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Mid 30s TCC Gin Palace

997 replies

SkaterGrrrrl · 22/06/2009 22:47

Welcome everyone from the old 'Mid 30s and TTC for the first time' thread. And welcome newbies too. Don't mind the poster in the corner dipping pregnancy test sticks into her glass of gin.

OP posts:
wildfig · 25/06/2009 15:53

laurie the first class tickets sound amazing! They'll be even more amazing when you're wedging your 4-months-gone-but-still-in-denial arse into the seat. Why don't you test now, while you're still in delirious excitement about the holiday, though - then if it's a nyet, you won't mind because you'll have your bikini uppermost in your imagination, and if it's a da, you'll be even more thrilled?

I've been for a reflexology treatment this afternoon. The reflexologist told me I was quite stressed in my head but otherwise fine. Then she told me she could feel movement in my uterus, and was I sure I wasn't already pregnant? I would have liked to have said yes, but since Bossy Fertility Friend says I haven't even ovulated yet, despite having a + OPK 2 days ago (day 15), I doubt it very much. Maybe she is feeling the internet-transmitted waves of fecundity of the 4.5 pregnant women I know on here? Or, maybe, just maybe, it was my two nights of cocktail drinking madness this week that tipped the balance?

ski love the way your imaginary baby talks like it's starring in a local amdram production of Miss Saigon already and Cosmo good luck with your pie. I hope it is full of plums. (Blimey, these double entendres are going nowhere. We are MN equivalent of the Carry On thread)

laurielou · 25/06/2009 15:59

Ladies, how rude of me, of course I should test for you .

Actually I'm off work tomorrow & going away for the weekend, so may test tomorrow morning to put me you out of my your misery.

wildfig the thought of wedging my already ample arse into a bikini is actually more scary than giving birth!!!

OK ladies, cover me. I'm going into POAS mode................

wildfig · 25/06/2009 16:03

wftu = wee the fuck up.

donttry Am definitely going to start referring to being 'in my flowers'. Have already appropriated a semi-Irish vocab thanks to DB's Irish family and the Collected Works of Marian Keyes.

skihorse · 25/06/2009 16:05

wildfig I'd be more inclined to observe the physical signs you've seen/felt yourself - and those of your reflexologist than some daft website.

I registered over at (the american pregnancy "bible"). I don't think I'm going to be using that place much as they all seem to be in their 20s and on multiple births with multiple sparkly banners. The final nail in the coffin though was the banner which read "High School Senior TTC".

wildfig I fear this poor child will not be brought up in a PC-household. OH is Glaswegian so we have a head start with the comedy accents.

skihorse · 25/06/2009 16:10

lol@ wtfu!

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 16:17

High school senior ttc??? OMFG.

wildfig · 25/06/2009 16:23

Am absolutely fine with comedy accents. (Was not a PC comment. Am the very last person to be PC. I only get the Guardian for the crossword.) Our dog talks in a thick posh Brummie accent and is very sarcastic.

and about the High School Senior TTC banner! We should make our own Crepey Lush banner with a countdown past the Birthday of Doom.

Laurie if you don't test soon, I am going to turn on a tap and let the sound of running water work its magic.

skihorse · 25/06/2009 16:27

I'm going to lean over laurie like Harry in Dumb & Dumber and yell "just pee on the fucking stick" like he yells at Halle Berry for the phone number.

Yes. Fo shiz. A "High School Senior TTC" banner. She hadn't just typed that and bolded it. It was a fucking banner. Pre-made.

I love the idea of the Birthday Of Doom countdown timer! Maybe when you reach the aforementioned Birthday Of Doom an automatic email is sent to your work depicting a pair of shrivelled up ovaries? Geen eggs?

Geekylass · 25/06/2009 18:19

Oi ski I'm weegie too! what part of Glasgow is he from?

I agree with everyone else laurie - first class tickets = BFP! Please test nice and early tomorrow so I can check the thread before I go to my graduation tomorrow - will ease the pain of having to be on show all day

Geekylass · 25/06/2009 18:19

Oops, 2 tomorrows because I'm so excited!

Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 18:44

Go on laurie - get yer pee on girl, if it's a BFN (unlikely) you could always get really pissed and pretend you're already in 1st class.

I do not know why I am not in my flowers and still getting BFNs. Does anyone know which is the most sensitive peestick? I've been using Sainsway's cheapos but may consider splashing on out on a mega super duper bit of kit if this carries on for much longer. I've been varying between 26 and 31 days (shorter each cycle) but we're now on 33. What gives, oh women of the gutter world?

Good luck with your graduation geeky, nice billowing gowns those

wildfig · 25/06/2009 18:49

geeky I am proud that our thread cares about stylistic errors and spelling mistakes. We may be decrepit and selfish and careerist, but we are literate, FFS!

'splashing on out on' made me laugh too. Oh, you girls crack me up....

Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 18:53

Ah, the irony. Gruniad crossworders readers for the main part and a decent level of literacy and spelling ability.

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 19:08

Oh FFS only pregnant for 24hrs this time

All over again I think... am drinking cider to commiserate with myself.

Geekylass · 25/06/2009 19:10

trig so sorry don't know what to say

Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 19:12

Oh Trig, you poor thing. There's more than enough zider here for you, and lots of support too [hugs]

skihorse · 25/06/2009 19:53

trig I'm so sorry. I think you should go to the doc as soon as you're up to it and explain. It could be something as simple as low progesterone which can be fixed by a vaginal pessary (a friend had this).

nocoffee I'm still only getting faint positives but am full of symptoms. How are you doing symptom wise?

geeky Dennistoun ?

Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 20:11

Symptoms all over the place as follows (TMI alert):

Enough discharge to merit panty liners (love that term) since OV
Excruciating nips for about 4 days
Swollen boobies (much praise from DH)
Period pains on and off since OV
Moody cowbag (big dissing from FH)

How about you? Fancy anything off my shopping list?

I'd love to think I'm preggers but if I'm honest I'm on a big career rollercoaster. It will be bad news anytime betweeen now and about 3 years hence but then I ain't getting any younger so best get on with it. Familiar to anyone else? Sorry trig, I hope I'm not being too insensitive here

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 20:14

Sorry trig - I second what ski said about the progesterone. Could indeed be a very simple matter. I'm well up for being poked and prodded by the medics, me.

Nocoffee I have very sensitive 10miu (whatever the feck that means) from t'internet. G'wan. Splash out on a luxury brand.

wildfig feck the shysters at FF. I love Ms Keynes. Incidentally did you know she had fertility probs?

Feel under pressure about me typos - carefully checked this wan.

donttrythisathome · 25/06/2009 20:17

Yup nocoffee you are.

skihorse · 25/06/2009 20:20

nocoffee beware the expensive digital ones. You may have an IQ of 150... but weeing on a stick is difficult.

I was so bloated 7DPO I bust the zip on my jeans! I'm getting daily fluttering in my uterus. I've now had all the symptoms advertised except sore boobs & nips although I have had bullet nips.

As for my career - nothing is happening at my present company for at least 2 years unless I'm prepared to work 70 hours per week. Which I'm not, even without a baby. Once I feel more settled family-wise I will think about leaving my company.

Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 20:40

God ski, 70 hours? Dream on losers. I had a bit of a whinge at working an 11 hour day yesterday but that simply pales by comparison... love it that you popped your zip through pregnancy bloating, in your face weight loss adverts!

I think I'm doubting a successful conception on the basis that I don't even know if I ovulate at all. If I'm not preggers I'll prob temp chart next month to avoid all this nonsense - wise words wildfrig. And multiple BFNs do put me off! Have decided to retest on Sat with a swanky shiny posh test. Haven't tried FR yet so I'll treat meself.


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skihorse · 25/06/2009 20:45

nocoffee yeh... it was a bit of a giveaway being as I'd lost 9lbs in the previous 4 weeks...

wildfig · 25/06/2009 21:00

trig so sorry - are you sure? (don't mean to be irritating). Poor you. Go to the doctors, get checked out. Thinking of you now, though [sympathetic punch on shoulder]

Nocoffee wellll, I've had a positive OPK but no temperature rise so not sure which to believe, although I've moved around this week, and different locations/rooms/duvets can have an effect on your temperature. Also, DB has been waking me up throughout the night with his godawful snoring, which must affect resting temps. The cast-iron way of telling if you're ovulating is to have day 3 then day 21 bloods done; they measure your HCG and LH and then your progesterone, which tells you if the egg's dropped. Not WHEN though. That's meant to be temping.

donttry love Marian. Have met her! I especially like the upfront way she said, we tried for kids, they didn't happen, we were a bit sad, but lookit, we've got each other and we're happy. She is successful non-mammy role model (and her monthly newsletters are gas).

Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 21:01

[high five]

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