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Emmsy's onwards and upwards part five.....white coats and pee sticks at the ready for more BFP's

1000 replies

VJaybigpants · 12/06/2009 12:54

Here we go a shiny new thread.....

OP posts:
GracieGirl · 12/06/2009 18:36

I need my DH not to be at work. I've not even spoken to him yet since he left me at hospital this morning. Hopefully he can come home on monday. What would I do without you lot to rant at?

Mermaid I hope AF stays away.

littlebellsmum · 12/06/2009 20:30

V quick post - gracie , I'm so pleased that everything is OK. I just lurked hoping to find some more bfp's and when I found out what had happened to you , I couldn't leave.
2 weeks off great - but not good for keeping your head in the sand. Take care of yourself
Hello to everyone else - as Neeko guessed, my life is just very very busy ( isn't everyones!)

Neeko · 12/06/2009 20:42

Phew! Gracie I'm so relieved for you. i hope you're having a nice pain-free sleep now and that's the last trouble this baby gives you until he or she is a teenager! Sleep tight. I hope your DH gives you a huge hug soon.

AWW Barbie It can't be easy, especially being so far wawy from home. I had very few symptoms with DD until I was about 9 weeks, except or fizzy nipples the day before AF was due. You just have to remember that every minute is a minute closer to your DC being born. Try to concentrate on non-pg related targets such as your holiday while your bean settles in. (please remind me of this level-headed advice when it's my turn!)

OK, off to text MLS about Gracie. Hope everyone else is doing ok, particularly Moon

Neeko · 12/06/2009 20:44

Hi LBS Hope you're still managing some me time and you get a chance to come back to us soon.

Mermaid What time is pee-time? I'll be up from 6!

cupcakefairy · 12/06/2009 21:05

Gracie thank God!!
I prayed for you at 2.15 as promised, and have only just got in now from a work do (first thing I said to dh when he picked me up 'I need to go find out about Gracie!')
So soooo relieved for you. And that is something quite amazing about the due date.
Feel so sad for you not having your dh there to hug and cry on though...wanna come to my house and watch the West Wing with me?

Hope all you lovely ladies are enjoying your Friday night.

MrsKate · 12/06/2009 21:52

hi all

sorry didnt get back to u sooner re gracie
i was too busy stalking see where she was . i was driving to hospital to see her when i saw her walking down the street . nearly died trying to get to her mums in time as wasnt sure which house is was .

i cant tell youu all how happy i am for gracie i love her loads. xxx.

i know what she can do without dh is call me if she needs me .for dolly the collie walks and ladies that lunch .

barbie i really hope you are ok thinking of you and hope you back ache gets better.

i have no hope of getting pg this month till no ov on day 17 been testing sice 12 i give up with my cycle

waves and hugs to everyone

GracieGirl · 12/06/2009 22:30

I've had 2 hours sleep, I'm not very good at this am I. Cupcake I would love to come to your house and watch West Wing.

Mrskate Thank you again. I've love to come dog walking with you. Don't give up yet, you have a 35 day cycle so you're possibly not due to ovulate until day 21 anyway. Keep seducing that DH of yours!

Neeko thank you for letting MLS know my bean is ok.

LBM hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll have figured out how to put my head safely back in the sand for a few more weeks.

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 04:57

Barbie you up yet? Or already gone to work?

VJaybigpants · 13/06/2009 07:19

Good morning, this is early for me, couldn't sleep and wanted to check on gracie, and it's fab news so I'm bouncing on my birthing ball with a big smile on my face

barbie my booby soreness came and went all the time and still does, they are tender to touch but only the nipple area TMI!!! I had loads of af type pains that scared the crap out of me, sometimes to one side as well, I think that is bean burrowing in. Try and relax chick, you need some distraction xx

Don't know what I'm up to today, I've had my cornflakes so far....

OP posts:
Neeko · 13/06/2009 07:51

Morning. Any sign of the testees? (that sounds quite rude actually! )

Gracie I'm sure you'll catch up on all your sleep when the baby comes!

Kate Remember it took me til cd 36 to ovulate. You've plenty time yet - just get an interest-free credit card to pay for those opks.

MLS is having a good holiday but I think she's missing MN (who wouldn't?)I need a couple of BFPs to text her and it's too early for me!

VJay You've made as much progress as me this morning, although I opted for toast. I LOVED my birthing ball when I had DD. I used to like to kneel on the floor and lean over it when my back was sore. No use for actual birthing though!

Neeko · 13/06/2009 07:55

Here's hoping thois list will need to be adjusted in a few hours. Get up Mermaid and Iggy

Small pants
Neeko ttc#2 cd46 ov day36
babyinacorner ttc#2 cd35
iggypiggy ttc#1 cd29
littlebellsmum ttc#3 cd27
mermaid ttc#2 cd25
Jools ttc#1 cd21
Kate ttc#1 cd18
4ever ttc#1 cd16
cupoftea ttc#3 cd16
bakingqueen ttc#1 cd15
gingermumi ttc#4 cd8
cupcakefairy ttc#1 cd3
beck ttc#4
hoping always ttc#? cd

Medium pants
Barbie BFP 6th June
Curly BFP 4th June
GracieGirl BFP 30th May
MLS BFP 20th May

Big pants
Lionstarbigpants due 26/09/09
VJay bigpants due 26/08/09
Sabsbigpants due 26/09/09
Anniebigpants due 1/12/09
Molliemooma due 16/12/09
Bluesatinsash due 18/12/09

mermaidspurse · 13/06/2009 07:59

poor vjay up early and already bouncing
ok thought I would get this out the way, bfn so there you go - but didn't really think I was to be honest. well you know the mental torture blah blah blah

iggy its down to you girl, good luck

gracie I hope the pain is a little better today and really hope that your dh can come home soon.

mrskate lol at you stalking! With a cycle that long you shouldn't give up yet

barbie I really hope you are feeling a little less frazzled and that dhs hangover is not too bad.xx

4ever sorry to get you in here on a saturday for nothing! Keep on marinating

love to all, have a great weekend

Neeko · 13/06/2009 08:01

Aww Mermaid that sucks.sending you a hug.

mermaidspurse · 13/06/2009 08:07

neeko morning you are up early, oh of course you are marking

well what more can you do, maybe I havn't got the hang of marinating properly!
actually in a very weird way I am a little relieved which is an interesting direction seeing barbie and gracie lurching through the first few weeks is maybe a place I am not ready for at the minute

Neeko · 13/06/2009 08:25

DD up, so I have no choice!

I might be a little naive here but when the time's right, it'll be right IYSWIM. Some of us unfortunately just have to have a little patience (cue bursting into song) Make sure you go and eat and drink some stuff that pg ladies aren't allowed, or do a bungee jump if that floats your boat more. Take care, Mermaid

mermaidspurse · 13/06/2009 08:38

um or helping out at the church fete?

Molliemooma · 13/06/2009 09:05

Gracie I am so sorry I missed the awful time you had yesterday, but I am so so pleased everything is alright, two weeks off work is brilliant, wierdly I found it easier to cope at home than at work I had 5 wks off due to m/s but got through it much easier than if I'd have been at work. Pull up the comfy chair and get that TV on and make DH run around after you
Mermaid I so wanted you to be the first on the thread, being one of our original girlies. Do something nice for yourself today x
Barbie Like the others have said, you don't really cope, I didn't and had so many meltdowns, like I said to Gracie I had time off work which helped, but you will end up googling every little symptom or non-symptom and worrying yourself to hell whether you're at home or work. (.)(.) will change daily some days mine were only sore when I poked them tiredness was on and off for the first 2 wks then just there all the time! Your back maybe completely unrelated and the AF like pains are you stretching and growing. It is extra hard for you being so far away from home, but we are here if you want to hand hold. I needed time away from MN at the start too especially if other people are having a hard time (and I don't mean that in a nasty way guys I'm sure you know what I mean!) So if you need to take a break we will all understand, miss you but understand

I'm going to sit here now waiting for the others that are testing, every hopeful for you lovely ladies

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 09:48

Morning girls, I'm having the same sort of morning as Neeko and Vjay, I've managed breakfast and got as far as my computer.

Mermaid sorry you got a BFN, and sorry to be adding to your worry about being pregnant again.

Mollie I think you are right, I will probably cope better at home away from work. Unfortunately being an A&E Sister needs a confident person, a quick thinker who throws themselves into the action and thrives on chaos. Me, I'm scared to death of catching a nasty infection off the stinky patients and don't want to go near the drunks who might lash out. I want to wrap myself up in cotton wool and hide so I'm better off at home.

VJaybigpants · 13/06/2009 09:56

Oh mermaid sorry it's a BFN, but your time will come, hopefully next month

neeko leaning over the birthing ball is so comfy isn't it. I'm back to bouncing at the moment

OP posts:
Neeko · 13/06/2009 10:08

Gracie Don't feel guilty about staying at home and if you're still struggling when your line is up, please go back for another one. The NHS will survive without you - just!

VJay I'm feeling all nostalgic now although my DH did come in one night from the gym to find me on the birthing ball sobbing my heart out because I was convinced there was no way I'd expand enough to let the baby out and I'd be pregnant forever! Hormones!

anniebigpants · 13/06/2009 10:12

Sorry you got BFN today Mermaid-i was really hoping you would get your BFP this month, next month it will be then . Have fun at the church fete!

Who else is testing today, im sure there were 2 or 3 testing today?

Barbie-re boob soreness i think it varies from person to person, pregnancy to pregnancy. The soreness did come and go, i did have backache a lot of the time in the early weeks and AF pains for first few weeks then by week 8 more stretching type pains, my pains were often one sided, left side.
As for coping, the only way i could cope was head-in-the-sand. Me and DH barely spoke about the pregnancy until id had my succesful dating scan.

Its a lovely day for a BBQ, good job im going to one later then isnt it?
DH is paranoid that i dont get food poisoning and has warned me to stay away from the chicken, and to dissect all the meat carefully before a morsel passes my lips, to check for any pinky bits-bless him!

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 10:20

Annie I think its just iggy we are waiting for today. It was Cupcake too but AF got her.
Bless your DH at him joining in with pregnancy paranoidness!

Neeko I think the NHS will do very well without me in my current state! I'm definately a hinderance and not much help!

I must be feeling a bit better, as I'm now horrified at having to have an internal yesterday when I'd got hairy legs and smelt like I'd just done a night shift!

MrsKate Are you up yet? Fancy taking that dog for a walk? Before she rings the RSPCA herself and tells them we don't love her anymore! (Collie's are very resourceful you know!)


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iggypiggy · 13/06/2009 11:04

Sorry for making you wait!

Did test - was BFN no sign of AF but BFN must be right cos we only BD on CD 15 and 16 and am now CD 29...

Who knows what cycle doing at the mo...

mermaid sorry you got same result

Gracie am so relieved to come on and hear you news! Look after yourself xx

big waves to the rest of you! Am not at home - so not much internet access...

hugs to moon

GracieGirl · 13/06/2009 11:16

Sorry you got a BFN Iggy.

cupcakefairy · 13/06/2009 11:23

Morning ladies, so the testing party wasn't exactly a 'party' in the end then sorry girls... mermaid is there any chance it's too early for you? What day did you ovulate? iggy I'm sure AF will come soon and you can start again...again.

gracie at your internal scan comment! You're right, you must be feeling better

barbie how are you today? Hate seeing you so worried and wish you could just enjoy your little bean Hope dh is looking after you.

I had another mini wobble last night - I think this is an extra evil AF making me cry loads and today I have a day of cleaning to look forward to...yippee

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