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I can't even be arsed to name-change. Come and tell I'm not pregnant please, and save my sanity!

148 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 10:28

the story so far...

boobs have gone up nearly 2 cup sizes and are vv tender and veiny. coffee makes me feel sick. went out last night and could only have 1 1/2 lager coz the smell was rank. did a CB this morning at 9DPO and got a faint line.

Im so scared. so have decided that I am NOT pregnant. I will be pregnant in 3w time, but not now.

that line was a trick of the light.
ive been trying to put on weight, so thats why my boobs are big.
and ive been prodding them, thats why they hurt.
the beer was off.
the milk was off.

oh FUCK!

but will maybe take it easy, just in case......

OP posts:
sophiewd · 03/02/2008 15:57

Never posted on one of your threads but have followed and pasiing on good vibes and I really wish you the best of luck this time and yes 71% is good.

chipmonkey · 03/02/2008 16:42

Oh, lissie, quietly thinking positve thoughts for you![fingers crossed emoticon]

theboob · 03/02/2008 16:53

fingers crossed

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 16:55

dh came back, saw it straight away (have left it out in dry so not an evap line). its really calmed me down. good to know that my eyes arent going floopy!

OP posts:
whoops · 03/02/2008 17:06

fingers crossed for you Lissie, was only thinking about this time last year the other day!

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 17:08

me too whoops, isnt it ironic?

OP posts:
ClairePO · 03/02/2008 20:28

lissie fingers firmly crossed my love

Tutter · 03/02/2008 20:34

hi lissie - keeping my fingers crossed for you here too. i'm another one with an ep and m/cs (only 2 for me) behind me, so i know where you are coming from. i will keep an eye on your thread. think positive thoughts xx

NorthernLurker · 03/02/2008 20:40

71% is really good. Sounds like you are doing really well - will join rest of mumsnet in crossing everything! I will have to look out for other mnet mothers at school tomorrow - we'll be the ones unable to walk properly!

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 20:47

lol thank you all for the good vibes. watched cold case with dh and sobbed through 3 episodes! all the signs are good!

OP posts:
fletchaaarr · 03/02/2008 20:54

Oh Lissie

Thing is as soon as he tells you it is 71% you have to go and farking act on it don't ya?

One day at a time lovely

MrsEi25 · 03/02/2008 21:08

fingers crossed for you sticky BFP dust just for you
xx ei xx

OracleInaCoracle · 03/02/2008 23:10

ok, off to bed now. but thank you all so much. feel much better now, think it was the shock tbh!

OP posts:
Rolf · 03/02/2008 23:27

I don't think I've posted on any of your threads before but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

In case you don't know about it already, can I recommend the family support service at LWH? I saw a counsellor there during a difficult pregnancy and she was very good.

LilRedWG · 04/02/2008 08:35

How are you today honey?

OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 09:19

thank you rolf, i shall ask the mc nurse about it today.

well, took another test this morning and still bfp. so it looks like im definately pg, im ok thanks red, scared but ok. wish there was something i can do, waiting for mc nurse to call me back now to get an appointment.

OP posts:
fryalot · 04/02/2008 09:21

oh lissie, just seen this.


Put your feet up

erm.... take some folic acid

uh...... can't think of anything else

fingers, toes, legs, arms, hair all crossed for you here sweetie pie

Buda · 04/02/2008 09:23

Oh lissie! Have just seen this. You must be terrified. Oh God.

Crossing everything for you.

alittlebitshy · 04/02/2008 09:28

oooooh Lissie!

My bfp in nov was kind of like yours... I was fully expecting to get a bfn, I was taking the test to prove i wasn't cos it was surely too early to test +. Well, it clearly wasn't... I was 3+2. And that is the earliest I have ever got a +, so at 14 weeks I'm still hanging in there (petrified, and pulling my knickers down all day just to check).

I think your idea of taking it a step at a time is good. I think i did that. Get to af time. get to 5 weeks. get to 6 weeks. , had scan , got to 7, 8, 9 weeks .

So many good vibes, happy sticky thoughts to you. And TAKE IT EASY!!!

largeginandtonic · 04/02/2008 09:34

Good luck Lissie! Sit down and rest like everyone says

Will keep checking on you, every day is another milestone.

lapinindetention · 04/02/2008 09:35
OracleInaCoracle · 04/02/2008 09:38

thank you. feel much calmer now. theres nothing i can do that im not already doing to prevent another mc. still waiting for phone call...

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TigerFeet · 04/02/2008 09:49

Oh Lissie [excited]

Lots of positive thoughts coming your way

71% is excellent odds

justjules · 04/02/2008 09:51

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

belgo · 04/02/2008 09:51

lissie - congratulations - and I'm interested in what you said:

'theres nothing i can do that im not already doing to prevent another mc'

For my own information (having had two miscarriages), what are you doing to try and prevent another m/c?

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