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The Friendly Frugaleers: Saving and chatting as the heatwave rolls on.

999 replies

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 24/07/2018 22:26

Now that I've put that in the title, we will almost certainly get snow. LOL!

Welcome to nearly-August.

OP posts:
ememem84 · 05/08/2018 11:36

Two bathrooms cleaned. Floors hoovered. Phew. Two hoovers worth of dust emptied. Ick.

lifelongfrugaleer · 05/08/2018 12:37

£98 Sainsbury's

My house is a tip and needs a massive declutter. Still need to sort my drain as dh had been called into work and I can't lift the manhole cover by myself.

Glorious day today. Going to an in door skate park.

Mammy are you getting a hoodie? I'm not

CurvyInAllTheWrongPlaces · 05/08/2018 12:47

I had a migraine last night so went to bed early.
Felt much better this morning and have tidied the house.
Will pack in a bit to go to my mums, but don't want to rush as it is very hot here and the heat makes my migraines worse.
I really enjoy autumn too and am looking forward to going back to work in September when it is much cooler.

ememem84 · 05/08/2018 13:04

So. Lunch for ds was a sandwich. Grated cheese and carrot. And a satsuma.

I am never making him grated anything again. Holy moly the mess!! In the last few days he’s also gotten very cheeky cheeky. He threw a piece of bread at my head and laughed.

Have had to clean the floor again.

CurvyInAllTheWrongPlaces · 05/08/2018 13:10

Aww em thats cute!

QuiteCleanBandit · 05/08/2018 13:27

Haha! Fab em Grin

Can you get either a piece of plastic tablecloth/oilcloth -nice patterns or a big plastic mat for under his chair?
I used oilcloth-about £10 a metre -can wipe everything up quickly.
DD love smooshing stuff in her hair Hmm
Was a very frequent bather -I have no idea how/why people dont bath their DC at least daily.Confused
DD would have had a permanent cheesy smell .

Have cleaned the bathroom upstairs and the bedrooms not DD its like Armageddon in there.
She is home and her bf is staying for a few days.I think he just steps over it .
They are eating a lot -this would have been tricky previously but did big Lidl shop and still on budget.
Have forgiven DD as she did my nails for me -OPI Lincoln Park after Dark .
My fav .
Rubber gloves on 😎

ScandiLady · 05/08/2018 13:38

nocut we are going to LEGOLAND on Friday. If we go one time between 1st and 31st of August the rest of the year is free of charge. Got a txt from the geological animal museum today that a tv station is coming to the museum to make a show about them and the spider care taker wants dd1 to be part of it to show how to young kids interested in that kind of animals and also because he thinks she so cool for her age. We all get season tickets as a thank you and he's going to make dd1 a goodie bag with docs, books ect and she will get an outfit to wear like his which she has a big wish Grin

Nsd yesterday and today aswell.

Going to read trough all the pages now

ememem84 · 05/08/2018 13:42

quite I love that colour. I may treat myself at some point. Ive been lusting over Chanel rouge noir nail polish for ages. But it’s £25 a bottle. So something cheaper would be good for my toes. I get my fingernails done once a month so I’m good for those.

But opi is apparently must better quality than Chanel...

ememem84 · 05/08/2018 13:43

Oh and ds is full of cheese and carrot. He’ll go for a dunk in the sea later

ScandiLady · 05/08/2018 13:47

wreck sorry about ds bike... So annoying ppl can't tell the difference between their stuff and other ppls stuff.

QuiteCleanBandit · 05/08/2018 13:54

I have tons of colours em
Also Lincoln Park after Midnight .
They last ages without going gloopy .
DD does a great job and treats me to the full experience -also does gel on my toes.
Saves me £££
I use a great foot file and slather on the Heel Genius in between
Have also exfoliated (mitt 79p Homebargains) slapped on tons of Aldi moisturiser and fake tanned .
Pottering about in shorts while it develops and trying to keep Dcat away from my legs

I dont need cat hair to add to the look!

ememem84 · 05/08/2018 14:18

I’m beach ready now. Bikini on (blue top yellow botttoms) shorts on and a Tshirt over the top.

Sunscreen on.

Bags packed.

Just waiting for ds to wake up from his nap.

ScandiLady · 05/08/2018 14:26

Just checking my sales 123£ in 1 week Shock I'm impressed and surprised

Wolfcub · 05/08/2018 14:44

£20 lunch at local food festival, £1 parking, £5 ice creams - it was hot as hell and bang goes my nsd!

Wolfcub · 05/08/2018 14:44

Yum though

Fluffycloudland77 · 05/08/2018 15:05

That's brilliant for one week scandi, and two places you can go for practically nothing next year too.

£15 new paint for the ensuite. Dh will take the other paint back on Monday for a refund.

Food shop ordered for Friday so I get 20% off the fish counter. Meal plant;

Burger & Chips etc for dh, sc lamb tagine (never made it before but how hard can it be?) x 3

Burger and chips for dh and wild salmon fillet for me x 1

Doner kebabs x 3

Spagetti bolognaise for dh, chilli and rice for me x 2

Pizza for dh & kedgeree for me x 3. I'll make it ahead and just add the eggs fresh each time. Cant see egg freezing well.

Fajitas x 3

Chicken tikka for dh, I will make mine into tikka masala with flat breads very easily on the night as the curry sauce is frozen ahead & I made flat bread dough last night. X 3

Fishcakes for dh x 3. Lamb ribs for me. I have a feeling they wont have the ribs so it'll be spicy bean stew for me if so.

£64 for three weeks.
I'll do a shop at aldi/lidl/sains for the grocery stuff like flours and oats. I emailed Lidl customer services re the cheap box of veg and it's not in my area (east mids). I think it might just be London.

The cats come in with green pus coming out of his little head so I've bathed it & will be going to the vet if he's not perkier tomorrow. It certainly hasn't diminished his appetite.

Fluffycloudland77 · 05/08/2018 15:14

Oh and I'll get 5% back as I paid using my Halifax reward account and they have 5% back on waitrose.

Argos are doing 3 for 2 on toys, so are argos. Christmas is coming.

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 15:41

I never got a mat under ds's chair, as all his food seemed to his the walls, and the floor was largely unscathed.

OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 05/08/2018 16:22

Argos and amazon I meant. Amazon starts tomorrow

lifelongfrugaleer · 05/08/2018 16:23
Fluffycloudland77 · 05/08/2018 16:28

I thought amazon was meant to start tomorrow, hotukdeals have pulled it too.

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 16:32

OMG how can we possibly think about Christmas in this heat?

Seriously though, am I meant to be doing something about Christmas? I already have crackers that I bought three years ago. Are you buying Christmas presents now?

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lifelongfrugaleer · 05/08/2018 16:33

Ahem - I bought my first 3 the other day as grand parents are getting panto tickets.

If I see something, yes I will get it as my DC also have birthdays in October x 2 and expensive tastes.

BestFootForwardAndThenSome · 05/08/2018 16:40

You are a ninja frugaleer Life. I am in awe.

OP posts:
Girliefriendlikesflowers · 05/08/2018 16:40

Not my dd life she isn't fussed about HP.

I can't be doing with thinking about Christmas yet, will start Sept I guess.

We popped to a garden type place just to get out the house for a bit, got petrol £37.

Feeling bit sad for dd, she invited a friend for a sleepover next week could have been any night as I'm off all week. The 'friend' said no thanks 😢 honestly I don't get what dd is doing wrong.

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