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Friendly Frugaleers- Accounting Accurately All April

1000 replies

Wolfcub · 26/03/2021 08:19

New fred

OP posts:
Happierwithouthim · 31/03/2021 20:41

Unescorted it's my only day off with the dc of their Easter hols though Sad they're at their dads rest of weekend

I thought of the money & preordered a signed hardback copy of a book together used a 5% loyalty vote so net cost €15.67 Grin

Wolf life I'm also sorting life insurance quotes too Grin

Mrsmadevans · 31/03/2021 22:57

Gen praying that DH is ok and you get pregnant,it's about time you had something good time happen 💐
Been busy today Mumbob have been extremely hard work today 🙄
NSD too for me .
I have to hit the hay l am so tired
Have a good night sleep Everyone 😴☺️

SnugglySnerd · 01/04/2021 06:37

Goodness, you have a lot going on Gen, I hope dh is ok.

Hope you get your results back quickly Tayto. The MRI scanners are noisy - the white noise sent me to sleep when I had one!

Last day of term - hooray!

Unescorted · 01/04/2021 06:51

Snuggly have a good last day Grin Ds finished yesterday. I now have 2 and a bit weeks of dodgy internet after 11 each day.

Mrs hope you have a more relaxing day today.

When the babies were really little I used to watch the Grand Prix to get them off to sleep again because of the engine drone. Even now we get about a lap in and all 3 of us fall asleep on the sofa.

lifelongfrugaleer · 01/04/2021 07:19

Happy last day to those breaking up.
Not sure what today will bring. Possibly more scoot track.
Gusto box 2 arrives today.

Happierwithouthim · 01/04/2021 08:30

pay day and I've managed to boost my emergency fund to €1500, I've been making my emergency fund out of what used to be aupair's wages, it has also paid for all childcare for school and throughout pandemic.

ememem84 · 01/04/2021 09:00

Spent £120 on Feelunique last night. On stuff for mum and dsis and also me. And got a nice gift with purchase worth the same amount. So loads of stuff to keep me going.

Am feeling v down at present. No idea why do the above was an a emotional spend (but also Dm had asked me to get stuff).

Last day at work wahooo

Gensola · 01/04/2021 09:13

Thanks all - the colonoscopy isn’t until the week after next so they’re giving him an ultrasound next week. He’s on the two week pathway but with covid it’s a bit delayed, more like three weeks. The specialist said not to worry and it was more likely to be ulcers or something but of course we will worry when we are getting letters with cancer written on them.

We need to sit down over the holidays and look at the budget and cancel stuff, see where we can save. The money just goes every month, no idea where!

Happierwithouthim · 01/04/2021 09:28

gen hard not to worry, but you can't control it so only deal with each step as it's happening.

Mrsmadevans · 01/04/2021 10:40


Snuggly have a good last day Grin Ds finished yesterday. I now have 2 and a bit weeks of dodgy internet after 11 each day.

Mrs hope you have a more relaxing day today.

When the babies were really little I used to watch the Grand Prix to get them off to sleep again because of the engine drone. Even now we get about a lap in and all 3 of us fall asleep on the sofa.

Thank your Unescorted 🤗
You have made me smile l love that the grand Prix makes you all still sleep it's so lovely 🤗❤️
Mrsmadevans · 01/04/2021 10:42

Gen you know we are all behind you Sweetheart 💕 try not to worry about all this you have so much on your plate ❤️

Mrsmadevans · 01/04/2021 10:43

Em 💐💗 it's this awful time we are going through Sweetheart ❤️

lifelongfrugaleer · 01/04/2021 10:46

Em do you need to see your therapist again?

Mrsmadevans · 01/04/2021 10:53

Happier great news re your savings yay!! 🤗👏
Life yummy Gusto box enjoy! 😋😋😋
Snuggly marvelous stuff you have a lovely break to look forward to now 🤗
Been to MumBobs just on the way home 🏡 have to do some shopping for us. l think Pizza is on the menu for us tonight 😋
Happy April fools day everyone 😀🎉

ememem84 · 01/04/2021 11:39


Em do you need to see your therapist again?

I’d thought that. But no. I don’t think I do. I think if I’m honest I need to take care of myself. So less bad food. More of the good stuff. More meal planning and not just resorting to pizza.

More water. Less booze (not that I’m drinking huge amount but one drink a day is more than I’m used to...)

More exercise. More sleep. More chill.

But the therapist is at the back of my mind and I know I can get in touch if I really need to.


Things are changing here though. We’re opening up more and more. We’re able to do more. Which is amazing. Weathers getting better. It’s just taking care of me.
lifelongfrugaleer · 01/04/2021 11:44

Self care is difficult at the minute and sleep deprivation makes things worse. One thing at a time x

lifelongfrugaleer · 01/04/2021 11:45

It's Baltic here, such a change from yesterday. Hat and winter clothes back on for today's scoot park day

Wolfcub · 01/04/2021 12:09

Well done Happier that's a healthy emergency fund

Gen it's normal to be worried and the wait is obviously going to make things worse on that front

Happy last day to those breaking up today

Weather had turned here, we've had three pretty glorious days on the bounce and it's now rainy and overcast

OP posts:
AmberItsACertainty · 01/04/2021 12:43

Happier that's brilliant to have saved the emergency fund and it didn't even cost you anything, sort of.

Em it's ok to treat yourself once in a while. It sounds like a bargain too.

Enjoy your pizza Mrs

SingToTheSky · 01/04/2021 12:49

Forgot to sign in, thanks for new Fred 💖

ememem84 · 01/04/2021 13:08

Step one. Meeting friend for coffee at lunchtime. Yay. I’m currently on my own though as she is late. As usual. But it’s nice. Quiet. Just ne and my coffee!!

Mrsmadevans · 01/04/2021 13:10

Spends in Aldi 23, lots of pizzas and some hot cross buns and a bit of cheese , bought their own make new Vanilla coffee sachets and can report they are delicious , love them!
Thank you Amber l will enjoy my pizza , picked up Aldi's sourdough Mozzerella & Basil not tried it before but looking forward to it Smile
Wolf the weather is awful here cold , drab and yukky.
Life we didn't even have the heating on yesterday it was so warm but it has gone bitterly cold again we will have to put the heating on today definitely .


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Mrsmadevans · 01/04/2021 13:11

Em have a lovely catch up with your friend do you the world of good SmileFlowers

ememem84 · 01/04/2021 13:13


Friendly Frugaleers- Accounting Accurately All April
lifelongfrugaleer · 01/04/2021 13:14

Looks nice em.
Great emergency fund happier
£1.30 pop, £44 milk bill, moved some money into savings, chased solicitor for an update and estimated timeframe.
Freezing at the park = yip

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