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Mid 30s TCC Gin Palace

997 replies

SkaterGrrrrl · 22/06/2009 22:47

Welcome everyone from the old 'Mid 30s and TTC for the first time' thread. And welcome newbies too. Don't mind the poster in the corner dipping pregnancy test sticks into her glass of gin.

OP posts:
skihorse · 25/06/2009 11:23

Aussieng "non-baby-making position"? crosses self Now that I'm a respectable preggo I can't be doing with your deviant sexual practices. We will be doing it with the lights off and strictly missionary assuming he can get it up without poking the baby in the face.

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 11:24

Yup, in the consultation period just now. But given what we were told about the restructure, I'm 100% out of a job.

Having said that, I need your collective lushes good wishes tomorrow afternoon for a finger I have in a pie at the moment. If you get my drift.

trig once I have you all in my clutches, you are going nowhere.

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 11:31

LOL at nocoffee and the "no oil painting". Wonder what's going on with you not being in "your flowers"(redneck irish way of saying having your period*) but BFN??

RunLyraRun welcome to the catlady thread. I'm still not surewhether i want to have a kid either. I said to DP this morning hat it might seem real only when I go into labour.

Got a heavier line today, still faint, but might have to start accepting this now.

Got the rough guide to pregnancy out of the library. Jaysus the one who wrote it thinks she's a right card. I disagree. All shoes and handbags and crap men. Sparrrrrrrre me.

  • I myself am a city sophisticate.
triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 11:31

Good luck! In the hope that it is a cold pie not a hot one

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 11:32

Sorry for all the typos. Would blame it on the BFP except the original post catches me out.

Geekylass · 25/06/2009 11:32

Nocoffee - no, was just shocked at the BFPs! Sorry, I should have said that! My mum always says that the only children she likes are her own, don't worry Enjoy your cocktails, have one for me please

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 11:35

A friend of a friend did actually used to work for Bacardi, who I think own bombay sapphire. What a job.

She was an accountant though so not quite as good as being chief gin tester or anything.

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 11:59

X posts.

Aussie was it in the right hole and with a man (just pretend I am *wildfig's tennage GP)?

Cosmo ooh "finger in the pie" - is that a new exciting sex position. Do share.

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 12:04

finger in the hairy pie

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 12:15
triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 12:15


donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 12:34

DP wanted to know if the BFP means we are very fertile...

I said NO FOOL (in a Mr T voice). Just the right combo of exquisitely well-timed and freakishly lucky. This was the first time I timed the A Game right, so am shaking my head in disbelief the little blighters met up and fused.

Wildfig when's the housewarming party? I still have 2-4 weeks of binge drinking to fit in y'know...

laurielou · 25/06/2009 12:52

Afternoon all.

YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!! at all the BFP's, what the hell is going on?? Fab, fab news though.

I have even better news than a BFP (still no period, still too scaredy cat to test). My DP ignored every sensible thing I said & last night presented me with First Class tickets to Thailand. YEY AGAIN!!

So, I'm bound to be up the duff. But I reckon in First Class I'll have someone to hold my sick bag for me.

Oh, welcome to all the newbies too. Good to have you on board.

That's all for now - I'm pretty speechless at all the A-Game shenanigans that have been going on.

Aussieng · 25/06/2009 12:52

yup - with a man and in the right hole but given my BESH status, the nearness of the Birthday of Doom and the absence of any Buckfast in the proceedings I fear that would not be enough...

Good luck Cosmo - think when it is a done deal, the whole consultation thing just prolongs the agony. But a nice pay off and new "pie" would be lovely.

My BFF from childhood gave birth last night and has pics on Facebook already!!!

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 12:54

Are there any of the baby's head crowning?

Aussieng · 25/06/2009 12:58

Happily no - but one one you can nearly see where it crowned

skihorse · 25/06/2009 13:01

trigger You'll like this then:

I particularly like where it's crowning and waving and saying "harrow, you bin expec'ing me?"

laurielou Well those tickets have sealed your fate then. POtDamnedS lady!

Cosmo - do they need gin tasters?

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 13:37

Oh I don't want to see it, I just expect one day that crowning pics will form part of the whole 'sharing the birth experience' thing. Personally I think this image will be kept a secret from me even if/when I am unlucky lucky enough to go through it myself.

And DP needn't think he's going to be videoing it either. He'll be at the shouty end giving me his full attention!!

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 13:46

I like pie

Not as much as I'd like first class tickets to thailand though!!! you lucky lucky cow.

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 13:53

laurie mtfu girlfriend! (presume mtfu means man the fuck up?)

First class sounds fab. i was thinking of going pleb class to Canada soonish for a couple of weeks. For swimming and walking, not ski-ing - has anyone been?

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 14:00

donttry yes indeed it does. although should it be wtfu??

skihorse · 25/06/2009 14:05

donttry Yes, Ontario, Alberta & BC - about 5 months in total I think.

Cosmo I prefer mtfu for this situation.


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laurielou · 25/06/2009 14:49

Can I just talk more about the first class & not POAS? I don't think I'm PG. I'm too scared / afraid of disappointment

VeryAnnieGertie · 25/06/2009 15:46

Laurie am so of your First Class trip! If we are on the same flight would you send a bag of peanuts back to the cheap seats for me?

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 15:47

But laurie don't mind about what you think and feel. It's US that are important and we wants to know [grin}

Naw, I can understand your reluctance...really.

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