you get there eventually.

mrs I bought Ds & Dh a tool drawer with my birthday money one year.... my hope was that they would put their tools in it and not scattered around the house. It did not work.

Mrsmadevans · 11/05/2021 18:16


Today is going down as the most surreal day of my life. Roaring with laughter at dignity in death, DM going to a&e and being asked to clean up after a body had been found. I am now drinking the most expensive bottle of wine I have ever drunk as thank you for cleaning the squalid state of my parents' kitchen & bathroom. It all started quite normally with a course on modern day slavery and money laundering.

life it is good to be able to see the end of things when you are making daily sacrifices to get there. I think it is like running up a hill. Even if you are moving slowly so long as you keep going you get there eventually.

mrs I bought Ds & Dh a tool drawer with my birthday money one year.... my hope was that they would put their tools in it and not scattered around the house. It did not work.

That sounds like a very surreal day Unescorted Grin
You Dm asked to clean up after a body ? Dear me , that is absolutely hysterical, wth went on today Grin
You enjoy that wine you bloomin well deserve it!
I knew l was right re the steel tool drawers oh yes! GrinGrin
Mrsmadevans · 11/05/2021 18:18


Actually no Mrs it wasn't because I knew we would come out of the other side and I could not be a sahp. Financial and logistics it was tough but no more than now with teen/pre teen

Life I couldn't work when mine were pre school, l just couldn't cope l have to be honest, all credit to you for sticking with it well worth it Flowers
SnugglySnerd · 11/05/2021 18:29

You're right Mrs it will be like a lottery win Grin

Unescorted · 11/05/2021 18:34

No Mrs it was a friend who needed cadaver clean up help. I need to cultivate a more flighty persona so I am not the first person people turn to when they want help with the odd and unexpected.

ememem84 · 11/05/2021 19:01

Ah money laundering and modern slavery. I have to do one of those courses every year. Last time we got to the child trafficking part and the trainer said that blonde haired blue eyed kids are the most valuable in trafficking circles. I sent her this picture of ds

Been to the gym. 35 minutes of a mix of cardio and an 8 minute abs blaster. I worked out I could use my phone and access YouTube in the gym. Duh. So I had a trainer to follow. Why I’d never thought of that before (thanks to the guy who was watching a film whilst on the cross trainer drinking coke….)

Friendly Frugaleers- Accounting Accurately All April
Unescorted · 11/05/2021 19:03

em hahahaahaha!

northender · 12/05/2021 06:49

Sounds like quite a day unescorted, sorry to hear about your dad
Welcome olive
So glad childcare days are behind us. At that stage I was lucky that my job is relatively easy to work PT so the most I did was 3 days which reduced costs.
Dd's school are doing a prom now so that is the latest trauma! I'm not a natural shopper, but I do prefer in person to online so I've suggested a day out in Manchester or Liverpool to buy a top and shoes. She has found lovely trousers (£50) but needs one size down.
The only spend yesterday was £9 on healthy snacks for the team as we had a whole afternoon meeting.
Dh and I both applying for regular saver accounts with Yorkshire BS. We qualify as we have our mortgage with them. You can save up to £500 a month for year 3.5% interest so it would be silly not to. The money from our endowment is currently earning next to nothing

oliveroses · 12/05/2021 08:29

That saver account sounds excellent northender, might have a look myself!

oliveroses · 12/05/2021 08:38

Yesterday we went to Waterstones but resisted buying books - instead we went to our local bookshop and used a book token to get DS some bedtime stories.

Last night I ordered a travel cot and mattress for a couple of weekends coming up where we are house sitting or similar as a break/to get away. Realised I need sheets too. Expensive but will be v useful.

Bought a cheap but practical tablecloth for outdoor table but the table and chairs were free hand me downs.

I would really like a nsd!

Unescorted · 12/05/2021 09:24


Thanks for the frugally love yesterday.

Olive have you joined your local FB free to a good home page? Ours has loads of baby things - travel cots, linen, clothes, kids toys etc.? I am a bit of tree hugger so liked the idea of reusing things even when the kids were small. The only thing we had to purchase was a pram and the Next staff shop clothes. All the prams on Freecycle were huge & wouldn't have fitted in the house or car and the clothes were cheap as chips returns.

For your book addiction (I have one too) join the library. Over the years it has saved me thousands and thousands. Most do eBooks and some do magazines and audio books for down load too.


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oliveroses · 12/05/2021 11:32

Those are great ideas, thank you! I have been using Facebook marketplace for bigger toys/rocker/play mat but didn't think of it for other things. I have been lucky because my sister had a baby not long before me and I borrowed cots and a bouncer and bath from her. And loads of baby clothes, can't believe how fast they grow out of them! My sister's baby is 15 months of mine and they only buy unisex clothes. I buy her outfits sometimes but technically there's very little I should need to buy new for my son if the system of loaning continues Smile

Have also been given a baby monitor so one of today's jobs is to try and figure out how on earth it works ...

Library is such a great idea. I have such fond memories of going to the library with my sister and mum when I was younger. It was so exciting. The book addiction is real, but frankly I have no bookshelf space left so borrowing books is ideal!

ememem84 · 12/05/2021 12:13

olive I think amazon do a kindle sharing library. Although am not sure how it works. Dh keeps mentioning it to me….

Unescorted · 12/05/2021 12:20

At that age clothes rarely get more than a couple of wears.

This is the week that keeps giving - dmum got a call from the hospital she went to yesterday asking her to go to the oncology clinic tomorrow. She hasn't clocked it is the oncology clinic. It looks as if it is a return of her previous cancer, given the consultant's specialism. It would also explain the pain sites.

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