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Emmsy's onwards and upwards part five.....white coats and pee sticks at the ready for more BFP's

1000 replies

VJaybigpants · 12/06/2009 12:54

Here we go a shiny new thread.....

OP posts:
GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 23:23

Waves to Cupcake whilst pacing around.

cupcakefairy · 13/06/2009 23:24

(but for your pain)

barbie1 · 14/06/2009 04:00

Goodmorning girls...

Lurking away but not posting....i need a few days to myself, back pain really bad now so much so that im pulling a sickie today in order to try to bring forward my 8pm doctors appt. I figured that if i go at 8pm the chances of them doing much is slim, but if i go early they might be able to arrange a scan/bloods for today and i might even get a result back {hopeful emotion}

I have stressed myself out completely and so dont want to bring the thread down with my negative thoughts. Ill be watching all of you abd will promise to post soon

Love to everyone xxx

GracieGirl · 14/06/2009 08:34

Barbie I'll be thinking of you today. Well done for pulling a sickie and putting you and your Bean first. I really hope your pain is just your Bean being less than gentle burrowing to find a secure spot to hold on tight to till February. Don't feel guilty about pulling as many sickies as you need. Eat well and drink plenty whilst you're not at work and nothing is stopping you. Huge hug, hair stroking and hand holding from me. x x x

Molliemooma · 14/06/2009 08:49

Barbie Take as much time as you need from work and/or MN you need to look after yourself and I'm proud of you pulling a sickie (never thought I'd say that )
Moon I think it's a good idea to have a break we did the same thing after 3rd m/c we waited for our referral to the recurrent m/c clinic. After a break from TTC I actually felt excited about trying again instead of just a chore which it had become. Hope you feel a little better today
Curly I bet you feel relieved now the first exam is over? Any symptoms from you yet?
Gracie PMSL at you and Kate stealing a scanner, fantastic idea I have the most marvellous pictures in my head of you trying to get it off the ward, bit like a carry on film How is the pain this morning?
Kate Hope you got some successful BD in after all
Neeko Those bloody tests shout far too loud don't they Good luck on resisting them until Weds
Iggy Sorry it was a BFN

Big waves to everyone else

GracieGirl · 14/06/2009 09:17

Morning Mollie, how are you this morning? The pain is still there I'm afraid, though I did manage to get sleep from 2am till 8am without waking up in pain.

Molliemooma · 14/06/2009 09:21

Gracie Glad you got some sleep, are you able to eat with this pain? I'm OK been having some really vivid dreams and been awake since 5am but at least it's Sunday means I can have a little nana nap

GracieGirl · 14/06/2009 09:24

Mollie enjoy your nap! Yes I'm still eating ok, even if occasionally forcing it down. I'm thinking that nap idea of yours might be a clever thing for me to do.

Molliemooma · 14/06/2009 09:26

Too right, having naps gets me out of doing all sorts Go fot it

GracieGirl · 14/06/2009 11:29

I've had my nap its now gone 11am, much more suitable for sunday getting up time.

I really hope Barbie managed to see the doctor earlier than planned today. - thats the nearest there is to a worried face.

4everhopeful · 14/06/2009 11:57

Morning ladies!

I lurked yesterday from phone to find out the news.. Kept going down tho.. Told DH I must check properly &send quick post to Gracie and Mermaid this morning!

Gracie soooooooooo relieved its not ectopic! Those dodgy bowels had us all so worried, you rest up for 2 weeks honey! DH home tomorrow and so glad you have Mrskate looking out for you!

Mermaid so sorry never got to post yesterday but just wanted to say - awwwwww CRAP! Same as Curly said your an original emmsys & would have been very fitting for you to be 1st BFP on this thread.. Know what you mean about relief though, every AF since mc i felt slightly releived, wierd coping mechanism I spose... I think its knowing a BFP isnt the joyous moment its meant to be, more a Here we go a again.. OMG scarey.. sort of thing! This is first time for a long time I been desperate to get the BFP cos of the treatment we are having, otherwise I have my positive reasons not to be list close at hand! Next month honey, next month.. xxxxxxxx

Great idea re the number swapping girls will do when at work tomorrow!

Sorry just a quick post cos crap dial up & DH downstairs waiting to cook a late brekkie bless him! NOrmally stick to MNing at work cos DH & I still on that newlywed spend every spare second together vibe! Also like to switch off from my obsessing & anxiety as much as poss when home! Anyway - OPK slightly lighter yesterday, not done today yet! Hope Curly is right and its twins!!!!

Hope you all have a lovely day!

mermaidspurse · 14/06/2009 13:06

afternoon all! come in for a rest after planting out sunflowers. ds is walking around with a clip board and tape measuring all the neighbours sunflowers which he handed out we all got the weedy ones of course. So we have had a bit of maths, biology, writing and tactical logic all before lunch

Still no af at mermaidhq day25 for me so I should be on now no pmt, no throbs,pain.. but I do feel really warm, lovely day aside so I don't know. I had a dark opk line on day12. I am going up a blind alley arn't I...

gracie I am so glad you are ok, are you getting a handle on this horrible pain?
just take it really easy.xx

mollie queen of the naps you are sounding bright and relaxed which is lovely to read.

curly how many more exams have you got left after Monday? Hope it goes ok.

mrskate I hope your dh is feling a bit happier and as a consequence you do too

cupcake are you weathering af ok now, nearly on to the next month

bakingqueen you need to pinch the instruction manual to the scanner first

barbie Am thinking of you at the drs. Hope something is said/done to alay your fears and sending a hug.

moon you brave lady, I hope the dizzyness is going and you feel a bit more yourself.x

iggy I know you are away for the weekend but hello anyway

cupoftea neeko helloo ( you can tell I have long post exhaustion now!)

4ever dear of you tearing yourself away from a man who cooks breakfast ( and I bet he doesn't splatter grease everywhere and cleans up after himself too)

gracie do I just send an email to that email address, sorry I am being thick.xx

love to all I have missed, vjay mls ginger hopefulxxxxxx

Curlywurlee · 14/06/2009 13:35

Ooh mermaid you are getting me excited now

Just a quick lurk to check on Barbie. Hope you have got some reassurance from the doctor and everything is ok xxx

Big waves to 4ever gracie and anyone lurking

Back soon

barbie1 · 14/06/2009 14:04

white coated ladies i need you!!!!

So went to the doctors today, they ruled out a kidney infection but need to send some pee off to do more checks, the pregnancy test reacted really quickly and was strong. The back ache is still really bad so it could be a sign of v early mc or something else had a scan but saw nothing, not sure they even saw a sac (the lady wasnt english) the doctor was lovely, she said back ache is normal but is concerned about early mc so she did bloods and ihave too see tomorrow how far gone they place me at. The docotrs main concern was that the dates would put me at 6 weeks, the scan on the other hand would be earlier than 5.

So i explained the whole not having regular periods and ovulating late, she said if that was the case im still in with a chance.

My question to the white coats is this......

My last af (one day spotting only) was 6th of may....bfp on day 32...think ovulated about day 18? how far on would i be now??

Anyway thanks for all your concern, im thinking about you all, sorry for the me me me post x

mermaidspurse · 14/06/2009 14:21

barbie where is a white coat when you need it?
I may have this wrong - so you oved on 23rd May and then 15 days later on the 7th June you got a bfp - is that right? I think maybe you should count from the day of your spotting on the 6th? which would make it 39 days.
As you know I am not a white coat so you need jools or cupcake I reckon.

I really think your symptons are rampant early pregnancy and have verything very very crossed.

Curlywurlee · 14/06/2009 14:23

Barbie with a normal cycle you should be 5 weeks 5 days today. If you ovulated 4 days later than the average, then I would say that puts you at approx 5 weeks.

The strong BFP is also a good sign. My first MC was at around 5 weeks and I got a BFN straight away.

Hang in there honey xxx

barbie1 · 14/06/2009 14:24

thanks mermaid...., im just hoping that im only 4 plus 3 max....based on gg being 5 plus 2 and getting the bfp a week before me.
Least it would explain the empty scan....

mermaidspurse · 14/06/2009 14:25

how did they scan you internal or on the tummy?

curly hi gorgeous.xx

barbie1 · 14/06/2009 14:27

Tummy scan, hi curly
Did gg have internal

Curlywurlee · 14/06/2009 14:30

Hey mermaid when are you testing again (sorry can't help myself )

barbie no wonder they couldn't see anything!! It's way too early for a tummy scan

mermaidspurse · 14/06/2009 14:31

thats why then sweetie pie its too early to pick it up with a tummy scan I am sure. you needed an internal. Deffo.xxxxx

barbie1 · 14/06/2009 14:34

thanks im going to breathe and relax.....barbie exhales and wanders off to find food


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mermaidspurse · 14/06/2009 14:36

can you go to another blinking drs?

yes r-e-l-a-x

Heathcliffscathy · 14/06/2009 14:44

could i join you ladies?

miscarried end of march emmsy's thread helped me massively.

period came 28 days to the dot after mc.

so now second cycle away and am CD21 of a 28 days cycle (altho is sometimes 27 days).

haven't tested for ovulation but had (tiny bit of) EWCM on CD11. BD'd on CD11, CD12 and CD14 (about the same as we did the cycle we were pregnant before mcing).

weirdly though I had really painful breasts around CD18/19 so probably that was ovulation? and we're missed the boat this month.

anyhow, will be testing next weekend if af doesn't arrive first.


GracieGirl · 14/06/2009 15:04

Barbie yes I had an internal scan, its way too early for a tummy scan. Just so you can compare - my last AF was 4th May but usual cycle 30 days. Going by last AF I am now 5 weeks and 6 days, but as I'm a late ovulater (possibly day 16) my scan puts me at 5 weeks and 4 days today. (5 weeks and 2 days on actual scan which was 2 days ago).

Just looked on internet, apparently abdominial scan not reliable until 8 weeks.

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