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Mid 30s TCC Gin Palace

997 replies

SkaterGrrrrl · 22/06/2009 22:47

Welcome everyone from the old 'Mid 30s and TTC for the first time' thread. And welcome newbies too. Don't mind the poster in the corner dipping pregnancy test sticks into her glass of gin.

OP posts:
SarahAbroad · 21/07/2009 13:07

Right...before we run out of message space, I've started a new thread with the following title: "Mid 30's TTC--Gin Palace Two: Spawn of the BESH"

Hope that's all right with everyone. The bar at GPII is now open. :-)

skihorse · 21/07/2009 12:46

I like BESH, it implies the gin anyway - "you're my besh mate you are" hic

RunLyraRun · 21/07/2009 12:35

I liked Sarah's "The Shrivelled Ovaries", so would vote for either:

Mid 30s TTC: The Shrivelled Ovaries


Mid 30s TTC: Gin Palace II - Spawn of the BESH

ginhag · 21/07/2009 12:19

Gin Palace II - Spawn of The Beast

SarahAbroad · 21/07/2009 12:12

Right ladies...we officially have six posts left to announce a new name for the far we have:

Mid 30s TTC: BESH and
Mid 30s TTC: Gin Palace II

Or someone else can take the initiative and start the thread with a different name, but we should do it soon or all us lushes will have trouble finding the way home....

ginhag · 21/07/2009 12:02

Like I know fucking anything.

ginhag · 21/07/2009 12:01
skihorse · 21/07/2009 11:53

I get paid today - shall I spunk all my wages on piss sticks, or can I bow to ginhag's superior knowledge, go to the photocopier, pull down my scanties, photo-copy everything and then fax it to her for judgement?

I could use a gin tonight, or 6 - but OH wants us to go and see my blinkin' 'orse.

ginhag · 21/07/2009 11:41

I could prob make it last 6 days

as long as there was some other booze in the house.

triggerhappybaby · 21/07/2009 11:41

You are not trying hard enough

Sorry pud where were my manners! Happy Birthday

Ski dunno. Got to go for another blood test on Thursday to see what's what. Officially Not Bothered. I Don't Care Any More.

A friend of mine had her baby this morning. Only the very merest pang of jealousy...

skihorse · 21/07/2009 11:37

trigger! How are you? Has everything evacuated your uterus?

It was me btw who said we don't drink much. I can make a bottle of gin last 6 months!

VaguelyAnnieGertie · 21/07/2009 11:36

have a canape.

ginhag · 21/07/2009 11:33

Ps wildfig you are a shining beacon of drunken depravity

ginhag · 21/07/2009 11:33

trig I actually do drink fact I am mildly hungover once again (fun when stuck in with a manic toddler on a shitty rainy day )

it ismild in comparison to the one I had after sat night on the tiles.that lasted 2 days.

Are you too pished to wish me a belated happy BOD then?no cake for you in that case.

VAG I liked the refiinements to my name but cannot be arsed to change it again.

Can someone bring me something to eat please?feel a bit funny in the brain area

triggerhappybaby · 21/07/2009 11:22

Have just been informed I have Wine Flu

triggerhappybaby · 21/07/2009 11:14

Five mins later:

Bloody hell is a good job came back or youse would have moved to a new residence without even telling me and all I would have found would have been tumbleweed!

Jesus I am royally moollered. Who was it said earlier that although we say we drink loads we don't actually drink loads. I'd like to officially scotch that slanderous slur (which came out shlanderous shlur). I went to visit a friend at the Real Ale and Fine Wine Palace last night and didn't go to bed until 2AM. Yes, you heard right. I then had to drive back to Lanc from Manc at 9am. I am not advocating this as a course of action, just telling you the facts. I am sat here with my head spinning noting that everyone celebrated pud's birthday and didn't even save me some cake.

I. Am. Officially. Not. Sober.

Welcome longwee BTW. That's my spitoon you are using, if everyone had their own

Tis good to be back.
VaguelyAnnieGertie · 21/07/2009 10:51

You could be nolongerbarrenbutstillaGinhag wildfig what a beautiful story. Sounds like a great night to me

wildfig · 21/07/2009 10:33

A 30-something Gin Palace Drinking Morality Tale (NB Daily Mail subs, cut and paste here)

I went out Friday night before last to a summer party, determined to enjoy my non TCC status to the limit, and promptly got very merry on pink champagne. I know, all class. Sadly, though, because I barely touch a drop for weeks on end, this had a similar medical effect as the Sauvignon Blanc treatment thoughtfully posted earlier, and I became convinced that I was the second coming of Arlene Phillips as DB's equally tipsy friend and I cavorted on the dancefloor to the Michael Jackson 'tribute' medley. The floor cleared (I thought in admiration, I now realise out of self-preservation). Some moments later, my gold platforms and I were skidding hilariously across the room in up to three different directions at once as I crashed to the floor like a giggling mighty oak in a maxi dress.

Cut to Sunday afternoon, A&E at an Anonymous London Teaching Hospital. Cold turkey-ing headcases, sheepish-posh-bloke cricketers, and me, in a makeshift sling constructed from silk scarf, convinced I've broken my blackened and swollen wrist - possibly the most stupid thing I could do, since I need it for work. Which is, incidentally, not what you're thinking, but something more along the lines of idealcamel's profession.

Cut again to the Fig bedchamber on Wednesday night, the beginning of the green zone I am technically ignoring. Close up on my face as DB confesses he can't bear the thought of doing it 'in my condition', ie, with a Tubigrip on and unable to put any weight on my right arm. Apparently it feels too much like taking advantage of a be-crippled woman. Can't help wondering if in fact his reluctance is due to flashbacks of my dancing.

"House"-style zoom inside my body as another egg squeezes itself out of my cobwebbed ovaries and waves goodbye to its friends clinging on as if to the Titanic debris, before vanishing from sight.

Lesson: Lushes, only get drunk and injured AFTER you've ovulated.

Lesson 2 Deciding to 'forget' about TCC is easier said than done, even after 18 depressing months.

ginhag · 21/07/2009 10:32

Oh no it did am just a twat that can't read.

Keep it! Wasn't the same anyway (was actually better for which I secretly hate you)

maybe everyone needs a bit of ginhag in their name

ginhag · 21/07/2009 10:30

How weird VAG the new name never showed up here,so I was v confused.

Further proof that we are actually the same person!

Can be ginhag1 and 2 if you want????

ginhag · 21/07/2009 10:26

Am rather delighted with new name.except no one will know who the fuck I am.

ginhagpudding doesn't have the same ring to it really

VaguelyAnnieGertie · 21/07/2009 10:24



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VeryAddledGinhag · 21/07/2009 10:23

I'll change back - you wanted a new name anyway and I think it rather suits you.

VeryAddledGinhag · 21/07/2009 10:23

Great minds!...or fools...

ginhag · 21/07/2009 10:21

Hee hee it is I the pudding

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