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Emmsy's onwards and upwards part five.....white coats and pee sticks at the ready for more BFP's

1000 replies

VJaybigpants · 12/06/2009 12:54

Here we go a shiny new thread.....

OP posts:
Joolsiam · 12/06/2009 14:09

Loving the new thread I've brought across a couple of deck chairs and a freezer full of mini milks

am going to head home early as my last meeting has been cancelled - woo hooo - means I should be home by 7pm !!

Now I've got this thread bookmarked, I can lurk on my phone and send sticky happy vibes to Gracie

See you later

Link to old thread for anyone who needs it

Neeko · 12/06/2009 14:24

I'm off too. Temp rise is definitely not linked to pregnancy - yet? Sorry iggy you need a ridiculously long cycle that confuses everyone to get to the top of the list.

Gracie You should know by now... in my thoughts. I'll be back later. xx

cupcakefairy · 12/06/2009 14:25

iggy I agree I love seeing everyone's pics but I'm paranoid about putting mine up in case someone on MN knows me in RL! Maybe we should do a 'My pic's up for the next 20 mins if you wanna see it' haha! How vain would that be!

Neeko it's so funny how everyone is head-scratching over your cycle 4ever - the temp rise wouldn't be from being pg as she didn't have a rise for ovulation before it...and she also had breakthrough bleeding. It was just delayed ovulation. I still think you should test before I go neeko but I know exactly what you mean...I'm glad I waited cos AF coming is slightly less painful than a BFN.

Woohoo for going home early jools hope the trip back is ok.

anniebigpants · 12/06/2009 14:40

Afternoon ladies, just popping on quickly to say Gracie, i really really hope its just beanie burrowing in extra deep which is giving you these pains. Heres my hand to hold and sending you big hugs and positive vibes.
None of us ladies on here deserve any more heartache than what we,ve already had to endure.

Curlywurlee · 12/06/2009 15:05

Kate any news on gracie? So hoping this is good news

Moon thinking of you today. I'm glad the healing can begin for you now One day at a time lady, it will get better. I can't remember who suggested it but I agree long walks on a nice day really really help xxx

4everhopeful · 12/06/2009 15:06

Quick lurk for news on Gracie... She must of had scan by now? Mrskate if you hear do let us know ASAP wont you? I leave at 4pm & wont be able to check again for ages but wont stop thinking about it. I have my crap dial up at home & was gonna use it to see how Mermaid and Iggys tests go tomorrow, but may have to lurk later if still no news for Gracie by the time I leave.. I soooo hope its good news & just her dodgy bowels!!!

4everhopeful · 12/06/2009 15:15

Wow give Cupcake that white coat quickfast! Im still a tad baffled though! Confused enough by my OPKs let alone learning the art of temping as well!

Neeko at your cycle, am secretly hoping it means you are PG tho!!!Glad you finally finished marking! The w-end starts here..!

Jools have a safe trip home! Thanks for the deckchairs, am about to induldge in a milky mini milk! Also trying to distract myself! Right quick refresh for me then work, quick lurk befire 4pm & hopefully there will be some news by then...

iggypiggy · 12/06/2009 15:25

bugger - am in quandry... have left PG tests at home (in special secret hidey place)... DH picking me up from work and we leaving for weekend at my parents place in country...

what shall I do

  1. Explain to him where they are?
  2. Buy one tomorrow and test on Sun

    If I tell him where they are AF will surely come!
mermaidspurse · 12/06/2009 15:50

I only went out to rescue my parents and a freezer and you had all moved that was quick.
Was hoping everything was ok......
Have a good weekend 4ever just keep marinating I reckon!
iggy tell him to find them,you will have to find another secret hiding place

LionstarBigPants · 12/06/2009 15:52

Wow, thread 5 - how did that happen? So much to catch up on too.

My heart is in my mouth waiting for news of Gracie, how worrying, can only send hugs to you and hope it all works out OK.

Also want to send a big hug to Moon, such a horrible experience, what a brave lady you are. Just cherish yourself for the next few weeks (we'll help too)

Welcome to the big pants blue - you'll find lots of room to expand here. Am very of your lovely white couch and serene pictures - how do you manage that with a toddler?

Vjay, great picture giving me a taste of things to come (though I feel even bigger than that some days already!)

barbie you DP sounds lovely and I'm glad he's going to give that stupid doc what-for. How dare she be so insensitive, and wrong!

I know Sabs won't see this for a while, but hope she's having a lovely time in Rome. Oddly enough we're off to Tuscany on 20th and are debating a day trip to Rome, is there some irresitible pull for Emmsy's graduates? Can't wait for hols too, though will probably be ridiculously hot to be slugging around quaint hilly towns at 6 months gone (and with a toddler). Am hoping we'll spend lots of time at the rented farmhouse, more specifically the pool

hoping welcome to this lovely thread and hope you find lots of comfort that things have a way of working out in the end.

Waves to jools neeko mermaid mrskate baking iggy cupcake and anyone else I've missed

Well it's just taken me 1/2 hour to catch up! Now I need a nap. DD is snoozing on the sofa beside me, poor love she was sick copiously in the night - no idea why, though she told me her 'tummy is full of chips' (and we did have fish & chips for dinner). In my defence have just worked 3 full days and it was a bit of a shock to the system so was too tired to cook. Have spent all morning doing 3 loads of washing (her bedding, our bedding, 3 pairs of her pjs and one pair of DPs all copped it). Plus had to scub the landing carpet and deep-clean the bathroom. Sorry about TMI - think I'm slightly delerious after serious lack of sleep last night!

4everhopeful · 12/06/2009 16:06

Hey mermaid! Have a great weekend, I will lurk tomorrow to see how its all gone? You still gonna test? The testing party is shrinking! xxx

Iggy I agree with mermaid or she'll be partying on her own! Tell DH the place, or just buy one if its that secret! Im a fan of superdrug! Good luck either way ladies and have a fab weekend!

Nice to 'see' you Lion!!! Oh the joys of motherhood eh? I swear after all this I'll smile all the way through the midnight barf attacks! !!!

Well just checking for news on Gracie, obviously nothing yet... Going loo will refresh again, but may have to lurk later, def planned on tomorrow for mermaid (so do let us know wont you lady!)

Gracie Im really willing everything to be ok for you my lovely xxxxxxxx

Neeko · 12/06/2009 16:13

Hi. Just popping in for news on Gracie Will lurk again later...
Can't remember who asked but marking not finished. I just brought it home.

bakingqueen · 12/06/2009 16:34


bakingqueen · 12/06/2009 16:39

Hello ladies had two days away from you all and you moved! Loving the shiny new thread! My heart sank when I heard about gracie hope things are ok and its a sticky little bean in there will keep lurking for news. Sorry to hear about your bad experience moon hope your on the road to recovery. Catch up later x

GracieGirl · 12/06/2009 17:04

All ok.

  • internet not working - back in 5 mins.
Curlywurlee · 12/06/2009 17:21

Oh gracie that's fantastic

anniebigpants · 12/06/2009 17:25

Gracie-Ive been holding my breath since i read you were having a suspected ectopic, i can breathe now.
I should be getting ready as going out with some friends tonight, but im not moving from my laptop until you come back to let us know what happened when you had your scan etc.

BlueMoon1981 · 12/06/2009 17:27

gracie i'm so pleased

GracieGirl · 12/06/2009 17:30

Right.... the internet at my mums house wasn't working properly so have just got her to drive me home so I can talk to you. (my mum thinks I'm crackers, I've been awake for 32 hours apart from a 2 hour nap yesterdy afternoon).
I've had a scan which shows a little bean in the right place measuring 5 weeks and 2 days. I guess thats due to my 30 day cycle, as I'm 5 weeks and 4 days since last AF.
I'm sorry for worrying everyone, they haven't figured out what my pain is but its probably my dodgy bowel. I've been told not to go to work for 2 weeks.

anniebigpants · 12/06/2009 17:32

Im crying tears of joy and relief for you Gracie-DH thinks i have lost the plot.Im so happy and relieved. Now feet up, or better still off to bed for you, you must be exhausted.

GracieGirl · 12/06/2009 17:33

My new due date going on that scan would be 10th February, which bizarrely is the day I had my ERPC for my miscarriage.

Thank you everyone for being so supportive. I found MrsKate parked outside my Mums house when I escaped from hospital - bless her for running round trying to find me.

Curlywurlee · 12/06/2009 17:46

gracie off to bed with you thanks for letting us know what happened. I am so so so happy and relieved for you.

Best get back to my studying. I'll drop in tomorrow to see you all xxx


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barbie1 · 12/06/2009 18:00

Hello lovies

I have been trying to relax and take my mind of things so decided not to look for a day at thread and to rest....went out to lunch, needed to pee all the time....and then had a massive freakout on the way home cos my back is killing me, lower left boobies didnt feel so sore and im not so tired just sat in the car with a really drunk husband, crying that i just can get through this.....then i was bought back down to earth by gracies story.

Im happy for you hunny, im thinking prehapes i need to bring my doctors app forward but i think im only 4 weeks and a few days so there wouldnt be much to see anyway.....

f**king mc plays with your come on pregnant ladies i need some advice...

  1. does your sore boobs come and go? and does it count as sore boobs if they are only sore when you touch them?

  2. period like pain, did any of you feel like af will show up anytime?

  3. anyone have back pain, perticularly lower one sided pain.

  4. coping begging

    Hello to everyone, am is so sorry im losing the plot and being very self centred for the minute, i love you all and ps gracie just found your note in the package, its on my fridge!
GracieGirl · 12/06/2009 18:10

Barbie I'm not sure you want my advice as I'm pretty crackers and not coping well at all.

  1. no change or soreness in boobs yet
    2)period pain all the time, abdo pain is my speciality!
  2. yes to lower back pain, but is not one sided.
  3. not coping very well at all. I was better at pretending it wasn't happening.

    Barbie stick with me we can lose the plot together. I really wish all this could have happened next week as I might have seen a heart beat.
mermaidspurse · 12/06/2009 18:15

gracie omgplease please don't do that to us or yourself again. You are now hopefully asleep. So yeah 2 weeks off, I think that is what all our new bfp ladies need at the minute.

barbie when I used to be disorganised and never new when my af was due and was pregnant I would be carrying tampax, around, even sometimes putting one in so convinced I was about to come on. You do get very simular gripping af pains honestly. Lower back pain totally normal in my opinion... ladies?
boobies sounds about right... this is going to mess with your head honey and you are a long way from home so it must be much worse for you. Thinking of you, hang in there.xx

its bloody saturday tomorrow and I said I was testing so now you can all get your own back! I think i can sense that nasty af coming though.

moon hope you are ok

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