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People are becoming far too relaxed.

208 replies

PecorinoPear · 28/05/2020 12:40

I have been going to the supermarket once a week for food and petrol since this began.

I have noticed that people are becoming too relaxed. Whole families shopping together, no social distancing because they are incorrectly wearing a mask. Children wearing masks, if parents are so worried why don't they leave them at home?

Morrisons aren't bothering with a queue anymore, so there is no limit to how many people are in the store.

OP posts:
thenamesarealltaken · 28/05/2020 16:37

I've changed nothing. But, that doesnt mean I believe the lockdown we did to be effective. I will just stick to the ridiculous rules - well, just stay in, despite my deeper understanding of viruses etc. I wfh anyway and needed a break from travel as I went away far too much last year - most weekends. The virus might keep spreading, no-one said it wouldn't. But, we've had plenty of time to get our body's healthier to cope when we have to come out of hiding.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 28/05/2020 16:38

I've been fairly relaxed from the beginning to be honest. I need to take DS to the shops anyway as I'm a single parent.

RoxyTheProssie · 28/05/2020 16:43

Sorry but I CBA with it any more. I'm not prepared to live my life this way for the forseeable.

Fallsballs · 28/05/2020 16:53

I just want the dentists to open ASAP

thenamesarealltaken · 28/05/2020 16:54

I totally understand why people are more willing now to face the virus. And those who mock about the economy.... what pays for the health service? Everything public? Taxes. Tax from the private sector. Public sector taxes don't count - they are coming from public paid wages. It's not a preference to need private sector working, it's a necessity. Without money from the economy people won't have any medical or emergency services!

As for health, well, get ourselves healthy with a few simple steps and we're likely to be a number in the survival rates should the virus pop by.... our bodies are designed to fight these things. Yes, this one is a sticky thistle like thing, unlike flu and cold viruses. So we have to fight a bit harder, especially if we have too much visceral (belly) fat. Just stay away from those at risk, or anyone who's anxious and hopefully they can use the likes of online ordering and stay safe.

twinnywinny14 · 28/05/2020 17:00

It isn’t just about deaths though. It’s well and good saying those unlikely to die so it doesn’t matter, but the reality is that some people take a long time to recover and some even have long term damage and effects from it

tobee · 28/05/2020 17:12

Yep this is true twinny. But have you got a further point?

@HathorX thanks for the reminder which I think is always useful. Smile I think I read somewhere that latest research says that there is quite a good protection to ourselves from wearing masks ourselves? Not just protecting others I believe?

BeltaneBride · 28/05/2020 19:59

And those who mock about the economy.... what pays for the health service? Everything public? Taxes. Tax from the private sector. Public sector taxes don't count - they are coming from public paid wages. It's not a preference to need private sector working, it's a necessity. Without money from the economy people won't have any medical or emergency services!

Well said!!!!

pontypridd · 28/05/2020 20:02

I’m confused. If the virus isn’t that dangerous and does not pass on that easily why did so many countries bother locking down?

EveryoneLoves09876 · 28/05/2020 20:06

For those who say "and it's about time!" to overly stupid behaviour, you do realise only 7% of the population have had the virus right? How can there not be a repeat if people are behaving like the op says?

I wonder how many of these people also said it was "just flu" a few months ago.

I agree with you op. People are sheep. Government do nothing so they act like it's fine, government do lockdown so they're suddently scared and clapping outside their windows, government start easing up for economy so they go whooppee and to unnecessary things.

EveryoneLoves09876 · 28/05/2020 20:07

@BeltaneBride of course it it! But still no need to take the entire family shopping with poorly fitting masks. Getting everyone sick again is also terrible for the economy.

daisymay133 · 28/05/2020 20:08

I’ve also been relaxed

As are most people I know

People have distanced due to logistics because things are closed but most of my friends are scientists and know that lock down was never a long term plan

MadameMarie · 28/05/2020 20:08

It's just one big party now. Everyone enjoying themselves.

The weather makes it worse, as much as we like the sun it's not helping.

daisymay133 · 28/05/2020 20:08

Lockdown will go down as a huge mistake

EveryoneLoves09876 · 28/05/2020 20:09

@daisymay maybe it's the definition of relaxed then

EveryoneLoves09876 · 28/05/2020 20:09

Also my scientist and doctor friends seem to think very differently. Hmm

Somewhereinthesky · 28/05/2020 20:14

I am still quite worried, but I don't get too worked up with what others do. You just can't control others, and as long as you are doing what's best for your family, what more can you do? We just don't know anything. Only time will tell.

daisymay133 · 28/05/2020 20:19

Most medical people know- or should know- that immunity comes from exposure or vaccine

So lockdown for two years or take your chance with common snare approaches

There’s no inbetween

My medical friends accept that it’s something everyone will get eventually

daisymay133 · 28/05/2020 20:20

Snare = sense

RoxyTheProssie · 28/05/2020 20:23

My scientist and doctor friends are the most chilled out of the bunch!

Somewhereinthesky · 28/05/2020 20:25

I wish I can feel that way, daisymay. But having a child with chronic illness and very weak immune system changes everything. My dc was in hospital every year for simple cold most of his early life until few years ago. He has been ok for few years now, but still, I do worry.

Musicforsmorks · 28/05/2020 20:31

"we've had plenty time to get our bodies healthier'

what a crock of abject shite


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BlueRaincoat1 · 28/05/2020 20:36

It's been interesting to read this thread. I'm a pretty rational, level - headed sort. I've taken lockdown seriously, we've had frequent walks but no meeting up with anyone. Husband or I go to the supermarket at the weekend, don't bring the kids. That's been it since mid March. Desperately wish CV would just fuck off, magically disappear somehow.

I'm really apprehensive about the speed restrictions are being loosened. I am not a scientist, and definitely not an armchair epidemiologist. I wish so much that I could listen to the government and go 'great, I know they are taking good advice and acting with the best interests of my family and the nation at the forefront of their mind'. But I don't think that, not at all.

I find it interesting, the talk in this thread of risk and perception of risk. I think over 350 deaths were reported today, more than on the first day of lockdown. I can't easily make sense of the loosening of restrictions in light of that, when we have not been told that the plan has changed, or the overall strategy. I don't see how that makes sense.

If the govt was saying 'to save the economy and stop you all going mad were loosening things up', then I could see the logic, but I struggle to see how if the original Lockdown decision was right, the loosening now, when transmission and death rates are still so high, is also right.

I am also quite scared of catching it. I am so worried I will die and leave my little boys without me. I understand that I might get hit by a car, we can't live in fear, the economy etc etc, I understand that the risks for a healthy 40 yr old woman are low. But they aren't nothing. Some people like me have died from it. They were all somebody important.

I wish things had been done differently, quicker, firmer lockdown , better consistent messaging , proper track and trace in place. I don't trust the government and it stresses me out a lot.

effingterrified · 28/05/2020 20:44

Agree with you, BlueRaincoat1, as does the professor of epidemiology at Oxford University.

"The coronavirus infection rate is still too high. There will probably be a second wave."

RoxyTheProssie · 28/05/2020 20:48

I hate Bojo and his gang of tits, but we are unlocking at a similar speed to the rest of Europe.

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