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I can't even be arsed to name-change. Come and tell I'm not pregnant please, and save my sanity!

148 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 10:28

the story so far...

boobs have gone up nearly 2 cup sizes and are vv tender and veiny. coffee makes me feel sick. went out last night and could only have 1 1/2 lager coz the smell was rank. did a CB this morning at 9DPO and got a faint line.

Im so scared. so have decided that I am NOT pregnant. I will be pregnant in 3w time, but not now.

that line was a trick of the light.
ive been trying to put on weight, so thats why my boobs are big.
and ive been prodding them, thats why they hurt.
the beer was off.
the milk was off.

oh FUCK!

but will maybe take it easy, just in case......

OP posts:
Lcy · 03/02/2008 10:55

Great news Lissie - like Catkin08 i am sitting here quietly thinking positive hopeful thoughts for you. It is going to be scary and I am glad you will have support from your DH and LWH - and ofcourse all of us here at mumsnet xx

goingfor3 · 03/02/2008 10:55

AH lissie call the LWH to get the ball rolling and then take it very easy and try to ignore the fact you are pregnant for a few weeks, what am I talking about thats impossible! I really hope things work out this time.

Disenchanted · 03/02/2008 10:56

Oh I have everything crossed for you!!

becaroo · 03/02/2008 11:00

I can really emapthise lissie...I am 7 weeks pregnant after a mc just before christmas and I feel happy but sort of agitated all the time.

I am already past the date when I mc last time (6 weeks) but am still constantly worried/nervous/upset. It is going to be a VERY long pregnancy and I am classed as high risk because of my age and various other medical problems.

However, because of my history (and yours is much worse than mine) I have had diagnostic bloods tests and am having a scan on wednesday and if all is ok another at 10 weeks....could you ask for early scans etc ? Would it reassure you a bit?

Congratulations x

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 11:02

ok, will call LWH and let them know, cant have scan etc til i'm 5w anyway, so will just get in the system. you know, its odd, but for the last week everytime ive spoken to SIL she's asked if im pg. she came for a reflexology session at college and she said out of nowhere "i suppose you cant have any treatments now youre pg can you?" i said "im not pg, well, dont think so, its too early to know" and she said "really??" how strange.

OP posts:
ItsNeverTooEarlyForPopcorn · 03/02/2008 11:04

hoping so very much that this one takes up residence for a whole nine months. x.

kayzr · 03/02/2008 11:14

Fingers are crossed for you.

rainbowdays · 03/02/2008 11:52

Lissie - I will be keeping fingers crossed for a stronger line later in the week. You are in my thoughts.

Lulumama · 03/02/2008 11:57

call LWH

not sure what to say really

except the obvious

Ready · 03/02/2008 11:58

Thinking of you Lissie, fingers and toes crossed for you.

Lulumama · 03/02/2008 12:00

ok, if you have a BFP, even a faint one and you have had unprotected sex, then i think it is a done deal, IFYSWIM. you cannot undo what is done, so the focus needs to be on where you go from here, and how you are looked after

Dottydot · 03/02/2008 12:06

Keeping all fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed for you xxx

mymama · 03/02/2008 12:11

Have followed your story but not posted before.

Positive thoughts and fingers crossed for you.

cazzybabs · 03/02/2008 12:13

i god i feel all emotional for praying for you

scorpio1 · 03/02/2008 12:14

Oh lissie sending you all the love and luck in the whole world.

ChristmasShinySnowflakes · 03/02/2008 12:21

Much Love and will say a little prayer x

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 12:52

feel a bit better now. just spoken to dh again and he's on his way home. keep checking the test and expecting the line to disappear (dont worry, it appeared straight away) but its still there. i'm not unhappy. far from it. we wouldnt be having unprotected sex if we didnt both want this, but im so scared.

OP posts:
BecauseImWorthIt · 03/02/2008 12:55

I had one miscarriage, between ds1 and ds2 - so nothing compared to what you have been through. But I do so remember the agonies of my early pregnancy with ds2.

Fingers crossed that all goes well for you this time.

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 13:00

im looking at it in stages.

if i can get past friday (af due) then im pg
if i can get past next friday (5w) then im still pg
if i can get past the friday after (6w) then im still pg
and the friday after that i will be 7w and thats the last hurdle.

OP posts:
Troutpout · 03/02/2008 13:08

aww lissie..thats exactly how i used to think of it when pg with dd
I used to mentally say to myself 'today, i am still pg'

Good luck girl...will keep everything crossed for you

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 15:05

ok, allowing myself to get a teensy bit excited now. 71% is good. i feel sick, so thats good. a bfp at 9dpo is good.

surely noone can be that unlucky?

OP posts:
duchesse · 03/02/2008 15:16

Lissie- don't suppose you've overlooked the fact you're six months or something? Because if all these people (SIL, refelxologist) think it's obvious, maybe you just haven't noticed...

Seriously though, I am just sitting quietly and watching.


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OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 15:18

pmsl, well i have put on weight...

twas just sil, she came in for a treatment. i was offended, thought she said i was fat!

OP posts:
VanillaPumpkin · 03/02/2008 15:38

Everything crossed for you Lissie!!! .

kayzr · 03/02/2008 15:49

If it helps the first thing that changed when I was pregnant was I couldn't stand Coffee and I love the stuff.

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