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IVFers thread

839 replies

TheMNPeacekeepingForce · 23/12/2007 18:51

Anyone fancy starting an ongoing thread for those who are having IVF/ are planning to try again via IVF soon?

Ds was conceived via IVF - he's now 2.6 and we're stepping back on the scary rollercoaster ride with a FET - I started taking the drugs yesterday!

OP posts:
Onlyaphase · 25/06/2008 21:33

Not sure about this flash protocol, it sounds pretty similar to the antagonistic protocol that I use - downregging on pill for a few weeks then puregon for 8 days or so. Lovely not to inject for ages anyway.

Sooty, I am very jealous of you not having to wait ages to start again.

Nappyvalley and Gorgons gin welcome. Nappyvalley, the most useful site I found is the HFEA site where you put in your postcode and it tells you the nearest clinics and their results etc and you can narrow the search fields down to suit the treatment you need and your age group etc to get the best results. The only thing is that the results on their for the clinics are the audited results so they aren't up to date all the time, best thing is to call the clinics and they can easily give you their up to date results.

Haven't phoned my clinic yet - lack of time really today as I drove back from London this morning and spent the rest of the day catching up. Will call them tomorrow. Also I want to pass on to you all something really profound I read yesterday which really helped me, will post it tomorrow.

Soosy - would be happy to change threads as this one doesn't seem to work for us!

nomoremagnolia · 25/06/2008 23:25

Hi girls I vote for a new thread purely because I can't load this one on my mobile anymore and am not on the pc often enough Could we start an "IUI IVF and other AC" type of thread? We'll still be the same gang sooty so no need to feel we're giving up (and you'll hear from me more often - not sure if that's an incentive or not )
Hello to GG and NappyValley Sorry you're at the stage of C but welcome to the thread. GG of course I remember you from the ttc#1 therad

nomoremagnolia · 25/06/2008 23:25

PS OAP sorry it's not good news for you

sootykalucy · 26/06/2008 08:20

Hmm, well there are obviously some practical concerns about continuing this thread - and as I am not superstitious I don't mind changing . . .

How about 'The Injectables'?

Thanks for the advice re your protocols. Downregging on the pill is definatley an advantage. Those month of suprefact injections were pretty grim, and they really extended the pshycological build up . . . and not having to wait is great. I have had to make big lifestyle changes to be able to meet the appointments - changing jobs - and so I want to do my 4 cycles (the number that seems right to me) and get back to my old life sooner rather than later . . . . so yees I was greatly relieved . . . .

GorgonsGin · 26/06/2008 10:45

thank you for the welcome . I'll happily come over to another thread and they throw you off anyway at 1000 posts.

This feels like the start of a long journey, so I have stocke dup on some reading material. I am at a bit of a loss /in limbo as we have to wait a fe wmonths to get to the top of the waiting list. Does anyone have any good tips of how to prepare myself for the physical stuff ahead (sorry if this is going over old ground )

Has anyone had any experience of Hammersmith Hospital? I have had a quick look for information and pregnancy rates seem to be good (I am 33). The NHS only funds two cycles here even though the NICE guidelines is three cycles

soosy · 26/06/2008 11:35

New thread hope it works if not its assisted conception and the bits inbetween.

soosy · 26/06/2008 11:36

Ok so that didn't work, I'll try again here

soosy · 26/06/2008 11:36


Kacey123 · 06/05/2009 23:51

hi everyone, i'm new to the site but would like some tips and support. I'm 26 yrs old....i had my first ivf last june...i had 40 sumthg eggs from that 13 was firtilized...i had one replaced and 2 frozen....dispite all this the cycle failed...i took it really bad and its put a strain on my relationship....I'm about 2 have my second attempt in June from frozen embryo's and i'm really scared....itz anyone
at guys hospital and what advice tips could you give me....

londonlottie · 07/05/2009 08:54

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Kacey123 · 08/05/2009 00:06

hi londonlottie,
thank you for replying to really helps talking to people in the same situation,,,,i dont think other people understand what we're going through....yes i did do my first cycle at guys,,,i was refered by my GP.... and i'm about to use my forzen embryo's and sure they gave me high percentage for the first cycle and yet it didnt work,,,,bit scared....but i'll take your advice,,,,,please give me the acupuncture's details that i will try....have you ever used frozen embryo's before??? and what does BPF sorry i'm new this,,,,best of luck and i hope this time its successful.....

londonlottie · 08/05/2009 07:15

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Kacey123 · 10/05/2009 03:18

Hi Londonlottie

that's good to hear,,,,i wish you all the
best....i will definately try the acupuncture
and thanks 4 your advise and the link....all the best....

kzane · 08/11/2009 12:37

I am a young mum who has been trying to get pregnant for over a year now,Iv made an opionment for a consultion for ivf.what what should i exspect.

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