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People are becoming far too relaxed.

208 replies

PecorinoPear · 28/05/2020 12:40

I have been going to the supermarket once a week for food and petrol since this began.

I have noticed that people are becoming too relaxed. Whole families shopping together, no social distancing because they are incorrectly wearing a mask. Children wearing masks, if parents are so worried why don't they leave them at home?

Morrisons aren't bothering with a queue anymore, so there is no limit to how many people are in the store.

OP posts:
EarlGreywithLemon · 30/05/2020 14:18


I think this article is worth reading:

Two short excerpts from it:

"The moment we rank life according to who most “deserves” it, we have crossed into a realm I don’t want to be a part of – and I struggle to believe many other Britons do either. The way out of this pandemic cannot, surely, entail the sacrifice of those deemed less worth saving?"

"Our society may be endemically unequal, but noone in Britain is expendable"

Absolutely agree. Great article.
AuntieStella · 30/05/2020 12:58

I think this article is worth reading:

Two short excerpts from it:

"The moment we rank life according to who most “deserves” it, we have crossed into a realm I don’t want to be a part of – and I struggle to believe many other Britons do either. The way out of this pandemic cannot, surely, entail the sacrifice of those deemed less worth saving?"

"Our society may be endemically unequal, but noone in Britain is expendable"

Mrskeats · 30/05/2020 12:14

Exactly derby
How can it possibly be trivial?

Derbygerbil · 29/05/2020 20:46


It’s those who dismiss Covid as trivial that will ensure it isn’t trivial for longer, possibly a lot longer - the irony. It’s the countries that did treat it seriously and early that are getting back to normal.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 20:43

Assess your risk I mean

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 20:39

It does matter if you are trying to access your risk when returning to work and your children returning to school.

jasjas1973 · 29/05/2020 20:30

Does it really matter what age, occupation or underlying health conditions someone had?

They died before they should have and according to David King, a former chief scientific officer, 40k of these 54k excess deaths are down to poor decision making, as he said tonight on Ch4, zero reason why we should not be returning to relative normality like Greece is but we didn't take CV seriously.

TBH i don't think the govt is even now.

JesusInTheCabbageVan · 29/05/2020 20:16

FEAR is the virus

THAT is meaningless.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 16:37

Sorry links missing

People are becoming far too relaxed.
MonkeyToesOfDoom · 29/05/2020 16:22


FEAR is the virus

Being a fuckwit is more dangerous, though it's not as catching as Covid.
EarlGreywithLemon · 29/05/2020 16:18


FEAR is the virus

No, something that can attack your liver, heart, kidneys etc as well as your lungs is the virus. Something that ICU doctors are dreading - that’s the virus.
unchienandalusia · 29/05/2020 16:08

FEAR is the virus

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 16:03

Sorry under 40 years of age, it goes up slightly for 45

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 16:00

40 no known health issues I meant

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 15:59

I said just over 200 of 45’s have died which will be in your figures about 40 with lien health issues

People are becoming far too relaxed.
Alex50 · 29/05/2020 15:57

It’s over 600 less than the number you said. I don’t think you read your own link. Not only that they could’ve been on sick leave for cancer or other illnesses, without knowing other details it doesn’t give a clear picture.

PowerslidePanda · 29/05/2020 15:50

That's still a total of 1,852. A little less than the number I quoted, but it doesn't change my point: that there are thousands of young, healthy people who've died from this - not just the 40 or so you arrive at by ignoring minor conditions.

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 13:48

But not all the death certificates had an occupation on, the number you gave was of all deaths of working age not that they were working:

Among men, 81.9% of the deaths (or 1,321 deaths) had information on occupation recorded on the death certificate. For women, this figure was 531 deaths (or 60.2%).

PowerslidePanda · 29/05/2020 13:23

Sorry I meant no other medical data.

Surely that's irrelevant. If they weren't well enough to work, they wouldn't have an occupation.

EarlGreywithLemon · 29/05/2020 13:17

*about Covid

EarlGreywithLemon · 29/05/2020 13:16
EarlGreywithLemon · 29/05/2020 13:15

@Londonwriter, I’m so so sorry. What a terrible thing to go through. And yes, that’s exactly one of the potential issues with Covid. There was an article in the Guardian recently a lot Covid becoming chronic in some people, which I can’t for the life of me find right now.

Honestly, as you say, some people are on a different planet.


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Ingridla · 29/05/2020 12:30

I haven't seen this where I live (south London) people are still very much social distancing and queues for shops are metres apart and loooonng

Alex50 · 29/05/2020 12:30

Sorry I meant no other medical data.

Barnabyboyo · 29/05/2020 12:29

This is why people should comply with test and trace. It will get rid of the virus quicker but there are so many people unwilling to comply. It’s madness. If you don’t help with test and trace then you can’t complain

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