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WARNING: This thread is only for the Posifrickentive! Grab your trout gun, help yourself to a steamy helping of Toad In The Hole and head on in. All new TTC after MC - chin up tits out ladies!

999 replies

Parsley2506 · 25/02/2014 19:51

The Rules...

(1) A lady may only POAS on a Friday.
(2) Friday means the day that everyone calls Friday in the time zone where you spent the night.
(3) Rule (1) does not apply to POA-OPK-S, UNLESS they are being illegitimately used as surrogate HCG detectors, in which case Rule (1) most definitely does apply
(4) Rule (1) does not apply following a BFP because if you want to waste £25 a day POADigiS that's your prerogative
(5) Rule (1) does not apply if a lady is POAS in an attempt to get a BFN to prove she can start DTD with intent
(6) Rule (1) does not apply if a lady wants for unknown reason to pee on an actual stick, like a twig or some such, if that lady is unexpectedly caught short whilst tramping in the forest looking for bears.
(7) These rules (including Rule (1)) are subject to the change at any time if the ladies of the Posifrickentivity thread decide on a whim come up with empirical evidence to prove that it is luckier to POAS on any other day of the week
(8) Violators of Rule (1) shall be subject to fish throwing.

And as a grand finale, why not pledge to NEVER POAS before 14DPO?

OP posts:
Triplespin · 27/02/2014 17:42

otters sorry about the bfn. Hope you enjoy the night out at least.

parsley and hollyben I would second the idea of at least talking to the GP and getting the standard tests done in the meantime, if only for a reassurance.

sarnie good to hear all is progressing well with you.

tanny so sorry for your loss. I hope you are getting some support from the GP and they are offering you some investigations to look into the causes. I can only imagine how it must feel, to not cross the invisible line.

Thank you ladies for all the positive vibes. The cramping is gone but I still think something is not quite right. I got my bloods done at the private clinic where I had my fertkity investigations done and just been informed that my hcg levels are very low. So the pregnancy is not looking viable at this stage. Anyway I will relax for now and see how things unfold. There is nothing I can do about it.
Thanks sal just bought some baby aspirin!

Hope everyone else is well. Anyone poas tomorrow?

OttersPocket · 27/02/2014 18:14

Welcome Gail, sorry you find yourself here. Be kind to yourself lovely and know there's a while bunch of us ready to listen if you need us Smile

Oh Triple, what a bloody roller-coaster for you. I'm really really rooting for you and hope that this will be a viable pregnancy Flowers

Parsley we are very similar! Wonder what else we'll find out we have in common Grin Loving all the dude and dudette usage! Does that mean we're not actually cool but, sigh, 'of a certain age''? Ahhhhh!

I'll be poasing for shits and giggles tomorrow but don't hold out much any hope. Is it terrible I've just started on a large glass of red wine? I need one or three to get through this evening.

Parsley2506 · 27/02/2014 18:36

triple oh no, as you say there's nothing you can really do either way just now but I really really hope it all comes good for you.

Today has been a bit of a bad news day all round it seems. Hope we get some Friday POAS BFPs to buck us all up tomorrow. Is anyone still in?

gail welcome - this is the place to be to make the best of a shitty situation. I'm very sorry you lost your baby, please feel free to chat to is about how you're doing.

otters hopefully we'll both graduate off this darn thread together too!

OP posts:
Misspositivity · 27/02/2014 18:58

tanny I am truly so sorry for your loss I can't imagine how you are feeling. I hope you get all the answers soon. Luck after yourself and let's us help you in any way we can.

triple sorry to hear about hcg levels. I hope they rise quickly. When are you getting bloods done again. Do you know what the level was?

Welcome gail crap your here and sorry for your loss. Hopefully your stay will be short.

Getting ready to start SMEP after the weekend. Wish me luck. Really starting to think I am busticated. Before mc I got pregnant when DH looked at me and now NOTHING!!!

OttersPocket · 27/02/2014 19:16

Okay, deep breaths. So far I've been shown the scan photo and also been asked if I'm pregnant. This is hard.

HollyBen · 27/02/2014 19:19

So so sorry about your loss tanny just heartbreaking. Be good to yourself xxx

Still got everything crossed for you triple and sarnie

Welcome gail and sorry for you loss

I know where you are coming from missp My previous 3 BFPs I didn't put in half the effort - no OPKs or temping or fertile period tith just shagging and it worked quickly. Last 3 cycle since MC I feel like we have done all the right things and nada.

With you on the eating front penguin Just before I got by BFP in July I got to my weightwatchers goal. In the 4 weeks of bleeding waiting on MC being confirmed then ERPC etc I but on half a stone. Whilst waiting on AF to return I needed to feel in control of something so got my butt in gear and back to goal. Christmas and disappointment around AF has meant that half a stone is back yet again. I told myself if AF appeared this month I would get going again -sigh!

HollyBen · 27/02/2014 19:24

Oh otters I feel so bad for you. Plasters on that grin, chin up tits out

Seasides · 27/02/2014 20:03

What a sad news day - I'm so sorry you're back here tanny, I really am, that things aren't going smoothly triple and to welcome you here gail.

And that you're having a tough evening otter - that glass of wine is very understandable. CUTO has never been more relevant.

DH has been such a trooper - TITH three mornings on the trot, sooo unusual for us! I felt almost cruel this morning, he was so tired. And he actually'gourmet' TITH tonight, because it's been so 'means to an end-ey' for a while! Although, my temp's still not gone up, and today's CD17. If I don't ovulate today I'm going to suspect this is an anovulatory cycle, which is not a problem I've ever had before, though I have OVd on CD17 before. I've been getting OPK lines for the last couple of days and a wandering mind serious horniness, so hopefully it happened today.

Parsley2506 · 27/02/2014 20:04

Eeesh otters. Stay strong, it'll be done and dusted soon and you can come and rant at us.

OP posts:
Sal1977 · 27/02/2014 20:45

Hey Tanny, gutted for you lovely. What happened?

Penguin13 · 27/02/2014 21:31

All I can say Otters is what is wrong with people??! 'Are you pregnant?' What the actual fuck? Wine is entirely justified.

Triple I really hope those levels start sorting themselves out. Hold on little Triplet!

Hi five for all the TITH Seasides. Hope this is your month. And look at you showing us up with your fancy gourmet TITH trying really hard to refrain from asking if that comes with extra gravy Grin

Parsley2506 · 27/02/2014 21:46

Nah, it just means extra special quality sausage doesn't it? Wink Win win for you seasides!

Hope you survived the evening otters.

OP posts:
Seasides · 27/02/2014 21:47

Ha ha penguin - pretty there's no gravy left in the poor guy Grin!

miserywaterfall · 27/02/2014 21:54

Hi all, mind if I join?

I'm 27, TTC #1, got BFP of super unplanned baby Nov '13, mmc Jan '14. Never thought much about having babies before and now tis all I can think about! Just got first AF since my surgery for mmc at end pf January, so ttc begins in earnest asap!

( waves to everyone )

tannyLoo · 27/02/2014 21:58

Thank you all soooo much for your warm welcome.

Otters headache and early night seems like a good option.

Gail poor you. Hope you have lots of cuddles from your dc.

About what's been happening with me...

I had a shaky start and was taking tons of supplements, folic acid, aspirin, and progesterone to try and help. Things seemed to get going, and I started to relax (like a twat) a bit. Then, at 5+3 my symptoms became less noticeable. At the same time I got a letter from the gynae consultant who said that I had an abnormal blood result with high IgG.

I went to the EPU as soon as I could (of course it was Saturday when I got the letter). My pg test at EPU was hardly there and scan showed an irregular shaped sac with a possible shadow of something inside. I got an agreement to try heparin injections, as IgG is an indicator of APS, and to go back in 10 days if no mc.

Sadly the injections either were too late or not right, and I started miscarrying last Tuesday.

If there are any positives in this hideousness then I am nearer a diagnosis of something treatable, and the loss was significantly more developed than my last 2 MCs. There was a well developed sac and start of a fetus when I passed it (sorry TMI)

My GP is also totally on my side for what feels like the first time, and I will have another blood test at the end of March, hopefully see my shit consultant to get a plan in place and have a St Marys referral if not.

I've been incredibly low and have yet to go back to work. Dh is being lovely and we're going away for a weekend in Cornwall soon. I really feel the need to reconnect with him. I miss being close to him.

That being said, I can't quite believe it, but I am producing tons of ewcm and opk is showing a rise. Rubber johnnies ready for project nttc...

It's going to be a funny few months, and I plan to see you all bugger off with BFPs in the meantime.

God this post is ridiculously long. Soz.

Parsley2506 · 27/02/2014 22:18

tanny so sorry you had to go through this all yet again but there does seem to be a chink of light in the dark clouds, so really hope you and DH and your medical bods crack it this time!
A little break away together sounds lovely. MrP and I did that after my MC although our romantic plans were scuppered by arrival of AF!

misery you are very welcome. So sorry your happy realisation that kids were what you both wanted was tainted by such a horrid experience. Hopefully you won't be with us too long!

OP posts:
Penguin13 · 27/02/2014 22:53

Hi Misery (waves back) I'm really sorry you've ended up here but glad you found us. Hopefully your stay here will be short and sweet.

Your break in Cornwall sounds like the perfect chance to reconnect Tanny. I'm glad to hear you'll be getting better medical support in thr future but desperately sad that you've had to go through so much to get it.

Triplespin · 28/02/2014 08:31

Welcome to the new joiners. So sorry that you find yourselves here. But these are a wonderful bunch of ladies and i probably would lose my sanity or hobinto depression without the support I have had from here.
tanny truly sorry that you have to go through this to be close to a diagnosis. I wish the system was able to help us before the event rather than having to go through multiple miscarriages to prove the point. Anyway I agree its better late than never and the fact that they have pinpointed a diagnosis and solution to go with it is great news. Hope you have a lovely time in Cornwall.

seaside seems like an excellent tith effort.I hope temps goes up tomorrow so you can have a break. Seems like you will not have an excuse to avoid the gourmet version tonight!!

sarnie same here. I haven't even called my GP as last time when I booked in, I miscarried the day after. Received my scan appointments in the post after the mc and it really got me down. I will probably call the GP next week I think.

missp thanks. I will go for another round next week. Will try and enjoy my weekend in the meantime. At least no TITH !!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone again. I haven't had the courage to tell anyone in my family or friends and its great to be able to talk to such a supportive bunch, who understand completely.

TeaRex · 28/02/2014 08:53

Hello! Am back from my hols (well got back very late Wednesday and spent last night/this morning catching up on the threads, Jesus they fill up fast :) )

Hello to all the new 'faces' sorry to see you here and hope you're not around for too long. Hello to misery nice to see you over here [waves]

Sorry for all the tough times people have been having, hope to see some BFP's today to cheer us all up x

My holiday was lovely had a fantastic break, no af though but did have a tiny bit of cm and no birth control so have actually shot myself in the foot as I'm half waiting and hoping for AF to still show up and the other halfs whispering hopeful ideas that I'll be one of the lucky ones to fall, so back from hols and immediately need to take a long shower under a flow of sardines. Still had lots of lovely not ttc tith while away so that was good.
Also, came back from holiday and opened a letter from work practically as I walked in the door, about redundancies. Anyone else think that this year can just go fuck itself already for many reasons? I need positive upbeat news! Anyone got any? Ttc related or not xxx

Metalhead · 28/02/2014 09:36

I totally agree about 2014 TeaRex! Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing holiday.

Well the hpt I did this morning came up much later and much fainter than a week ago so looks like my hgc levels are dropping nicely. I guess that counts as good news..?

OttersPocket · 28/02/2014 09:40

Happy Friday everyone! And thanks for helping me to get through last night. Flowers for everyone on this brilliant thread.

I held it together in front of BIL and SIL. I NEVER want to see a bloody scan picture ever again (unless it's mine). And apparently BIL and SIL were convinced I was pregnant because of the engagement Hmm They are lovely people but completely, understandably wrapped up in their pregnancy. There might have been tears on my part (in the bathroom), but lovely DP kept trying to steer the conversation away from bloody baby chat. I have a hangover today, and another bfn.

It's DP's 41st birthday tomorrow and all I wanted for him was a bfp. Tomorrow also marks 2 years of ttc. Urgh. I never thought I'd be a long term ttc'er when I joined Mumsnet. It sucks.

Anyway, trying very hard to keep the chin up and the tits out. I'm also thinking of ways to get out of work this afternoon so I can go and buy DP a birthday present! Onwards and upwards.

Penguin13 · 28/02/2014 09:45

Any news Otters?

Welcome back Tea sounds like you had a lovely break filled with the appropriate amount of tith just for fun. So sorry about your employer making redundancies though and what horrible timing for the news. Is your department likely to be affected?


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Penguin13 · 28/02/2014 09:47

Argh cross-post I'm so sorry Otters even if expected a BFN is always shitty. Well done for getting through last night.

sebsmummy1 · 28/02/2014 09:56

Otters I'm so sorry Sad

I was one of those fucking annoying easily pregnant people back in 2012. Got duffed in the blink of a gnats fart and then had an uncomplicated pregnancy. Oh how I must have wanged on about it endlessly, I honestly didn't give it a minutes thought. So forgive these people as I'm sure they know not what they do. Huge hugs for you xx

Metalhead · 28/02/2014 09:59

Sorry about your BFN Otters. Hope you have a nice weekend and celebrating your DH's birthday can take your mind off this annoying ttc lark!

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