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Emmsy's onwards and upwards part five.....white coats and pee sticks at the ready for more BFP's

1000 replies

VJaybigpants · 12/06/2009 12:54

Here we go a shiny new thread.....

OP posts:
bakingqueen · 13/06/2009 11:24


bakingqueen · 13/06/2009 11:31

Hello ladies typed a huge post and stupid phone lost it! Sorry to hear about the bfns hope your ok and can think onwards and upwards. So happy things were ok for you gracie was so worried yesterday out your feet up and relax for your two weeks off forget about work and concentrate on you x. Moon thinking of you hope your starting to feel a bit stronger x. Hoping your ok today barbie hope your work is getting a bit better and you can relax for your bean x. Sorry to

bakingqueen · 13/06/2009 11:36

Sorry to hear your having a bad day cupcake my hand is there for you to hold if you need it x. Sorry post is split up struggling to send messages through phone still waiting for internet! On the plus side means dh does his internet stuff at work meaning more free time at home which is good as opk positive on thursday which is very early for me normally a day 16-18 girl! Had really bad left sided pain last night which dh thought was ov pain which was quite weird as not had it before so lots of bd in bakingqueen household with the marinading afterwards of course! X. Hope you all have a lovely day got to getstarted on some washing and ironing x

MrsKate · 13/06/2009 11:39

gracie im up i im free to take dolly the collie the walk she was just at the phone when i got up xxxx

sorry iggy and mermaid for bfn

i got a positive opk today yeah my last one i got left .

cupcakefairy · 13/06/2009 11:50

Go go go kate!!

Glad to hear you're getting lots of action too bakingqueen hopefully next month is the BFP month!

Question, neeko how did you and MLS exchange numbers without publishing them on here? Would love someone to be able to text me any new BFPs while I'm away... did you use Contact-another-Mumsnetter? Or was it through facebook?

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 11:54

MrsKate!! Right lets take Dolly a walk then you must go straight home and seduce that DH of yours!!

cupcake sorry you are feeling down, maybe you need that extra evil AF to prepare for the little Bean that going to find its way there this month.

BakingQueen glad you're managing to get lots of BD'ing and marinading afterwards. Lets hope for a BFP for you very soon.

Moon How are you today?

Neeko · 13/06/2009 11:54

Sorry Iggy about your BFN

Kate and Bakingqueen GO!GO! GOOOOOOO!

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 11:56

Cupcake, I think it was when MLS published her work website on here a few weeks back.

Neeko · 13/06/2009 11:57

Cupcake I had emailed MLS on her website when MN was down and I was in a panic so she sent me it through email. I think you can send a private message here though. If you can I'd be happy to update you

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 12:01

cupcake and neeko I have a plan.

Just set up an email address [email protected]

anyone who wants numbers swapping email this and I'll do the swapping!

Neeko · 13/06/2009 12:08

Fab plan Gracie Guess where I'm going now!!!

cupcakefairy · 13/06/2009 12:30

gracie you're a genius!

Ok I will go email it now; I don't mind who has my number

cupcakefairy · 13/06/2009 13:13

Hooray, the plan works a treat Pah to MNHQ charging £5 a year to contact other MNers... gracie provides a much better service

bakingqueen · 13/06/2009 13:24

Good idea of email gracie but can't email from my phone but want to pass on number anyone got any ideas how I can pass it on as don't want to put in on the thread? X

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 14:19

BakingQueen could you text a friend who has email and tell them to email your number? or get your DH to do it from work?

Gracie, MrsKate and Dolly the Collie have been for a walk. I've told Dolly to go for an afternoon nap as MrsKate will be busy with DH this afternoon!

MrsKate · 13/06/2009 15:15

well no chance of bd as dh is in bad mood and not feeling well bloody typical . dolly the collie is being so quiet too she listened to gracie

Curlywurlee · 13/06/2009 20:43

YAYYYYYY first exam over and I get access to a laptop so I can finally catch up with your girls properly!!

Mrskate I think the best time to bd after you get the magic line on the opk is 12 to 36 hours later so maybe you could spoil DH tonight till he gets over his manflu or whatever serious illness he has, and then jump on him tomorrow instead

4ever maybe it was two eggs a couple of days apart!!! TWINS!! I'm telling you, this month will be the month Did you get a weaker line today?

Sorry about the BFN's Mermaid and Iggy, are you sure it's not too early? Remember Barbie a couple of weeks ago. What day is AF normally due? Big hugs to you in the meantime xxx

Neeko fingers crossed for you. After the longest most complicated cycle in history, you must be up the duff I really giggled at your story about the birthing ball. The thought has struck me too, I just don't get how something that big can come out of something this small

Jools it makes me sad to think of what you have been through in the last few years but there is something lovely about how your body finally kicked in to meet this maternal need. I am sure this is going to happen for you and dp and this tough journey will make you love that little bundle even more. I hope after the week away you are having a nice relaxed weekend xxx

Lion how is your poor dd? What a nightmare

gracie is the pain any better? I'm so glad you have got two weeks off though I wish your dh could come home and look after you - though at least you have kate and dolly. What an awful traumatic experience to go through - I can't tell you how delighted I am that everything was okay and the dates sounds perfect too Have they given you a date for another scan any time soon? A girl needs proper warning if she is going to have legs looking their best

Barbie I know it's hard but please stop tormenting yourself I am getting similar pains and twinges, my boobs are sore one day and not the next and from what I have read it is totally normal. After one miscarriage, you really have every chance of having a successful pregnancy Think about how long you have waited for that BFP and just hope for the best. We all know there are no guarantees but let's be thankful that we have got this far and stick our heads in the sand as much as we can till we know different, ok honey xxx

lbs when are ya testing?

bakingqueen lovely to see you - thank god for blackberries and iphones eh?! Have fun marinating!!!

lol at your boob symbols (.)(.) mollie. You are a most talented MN'er!!!

cupcake have you started practicing for cupcake month yet or is that evil witch still lurking?

Big waves to cupoftea gingermumi MLS Scorpio MM VJ Sabs Annie and Blue and a big welcome to hoping always

Curlywurlee · 13/06/2009 20:46

Still haven't got the hang of LBM!!! I meant lbm not lbs

Curlywurlee · 13/06/2009 20:49

Ah no I forgot Moon. My only excuse is exam fatigue, I was saving you for last. Hope you are doing okay hon. I've been thinking about you a lot xxx

Neeko · 13/06/2009 20:51

Hey Curly Well done on being one exam down. Has the news of your bean sunk in yet?

Curlywurlee · 13/06/2009 20:54

Hey Neeko, I get excited a few times a day, and also have some minor panics. But the exams are a great distraction

What day is testing day? You must be absolutely tormented at this stage of the 2ww!

Neeko · 13/06/2009 20:55

Gracie The plan worked a treat. Is it wrong that your real names sound weird? I have MLS real name saved to my phone but think the rest of you will remain in your MN nicknames. MY DH is insistant that we're not taking the laptop when we go on holiday on 11th July and that I'll just have to live without MN - HEE HEE, Now I won't have to!! (have just read that back - do I sound very pathetic in a I-have-no-life kind of way? )


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Neeko · 13/06/2009 20:57

Curly official testing day is Wednesday but they are shouting out the cupboard at me. Today is 10 days post ov so maybe Tuesday?... I am quite scared of having all my hopes dashed!

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 21:02

Neeko you are in my phone as Neeko and Cupcake and MLS, I can't keep track of your real names! neeko you'll be able to text to us what you want writing on Mumsnet, I think its a great idea to relieve withdrawal symptoms when you go on holiday.

Curly good to hear your first exam is over. The pain is still quite bad, but I can manage it at home better. No they've got me booked in at 12 weeks for a scan unless I get bleeding before then. I'm not sure if the referral my GP put in for a reassurance scan at 9 weeks will work or not. But going to pay for a private one if not else I'll get carted off to the loonie bin before then.

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 21:03

Neeko I know what you mean about pregnancy tests shouting at you from the cupboard! Mine used to do that too!

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