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People are becoming far too relaxed.

208 replies

PecorinoPear · 28/05/2020 12:40

I have been going to the supermarket once a week for food and petrol since this began.

I have noticed that people are becoming too relaxed. Whole families shopping together, no social distancing because they are incorrectly wearing a mask. Children wearing masks, if parents are so worried why don't they leave them at home?

Morrisons aren't bothering with a queue anymore, so there is no limit to how many people are in the store.

OP posts:
DomDoesWotHeWants · 29/05/2020 07:32

[quote Waxonwaxoff0]@Derbygerbil of course, we likely all have someone around us that is vulnerable.

But personal circumstances have to come into play at some point. I cannot do my job from home. Therefore I need DS back at school so I can get back to work. That will mean having to sacrifice seeing elderly relatives for a while. But I can't live on air.[/quote]
Your DS won't be back at school full time for quite some time.

If he can't be left you are still not able to go back to work, unfortunately. Schools are not going to risk the health of staff and children any more than they have to.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 29/05/2020 07:33

@DomDoesWotHeWants stop stating your opinions as facts.

Mbc124 · 29/05/2020 07:35

Family shoppers really do take the piss in this I agree. It’s like “let’s have a family day out at the supermarket”

LivinLaVidaLoki · 29/05/2020 07:38

think over 350 deaths were reported today, more than on the first day of lockdown. I can't easily make sense of the loosening

It may be worth noting that at the start of lockdown the only deaths being reported were in hospital. Now we report deaths in all settings. So the actual number at the start of lockdown is likely to be significantly higher than the reported figure.

Derbygerbil · 29/05/2020 07:38

Also, it’s not just about deaths... The death rate may be around 1%, but the risk of being so ill you’re hospitalised is, on average, much higher.

I stress “on average” as I know the risks for under 45s are very, very low.... But as soon as you get into your 50s, the risks of serious illness are no longer negligible, especially if you have an underlying condition.

It’s worth bearing in mind that around 15 million people (excluding children) are eligible for the flu jab each year due to age or underlying condition - that’s a reasonable proxy for the number at appreciable risk of serious illness or death. That’s a very significant proportion of the population, and we can’t realistically open up the economy if we shut away all of them, and those that live with them.

Derbygerbil · 29/05/2020 07:44

think over 350 deaths were reported today, more than on the first day of lockdown. I can't easily make sense of the loosening

Those deaths will be from people who have been infected since March (people can be ill on ventilators for many weeks), with few that had been infected less than 3 weeks ago (it typically takes at least that long from infection to death). Deaths are not a “real-time” indicator of the disease’s prevalence.

The ONS believe there are about 9,000 new cases each day..... which to put into context is one in 7,500 of us.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 07:47

@twinnywinny14 do you know how many people who have died with no underlying healthy issues under 45? It’s about 40, it is a tiny number. Under 20 it’s 3. You can’t live your life scared to go out the front door when the risk is so low. I agree with social distancing and will obey the rules as I do have elderly parents but I won’t live my life in fear.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 29/05/2020 07:50

The daily death rate isn't a good way to measure the situation as a lot of the deaths are from March/April that have only just been recorded.

The best numbers to look at are the rolling averages and new infections.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 07:58

About 500 under 45’s have ended up in hospital out of about 25,000, that is about 2% about 200 have died, 40 with no underlying health issues, if you are female you can cut your risk by 50%. Yes we should social distance but we should not be terrified to carry on with our lives.

twinnywinny14 · 29/05/2020 07:58

@Alex50 but there are many people on here over 45, including those under 60 was 253, estimated at 350 around the 14th May. Those people have died a horrible death, often alone, and funerals for those left behind have been horrific and some people will never get over that. Some people don’t want to take that risk and that is their right and choice

DomDoesWotHeWants · 29/05/2020 08:06


Not opinion, facts. Schools part time for 2 months from now on. Schools planning part time education from September. Those are facts.

Very silly of you to pretend otherwise.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 29/05/2020 08:14

@DomDoesWotHeWants part time for now, it might be full time by September. Planning does not mean that it's going to happen. It's sensible to plan for all outcomes. But what you are saying is not facts, not until it is announced by government.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 08:22

@twinnywinny14 yes it’s their right but surely the one’s with less risk need to carry on, obviously following the government guidelines

Parker231 · 29/05/2020 08:24

It’s expected any day now that the Chancellor will announce the changes to the furlough scheme from 1 August to October. It’s been reported that the scheme will be reduced by 20/30%. Employers will have to start paying so they will expect their employees back in work.

DomDoesWotHeWants · 29/05/2020 08:31

But what you are saying is not facts, not until it is announced by government.

Laughable. This government can't even keep its own rules. Local authorities and head teachers will decide.

PowerslidePanda · 29/05/2020 08:35

Statistics about "healthy" people versus those with underlying medical conditions are misleading, given that many of the conditions would be considered minor in other circumstances (to the point that people who believe themselves to be healthy could have one and not know it).

As of 11 May, 32,000 people had died and 2,494 of them were young and fit enough to have been employed prior to their death.

I'll base my own judgement of the risks on that statistic.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 08:52

@Powerslide can I have the link please? 25000 died in hospital I meant to say

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 09:52

@Power from your link it says:
It’s a total of 2494 not just people without health conditions.

A total of 2,494 deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the working age population (those aged 20 to 64 years) of England and Wales were registered up to and including 20 April 2020.
Nearly two-thirds of these deaths were among men (1,612 deaths),

Mrskeats · 29/05/2020 10:11

This thread partly explains our terrible death rate.
How is it like driving a car? Driving is not catching.

NotEverythingIsBlackandWhite · 29/05/2020 10:13

I haven't noticed any relaxed behaviour in super markets near me at all. Streets still as empty. No-one particularly visiting the parks for walks either.

I live in a suburb on the outskirts of a major city.

SusieMyerson · 29/05/2020 10:17

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Alex50 · 29/05/2020 10:37

That data is from Facebook, do you have an NHS link as Facebook is known to be full of fake news

Waxonwaxoff0 · 29/05/2020 10:51

@SusieMyerson if you're going to link then please link from legitimate sources, not some random facebook post with no credibility.

YetAnotherSpartacus · 29/05/2020 10:55

Yeah - I've noticed this so I have made the decision to lock myself down further and go out even less than before. Walks I am not bothered about, but I will do my best to keep away from shops and populated areas because people 'think it's over'.

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