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I can't even be arsed to name-change. Come and tell I'm not pregnant please, and save my sanity!

148 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 10:28

the story so far...

boobs have gone up nearly 2 cup sizes and are vv tender and veiny. coffee makes me feel sick. went out last night and could only have 1 1/2 lager coz the smell was rank. did a CB this morning at 9DPO and got a faint line.

Im so scared. so have decided that I am NOT pregnant. I will be pregnant in 3w time, but not now.

that line was a trick of the light.
ive been trying to put on weight, so thats why my boobs are big.
and ive been prodding them, thats why they hurt.
the beer was off.
the milk was off.

oh FUCK!

but will maybe take it easy, just in case......

OP posts:
OracleInaCoracle · 11/02/2008 17:41

right, spoke to the mc nurse at LWH today and she's cancelled my ante-natal appointment, but she wants to see me in about 6w time. there are apparently more in depth tests that she would like to do. seriously considering giving up now. we have ds, maybe hes our miracle.

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 07/02/2008 13:05

xxx Thinking of you.

OracleInaCoracle · 07/02/2008 10:11

im really ok, compared to what was happening a year ago this is a walk in the park. you need to pick your battles and demons wisely.

OP posts:
aquababe · 07/02/2008 10:09

Sorry Lissie

chipmonkey · 07/02/2008 10:09

Aw lissie! Making a wish for you for this month! So sorry.

Ready · 07/02/2008 09:55


Lulumama · 07/02/2008 09:43

sounds like a chemical pregnancy.. chin up, chuck >

magnolia74 · 07/02/2008 09:41

Lissie I am so sorry xxxxx

jabberwocky · 07/02/2008 01:13

Oh, lissie, I so hoped this would be the magic one for you.

littlelapin · 06/02/2008 22:54

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OracleInaCoracle · 06/02/2008 22:46

thank you all for your prayers, but its over. bleeding now, its not a mc because i was barely pg, just one of those sad quirks of fate. im not sad as such, just disappointed. i am never testing again. untill the next time.

off to have a beer now!

OP posts:
magnolia74 · 06/02/2008 22:21

Oh Lissie, Should have kept my eyes crossed! Will cross them again now evn if it hurts

{{{{{Hugs}}}}} to you and praying this beanie does stick xxx

OracleInaCoracle · 06/02/2008 20:42

not really, in fact i had to (tmi) try to get it out. had forgotten about my early morning one til dh moaned about me leaving the door open

OP posts:
shreksmissus · 06/02/2008 20:40

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MrsEi25 · 06/02/2008 20:34

maybe try again with FMU and see what happens hope you get the result you want xx
xx ei xx

OracleInaCoracle · 06/02/2008 20:26

it was 2nd wee, (got up at about 5am, but got up properly at 7.15)

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 06/02/2008 20:24


MrsEi25 · 06/02/2008 20:22

sorry you got a BFN lissie did you use FMU? you said you werent due AF yet so maybe it is a bit early to use other wee during the day hope you are ok as well as you can be of course xx {{{{{hugs}}}}}
xx ei xx

OracleInaCoracle · 06/02/2008 20:17

well, not too good today, had a tiny bit more brown today, did a HPT and bfn, so think i'll be leaving. but obv not another mc. think a chemical pg. strange thing is, i still feel pg. no backache or cramps, feel sooooo sick and hormonal and had a few light-headed spells today. i really dont know whats going on. wish that if af is coming and beanie didnt stick around it would just get over with.

OP posts:
aquababe · 06/02/2008 11:13

congrats lissie
Got all my fingers and toes crossed for you

OracleInaCoracle · 05/02/2008 16:50

thanks, calming down a fair bit now. nothing i can do except rest, and that why i took the week off college, so dh can take ds to nursery tomorrow. im having a lie-in!

OP posts:
Lomond · 05/02/2008 16:48

sending you positive vibes Lissie

The funny turn sounds like a good sign I had these all the time in both pregnancies and was told it was a sign of strong hormones.

Rest plenty but try not to worry.

Good luck


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OracleInaCoracle · 05/02/2008 16:47

dh is burning cooking pancakes, so that should cheer me up!

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 05/02/2008 16:40

'Tis well known that you get light headed and throw up when pregnant Don't worry honey, I'm sure everything will be fine this time!

WatsTheStory · 05/02/2008 16:40

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