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I can't even be arsed to name-change. Come and tell I'm not pregnant please, and save my sanity!

148 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 10:28

the story so far...

boobs have gone up nearly 2 cup sizes and are vv tender and veiny. coffee makes me feel sick. went out last night and could only have 1 1/2 lager coz the smell was rank. did a CB this morning at 9DPO and got a faint line.

Im so scared. so have decided that I am NOT pregnant. I will be pregnant in 3w time, but not now.

that line was a trick of the light.
ive been trying to put on weight, so thats why my boobs are big.
and ive been prodding them, thats why they hurt.
the beer was off.
the milk was off.

oh FUCK!

but will maybe take it easy, just in case......

OP posts:
OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 09:53

lol jules still waiting for AM to call me back. im soooo impatient. am starting to allow myself to hope that this one's a sticker...

exactly tigerfeet. if someone said "you have a 71% chance of winning the lottery", you'd buy a ticket wouldn't you?

OP posts:
BabiesEverywhere · 04/02/2008 09:54

I have also been lurking on a few of your older threads.

Congratulations and I'm sending loads of sticky bean vibes your way.

I also had an unexpected but not really unexpected and very early BFP. I think it does take a couple days to get your head around it.

All the best and take care of yourself

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 09:55

taking high dose FA, pg supplements (knocked asprin on the head as recommended by LWH) and wearing loose-fitting clothes plus resting. loads no coffee or tea either but lots of milk and oj.... and really just praying.

OP posts:
belgo · 04/02/2008 09:57

thanks lissie.

presumably the high dose folic acid is prescribed?

I can do all the rest no problem

justjules · 04/02/2008 09:58

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TrinityRhino · 04/02/2008 09:58

no hangover here this morning (thank god) but still crossing everything I have
makes it hard to walk bu its worth it

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 10:02

lol tr, thank you x

belgo, yes pescribed, but your gp can prescibe it for you.

jules, you're norty! might try that in a bit

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 04/02/2008 10:05

Do it Lissie!

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 10:07

youre a bad influence! have to go out at 11 so if i havent heard by then i will.

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OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 13:31

still havent heard from her. getting antsy now... should i call my own gp?

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 04/02/2008 13:34

Call the ward If not success, call your GP!

justjules · 04/02/2008 13:35

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

FlameNFurter · 04/02/2008 13:41

I started the thread originally not ing, what with you not being pregnant for 3 weeks. But I have since finished it so I know I can as you are pregnant.

Just scared.

Which is entirely understandable and I would be very very worried if you weren't!

So, since s and lots of crossing is now allowed - I am doing both! xxxxx

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 13:51

no reply at outpatients... bugger, i was all geared up for a trip ooop north! dunno what to do now, cant go up on weds!

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 04/02/2008 13:56

Keep calling!

rainbowdays · 04/02/2008 14:06

If there was not answer then they will be at lunch, so try ringing again now....

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 14:06

i am, thank god for redial

i hate this part. im noticing every twinge, and feel like im holding my breath!

OP posts:
rainbowdays · 04/02/2008 14:10

ok I was imagining a bit of holding your hand in support, but I need to let go so you can redial faster!!!!!

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 14:13

ah but thats the great thing about virtuality.

plus dh's fecking mate has just rung to arrange a mutual friends stag do. and he never shuts up.


OP posts:
magnolia74 · 04/02/2008 14:16

Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you xxxxx

magnolia74 · 04/02/2008 14:17

Er.... I have uncrossed my eyes sorry ,was beginning to hurt

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 14:17
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rainbowdays · 04/02/2008 14:18
alittlebitshy · 04/02/2008 14:24

is he STILL gassing away?

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 14:25

ok, AM was on other line (managed to track her down in ER) but is going to call me back.

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