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Mid 30s TCC Gin Palace

997 replies

SkaterGrrrrl · 22/06/2009 22:47

Welcome everyone from the old 'Mid 30s and TTC for the first time' thread. And welcome newbies too. Don't mind the poster in the corner dipping pregnancy test sticks into her glass of gin.

OP posts:
skihorse · 24/06/2009 17:47

lol@ Aerie I BFP in the face of your DailyMail Birthday Of Doom!

Phear my 35 years 5 months old ovaries!

I really am so excited and amazed that we're getting all these positives this week - I mean what are the odds?

Nocoffeenoworkee · 24/06/2009 18:58

Whoop! 2 more bottles of gin to hand back to the Gin Palace - my god we're lucky ladies! Well done Trig and Donttry, I am in awe of your shrivelled up old ovaries doing such sterling work in the anti-DM campaign. Such brilliant news!!!! [runs shrieking round the thread, accompanied by dog and reluctant cat]

On a slightly more sober note, Ski I'm sorry about your Dad's reaction, some people really don't know how to deal with big news, I'm sure he'll be thrilled once he's had a chance to let it sink it. He needs to consider the probability of more ski cadets!

Welcome hel90 - it's great here, no-one counts units, there's a good variety in the booze cupboard and everyone seems to be getting knocked up, I'm sure you'll feel right at home!

Resolve not broken just yet...

SkaterGrrrrl · 24/06/2009 20:13

Welcome hel9a, loads of us have done preggy tests before AF wa sdue so you'll feel right at home. We're not all mid 30's either!

So chuffed we have so many fertile women on this thread, I'm really happy for you guys.

Can I ask all the pregnant posters, how did you tell your DP/ DH the good news and how did he react? Is it like in the movies when he chokes back a tear and sweeps you into his arms?

OP posts:
triggerhappybaby · 24/06/2009 20:17

Sent him a photo of the pee stick via moby. He phoned straight afterwards not too excited, more nervous.

Came in earlier and took to his bed with constipation. After much bumping gums about how crap he was feeling he punched me on the upper arm and said 'Hey, pregnant eh?'

skihorse · 24/06/2009 21:10

Skater Well I jumped out of bed early monday, peed on the stick and jumped in the shower. Went back in to the bedroom and he said "did you pee on it?" and I said "yeh, nothing ". He jumped out of bed and came back with it saying "there is a line". So less sweeping into arms and more muttering about stupid piss-sticks and ancient eyes.

I didn't believe it all throughout the day monday so we weren't in sync.

Since then we've just been giggling and both feel very overwhelmed... and he wants me to test again tomorrow morning. 2 positive tests are not convincing him!

skihorse · 24/06/2009 21:11

trigger that's fucking class!

SkaterGrrrrl · 24/06/2009 21:19

Bwahahahahaha @ 'Hey, pregnant eh?'

I do feel though, that American movies have failed to equip me adequately for real life.

OP posts:
donttrythisathome · 24/06/2009 21:55

I stood at the door of the bathroom in my knickers (not movie friendly ones either - getting baggy polka dot granny bloomers) and gabbled" I tested,its too early, tis all in my imagination, will probably mc as very common" (oh I'm fierce positive me). Told him to mind my cold sore when he tried to kiss me (alluring tale isn't it?). Then he ran off to work with a rictus grin, but vacant eyes.

Movie glamour enough for you?

Welcome hel9a - 37 is mid/mad thirties! And anyway this is more a thirties in general thread.

ski and aerie I raise you 1 year and 3 months past the birthday of doom.

cheggers · 24/06/2009 22:58

blimey girls

i'm only away for a few days and half the flippin thread is knocked up.

what the hell did you all put in your gin??!!

massive congratulations though. to all of you. WOW. really!

soo ... in the meantime. i went to have my uterus measured today after agonising over wedding and holiday plans against IVF decided to take skaters sensible advice and just go for it.

(you were right. there will ALWAYS be something in the way)

anyhow. thought i was harder about this IVF malarky than it turns out i am. no probs until the chemist plonks the drugs on the counter. over a grands worth my normally hard self very nearly sobbed right there in the shop.

so with the biggest drug deal of my life i have added a new category to the thread status:

'avin it large

now someone pass me a cheeky wrap of that babydust stuff to cheer me up

cheggers · 24/06/2009 23:14

oh and hello to hel9a

(no punch for you as you're not pregnant yet)

and as you are sharing i will also admit that by the time my loved one will be injecting me in the arse on a nightly basis, i'll be 37 too.

not sure how it crept up on me, but correctly rounding down, that's still mid thirties as i see it. cheers!

wildfig · 24/06/2009 23:20

A Line Is A Line


Holding in pee Laurilou Nocoffeenosanity Aussieeng Barren Evil Selfish Hags ("BESHs")


OMG. I leave my laptop to do an honest day's work (well... several meetings and a lunch) and I come back to find you all pregnant! What happened?! Blimey. Congratulations all round - you are amazing and should be ringing the Daily Mail with the glad tidings!! Although I did TELL YOU I'm the equivalent of the Baby Chair in the Office and a mere exchange of pleasantries with me results in instant motherhood (threads passim). And nocoffee - you are so next. 5 days overdue?! Come on... You can tell us. We won't text your DH.

House news: we exchanged on the cider palace! . Went out with DB last night to celebrate and didn't get back till quite late. Or at least, as late as you're allowed to stay out in our neck of the woods, since 99% of the locals have to get back to the babysitter hence most places shut at 11.

donttrythisathome · 24/06/2009 23:38

Ah cheggers . Chemists are such weirdly impersonal places to be getting such life changing things.

I love the addition to the list though.

A friend of mine who's thinking about IVF too said her DH said "if its a boy we'll call him Costus".

Have a nice sleep, I'm off to bed.

Geekylass · 25/06/2009 00:22



Nocoffeenoworkee · 25/06/2009 08:08

Care to share geekylass? Are you having a pregnancy related faint or was it the Costus ref?

Weeeeeellllll, still no PERIOD (I'm fed up of 'AF', which may well indicate massive PMT) and a negative test today. Yes, the halo slipped but I have double cocktail heaven coming up tonight and tomorrow so thought it wouldn't hurt .

Ah Cheggers, the indignity of bum injections. Still, you go for it girl [air punching emoticon]

Had dinner with the ladies last night and was treated to sharing space with a 3 month old, and I have to say I didn't have even a snatch of broodiness. He's not exactly an oil painting, which may not have helped. Am I a bad potential mother? Is this an early symptom of the sort of apathy/neglect you read about in the DM?

VeryAnnieGertie · 25/06/2009 09:23

Morning all! And welcome Hel9a! And welcome back cheggers, we missed you, no one to play pop with...

wildfig - congrats on the cider palace! How exciting!

Line-is-a-line ladies, I'm loving your various methods of communication with DHs! Are they all walking a little taller due to their proven virility now? My DH is a bit worried that it'll be his fault if we can't get preg - imagine the relief will carry him through the first few weeks of shock and panic.

Nocoffee I get that too - I come away from time spent with babies feeling...absolutely nothing. My best friend was telling me the other day how she keeps welling up when her Dh goes near a small child and has to leave the room for fear of embarrassing herself. I've never ever felt this way. Argh! argh! The only small thing that's keeping me in the game (apart from not being able to decide not to have kids) (two indecisive people in a marriage makes for tortuous times) is that I think I'd like to experience everything and this is a new thing I have never done.

Course, I also have never bungee jumped or heli-skied, or sold myself on the street....

skihorse · 25/06/2009 09:26

nocoffee Your potential is better than that of my OH. Yesterday we were out buying cherries from a farm and there was a teenage boy kicking a stick down the street. OH makes some sarky comment about "fucking special needs, it's a stick"... then the realisation dawns... it is indeed a group of special needs kids out for a walk.

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 09:30

Pregnancy has now been all but forgotten about by DP owing to continuing digestive issues, partly caused now by an overdose of laxatives. I stacked up the brownie points last night by being solicitous and concerned over and above what the 'illness' warranted so that I can call them in when my ankles swell up and my piles are murderous. I'm not a natural nurse, but I am naturally as sneaky as a bag of weasels...

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 09:33
VeryAnnieGertie · 25/06/2009 09:45

trig do you think your DH's delicate digestive tract was upset by your momentous news?

(I speak as someone whose digestive tract gets upset if there's nothing on the telly or other dubious reasons unrelated to gin and square crisp intake)

RunLyraRun · 25/06/2009 09:48

Hellooo...I've been lurking in a dusty corner of your Palace all week, to the point it could more accurately be described as stalking. As half of you are now UTD, thought now would be a good time to join you to maintain the BESH levels.

Even though I'm not quite TTC yet (I'm not ready I'm not ready aargh) Cosmosis said it would be OK for me to join you now, so I can up the gin intake for a couple of months. Given it's Wimbledon fortnight I'm more into the Pimms at the moment, but usually I drink red wine every day and gin at the weekend.

My house is painted entirely cream, and everything in it is on the magnolia/beige/caramel/mocha spectrum. DH and DDog are both auburn (polite word for ginger), so co-ordinate nicely with the soft furnishings. Otherwise they'd be out, obviously.

I'm 16 months away from the Birthday of Doom. Details of my particular brand of BESH insanity can be found here on Winnie's thread.

Do I qualify?

skihorse · 25/06/2009 09:57

hello lyra - I would be very wary about parking your gin around here. We are an incredibly fertile bunch - perhaps for a limited special offer time only - but nonetheless anyone who posts here will get PG.

In other BFP news, away in another place on the internet the girl I've been cycle-buddies with since November got her faint line this morning - so just 3 days after me. What is up with all the BFPs this week?

I tested again this morning because SkiDiversity has stopped believing I'm PG despite overwhelming evidence:
i) 2 positive sticks
ii) no period
iii) very "juicy"
iv) fluttery uterus (he says I probably just need to fart)

So I peed on another stick and again... a faint line. Is anyone getting proper lines? He has been dreaming about battling killer fast zombies and protecting me and Julian so wakes up tired haha.

I had to see the dietician again this morning as part of my "get thin for IVF" programme. Told her my news and she was very happy and is sending a snitty letter to the gynae so that hopefully she doesn't write off the next woman who dares to walk in wearing something bigger than a size 12.

Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 10:16

Can I just say (for once not in a drunken slur) that I fecking love you lot. I am going through possibly the shittiest time I have gone through in a long long time at the moment, and yet every time I come on this thread I forget it all. You just make me laugh so much.

Loving the many punch in the arm reaction to preggy news btw!

cheggers good luck with the arse injections!

hel9a welcome

wildfig congrats on exchanging!

In other news, my lovely colleague has just reminded me that I have only taken 1.5 days holiday this year, so when you pro-rata out my holidays I'll get an extra 14 days pay in my redunancy payout. Should pay for a bit more gin anyway.


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Cosmosis · 25/06/2009 10:18

lyra my dh is also of what I like to term the "golden" persuasion. You clearly have taste.

triggerhappybaby · 25/06/2009 10:28

VAG It could have been although he reckons it has been like this for a few days which coincided with my mother coming for dinner. Whatever it is, it will be my fault in some way. Most of the men I have evr known have an astonishing capacity to contort something they have done wrong/badly into something I may have done perhaps years ago.

I'm loving the influx of new Conceivers. I note Cosmo seems to be inviting everyone in like it's her house or summat . Am I the only person that is finding this a bit sinister, like the duffers won't actually be allowed to leave a la some sort of Branch Davidian cult arrangement? Branch Cosmodian? Will I have to wear a toga?

Aussieng · 25/06/2009 11:13

Or like Hotel California - "you check out any time you like but you can never leeeeeave..."

Hey everyone - welcome to the new folks - got to keep the BESH numbers up.

Sorry things are so crppy Cosmo*. Are you technically in consultation/"risk of" mode at the moment then?

Managed to get back to something approaching the A game yesterday but not in a babymaking position . Think I have one day left before the 2ww so will try and get my act together tonight. Here's Hoping that some of the Gin palace fertility rubs off!!!!

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