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The Friendly Frugaleers: Saving and chatting as the heatwave rolls on.

999 replies

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 24/07/2018 22:26

Now that I've put that in the title, we will almost certainly get snow. LOL!

Welcome to nearly-August.

OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 05/08/2018 16:47

Ouch girlie, not a nice kid then at all.

Its wrecks little girl who likes hp.

mammynowanauntyIRL · 05/08/2018 16:59

Fluffy na na na na blocking out that Christmas is coming comment, nothing saved for it & thinking it'll be a very frugal one Confused

Life my house is also a tip I've brushed mopped and wiped all common areas & surfaces including all the spindles of the stairs & once I've caught up here I'm going to tackle my room Shock

Spends yesterday
€50 ish on fuel on fuel card
Annoyingly guy at till didn't understand I was taking bottle of water & popcorn as my monthly loyalty card treat & charge me from them €3.45 including a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar
Cinema €13.20 ticket & bottle of water
Think I already posted about my bargain shoes €7 down from €16 in exact colour of my jumpsuit Grin plus heel grips €1.50
2 baby boy birthday presents & pair shorts for ds €19.75
€5.45 for newspaper, protein snickers & kinder egg
€20 DD's horse riding lesson , none next week & camp following week €120 for dds 3 days not sure what ds's day will cost €30-50 Confused

Must look into swimming lessons again in September

Worked 5 hours yesterday so will have overtime from that this week, hopefully enough to cover getting my hair cut Grin

Just checked internet banking for total for baby present as receipt got destroyed yesterday when something spilled in m handbag & see H has spent €26.29 in Aldi. Bloody wish he could just communicate peacefully with me as there were a few bits I wanted from Aldi too Angry
Just read your post from yesterday about your dh only buying enough for 2 days, I can nearly predict what H bought milk, spread, bread, cheese, pork onion & tomato, potato salad, coleslaw but nothing myself or dc need Smile
Life I won't buy a hoodie I can't afford one at the moment but black drains me anyhow so it doesn't bother me, if I was more successful with it maybe I'd like to promote them but I'm not great advertising for team Rh really right now.

Ooh girlie can I virtually shoe shop with you? I've lots of pairs of heels, I'm only 5'2.5" Grin

Remember there was a poster with a lovely checklist of things to do in autumn?

Nocuts I got measured & bought new bras last week, the comfort & support now is brilliant. I threw out other ones on the spot Grin

Wreck sorry to read about your ds's bike, going to look for that toilet roll deal on groupon sounds good

mammynowanauntyIRL · 05/08/2018 17:00

Aww girlie your poor dd is she very upset?

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 17:01

I'm sorry to hear that Girlie. Does she have the option of joining the Guides or Scouts? Guides was my saving grace. Everybody is included there, and they even have organised sleepovers where everyone is invited by default. It might be something that she could really enjoy and excel at.

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CurvyInAllTheWrongPlaces · 05/08/2018 17:09

Or what about woodcraft girlie? My ds has just came back from a camp and had a fantastic time.

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 17:15

It may also be that the other child is just nervous of sleepovers. Maybe she'd be delighted to come and be with your daughter but isn't up for being away from home.

OP posts:
QuiteCleanBandit · 05/08/2018 17:30

I started buying presents in January .
Got gorgeous Boux Avenue cosy cotton PJs for DD and me reduced from £38 to £10.
Got an app and have bought 2 per month and added them so I dont forget.
Aiming just to have wrapping to do by November .
Totally stressfree and everything bought on offer when big names have % off .
I can track how much Ive spent per person also.

ememem84 · 05/08/2018 17:58

I’m saving for Christmas. £50 a month.

Back from the beach. Ds was funny. He loves the water. He did the usual - ate some sand splashed about in the sea. Laughed when dh threw him in the air and caught him again.

Now at dparents. On the way I took three bags to the charity shop drop off and two to the Salvation Army bin.

Dsis has had a rummage through the contents of my other bag and has taken half. So I’ve saved her some cash.

£1.16 on a litre of milk.

Wolfcub · 05/08/2018 18:01

I've been saving for Christmas and day's autumn birthday since the split. I normally love Christmas but I'm a bit apprehensive about it at the moment

ememem84 · 05/08/2018 18:02

Also some twerp at the beach made a loud comment about my bikini not matching. I do have the matching bits (blue bottoms yellow top) but most of my bikinis are block colours. So more fun to mix and match. And why is it necessary to comment.

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 18:06

OMG Em what kind of a twerp makes a comment like that this century? I'm sure you looked fab.

OP posts:
Wolfcub · 05/08/2018 18:22

Em what a knob. Typical man with no style sense or common sense

Fluffycloudland77 · 05/08/2018 18:25

Wolf If you switch to m&s bank you'll get vouchers before Christmas. I'm sure no one is expecting lavish presents off a lp.

It's only in adverts that you buy all your relatives ipads and playstations.

Girliefriendlikesflowers · 05/08/2018 18:28

What an idiot em 😠

Dd is okay, she is almost used to it 😢 I'm not sure about scouts, I'll have a think. I used to be a woodcrafter! 😁 not sure there is a group round here though. A group outside of school is a good idea though

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 18:41

I was used to it too Girlie. I'm sorry to hear that your dd is.

In my ASD test I was telling the lady all about the things I got up to as a teenager that basically didn't involve hanging out with the cool kids. In the end it was good as many of the cool kids were drunk or worse for the whole of that decade as far as I could tell.

I was very glad of the Guides badgework that I did though, as it meant I had an incredibly productive few years and lots of photos of the people that I spent time with, even if I wasn't totally sure how to talk to them at the time.

The fab thing about Guides and Scouts is that it comes with a rule book, and the kids actively taught social skills and how to be kind to each other, so it really sets everyone on the right footing.

Even the news people agree, which is nice:

I hope you find a lovely cosy place for your dd to hang out. She sounds lovely.

OP posts:
Bornlazy · 05/08/2018 18:46

Girlie could it be the parents that are not allowing the sleepover? I know my DS has friends that I don’t know the parents well enough to feel comfortable letting him stay overnight.

Cagliostro · 05/08/2018 19:05

Ouch, "no thanks" must have stung :( agree clubs with a shared interest would be good. Something to bond over that takes the focus off "making friends"

I'm not thinking about Xmas yet, DS turns 9 late this month and I've done nothing although have some ideas built up over the year.

I miss my ugg style boots, they were skechers and had fireworks on. Realised when packing up that the soles had split. Gutted.

Just had friends over. So nice to be able to do that. Although I spent most of the time baby wrangling! She is such hard work ATM. She's tuckered herself out now though, such a dignified photo...

The Friendly Frugaleers: Saving and chatting as the heatwave rolls on.
BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 19:07

If you do think of Scouts or Guides it might be good to think carefully about which. Scouts is more about manly skills and living in a tent or even just under a tarpauline. Gutting fish and so on. Guides is more about staying away in a centrally heated house and knowing how to run a house and family, unless it's changed a great deal since my day. I definitely would be thinking about Guides myself.

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Cagliostro · 05/08/2018 19:09

Oh and thank you I have already done the £6 for 3 method cleaning offer... Twice! We shop with Tesco online so it came up. Definitely a bargain! I have 2 loo cleaner (one for each loo! :o) the floor cleaner (not tried it yet though) and three different sprays (rhubarb mint and grapefruit) am a bit obsessed as I finally enjoy cleaning. Until the novelty wears off at least. I also want the glass spray but we have other stuff to use up.

Bornlazy · 05/08/2018 19:10

I have bought one Christmas present. It doesn’t matter how early I start I am never done... I just end up spending more.

mammynowanauntyIRL · 05/08/2018 19:11

I've always saved for Christmas wolf & em combination this year of rabodirect closing their accounts in Ireland so having to move from there & wanting to show our true financial picture in the split too.
Dc will still get presents, we'll both pay half presumably, if not I'll manage. The 500 extra people all on his side that I used to do the buying for won't & he probably won't buy for them either, something I've been trying to say for years Grin

I might do a list of the necessary presents actually some day.
Roughly - dc, grandparents, godparents, teachers, au pair,bus driver. Eh that's it! 12 and I just counted 40 on last years list.

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 19:12

Eeeep! We're on post 997. Who's starting the next thread?

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Bornlazy · 05/08/2018 19:13

I knew you did the Tesco delivery... would you recommend it? I have never had any of their products. Don’t actually know if I want to start as they are definitely more pricey than my normal cleaners 😂

Wolfcub · 05/08/2018 19:16

Sunny i don’t recognise your description of scouts although I’m sure it’s true in some areas. Ds’s scout group has more girls than boys. Yes they do lots of outdoor activities but they are about teaching confidence and independence through activities which challenge them and build team work - a life skill which is not gender specific

Love the photo Cag

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