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Mid 30s TCC Gin Palace

997 replies

SkaterGrrrrl · 22/06/2009 22:47

Welcome everyone from the old 'Mid 30s and TTC for the first time' thread. And welcome newbies too. Don't mind the poster in the corner dipping pregnancy test sticks into her glass of gin.

OP posts:
skihorse · 24/06/2009 09:57

Up the duff:


triggerhappybaby · 24/06/2009 10:12

Well I say I am but when I spoke to DP he said, yes but did you ever get a negative after the miscarriage, fair point that and I confess I never checked. In theory there is a chance it is still residual hormones and thus a chem preg. So can I put myself down for half pregnant please

I'll have to leave it a week to see if the digitest records higher that 1-2 weeks then I will know for sure.

Cosmosis · 24/06/2009 10:13

yee-ha! Stick those blue lines up the Daily Mail's arse then!!!!

[gloating] all the more gin for meeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

wildfig hope you exchanged and have set up the cider press already!

ski your dad sounds like mine - his response to my impending redundancy was to say "oh well" and then tell me about the next few tickets / trips etc he had booked.

skihorse · 24/06/2009 10:24

trigger from what I know (i.e., am 4 weeks pg ergo an expert on all things including penis IN vagina situations) - the hcg levels drop incredibly quickly when you miscarry as early as you did - so they would not still be residual ~4/5 weeks on.

Face it missus, it's time to put the gin down.

cosmo thing is, I was shitting myself about telling him - you know, being made to feel as though I were 15 and have been naughty at the school disco. Obviously if I'd gone home at 15 pregnant there would've been a BIG reaction, but I think this "no" reaction is even worse. sigh

triggerhappybaby · 24/06/2009 10:28

pmsl @ ski's sudden expertise

Thus we are now buddies.

Cosmosis · 24/06/2009 10:41

I know what you mean, I'm dreading telling people when it's our turn, as that means they'll know we have sex!

donttrythisathome · 24/06/2009 10:55

Ooh what an eventful morning!!

Congrats trigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ski - I feel your pain sistah. Some people are crap at expressing emotion though, me included. Plus give the poor chap time for it to sink it. I second what VAG said - we are thrilled for you.

As for me, well I have had a very eventful morning with emergency root-canal treatment, counselling (not emergency, yet) and what I think was a BFP.

Very very faint line on a highly sensitive test, so will test again Friday (oh who am I kidding, tomorrow). Mr donttry looked shellshocked but in fairness he was running out to work when I collared him with a pissy stick. Ohh the glamour. Next time - fart him into submission.

Did feel alright me belly had a lodger, but really thought it was wind. No other symtoms except a heavy feeling down low, and its not a dildo.

nocoffee and laurie - your resolve is stunning to me.

donttrythisathome · 24/06/2009 10:56

Wildfig que passe with the country pile - are you busy installing the cherrywood liquor cabinet?

skihorse · 24/06/2009 11:03

donttry yaaaaaaaay! YOU ARE! This is quite the week for the gin-addled ancient selfish career-bitches, n'est-ce pas!?

A line is a line lady as you all told me monday night. Post a pic?

C'mon laurielou POtBloodyS!

Cosmosis · 24/06/2009 11:05

donttry you is up duffstreet!!! fabby news!!

nocoffee and laurie come on girls, test test test.

Soon all the gin will be mine, all mine.....

donttrythisathome · 24/06/2009 11:26

Oi, gimme that gin. VAG said it doesn't go into the bloodstream for 6 weeks, so I've a lots of binge drinking to do up until then Stick that up yer bum Daily Hate!! Only messing...I think...

Tried to take a photo, but my camera phone is crap.

VeryAnnieGertie · 24/06/2009 11:40

Trig and donttry - WAYHAAYYYYYYYYY!!! Go girls! Superduper news!

triggerhappybaby · 24/06/2009 11:54
VeryAnnieGertie · 24/06/2009 12:06

trig - totally understand, I'd be exactly the same

skihorse · 24/06/2009 12:11

Sooo.... in light of 4, if not 5 BFPs this week... the A-game must've been good all round 2 weeks ago!

VeryAnnieGertie · 24/06/2009 12:22

Sooo - to summarise;

A Line Is A Line


Holding in pee Laurilou Nocoffeenosanity Aussieeng Barren Evil Selfish Hags ("BESHs")


Too busy drinking cider to post


(with apols to those I've missed - do add selves as appropriate)

VeryAnnieGertie · 24/06/2009 12:24

Sorry Aerie - you're also a BESH I think?

donttrythisathome · 24/06/2009 12:54

PMSL at genius new list.

VAG I have constant misgivings too. I only like small babies, not the other kinds! Also refuse to get excited til 12 weeks (as you all know by now, yes I am totally lying).

skihorse · 24/06/2009 13:01

donttry I don't even like babies that much, I like children. I'm planning to give birth in around 2016.

Aussieng · 24/06/2009 15:34

poor baby in our house - both I and DH are only interested from about 11 months - perhaps we should adopt.

Think I should also be in the BESH list. "Game" has in any event denigrated to C-game. But my clients are happy so no doubt that will give me comfort whan I am 80 and alone

BUT congrats to all and get your mits of the gin - I've got ovaries to lubricate

Aerie · 24/06/2009 16:43

Wowee, this is heady stuff - all these BFPs and obviously pending BFPs (aha - you are all so up the duff ), I think I need a lie down with a stiff drink - cheers ladies! I'm chuffed to bits for you all

VAG - I am deffo a BESH, but still have 6 months to go before the birthday of doom...........

SkaterGrrrrl · 24/06/2009 16:46

Well done to TheNewlyPreggers.

I am a BESH! And you guys are my BESH friends!

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hel9a · 24/06/2009 17:13

Hello? It's me... the one who's been lurking for ages (I was going to join the very entertaining other 30s TTC thread but I couldn't keep up with it - so many people, so many posts).
Here are my credentials: am partial to a G&T but prefer vodka & diet coke, have white walls but no cat, TTC#1 UCL 28-35 CD 28!!! and am taking Wild Yam in an attempt to keep my progesterone levels up (self-diagnosis, self-medicating i.e. I am mad) and I took part in a radio phone-in last week discussing the report about 30s TTC (impressive, huh?). And... am 37 but I can pretend that I'm mid-30s if necessary. So, can I join?
Whether you want me or not, I'll probably be posting here over the next few days as my pre-AF madness really kicks in (I've already done a pregnancy test and my period's not even due til next week...)I'll try not to get too jealous of those who have positive test results - Good luck everyone.

skihorse · 24/06/2009 17:17

lol@ Aerie I BFP in the face of your DailyMail Birthday Of Doom!

Phear my 35 years 5 months old ovaries!

I really am so excited and amazed that we're getting all these positives this week - I mean what are the odds?

hel9a · 24/06/2009 17:23

Hello? It's me... the one who's been lurking for ages (I was going to join the very entertaining other 30s TTC thread but I couldn't keep up with it - so many people, so many posts).
Here are my credentials: am partial to a G&T but prefer vodka & diet coke, have white walls but no cat, TTC#1 UCL 28-35 CD 28!!! and am taking Wild Yam in an attempt to keep my progesterone levels up (self-diagnosis, self-medicating i.e. I am mad) and I took part in a radio phone-in last week discussing the report about 30s TTC (impressive, huh?). And... am 37 but I can pretend that I'm mid-30s if necessary. So, can I join?
Whether you want me or not, I'll probably be posting here over the next few days as my pre-AF madness really kicks in (I've already done a pregnancy test and my period's not even due til next week...)I'll try not to get too jealous of those who have positive test results - Good luck everyone.

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