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WARNING: This thread is only for the Posifrickentive! Grab your trout gun, help yourself to a steamy helping of Toad In The Hole and head on in. All new TTC after MC - chin up tits out ladies!

999 replies

Parsley2506 · 25/02/2014 19:51

The Rules...

(1) A lady may only POAS on a Friday.
(2) Friday means the day that everyone calls Friday in the time zone where you spent the night.
(3) Rule (1) does not apply to POA-OPK-S, UNLESS they are being illegitimately used as surrogate HCG detectors, in which case Rule (1) most definitely does apply
(4) Rule (1) does not apply following a BFP because if you want to waste £25 a day POADigiS that's your prerogative
(5) Rule (1) does not apply if a lady is POAS in an attempt to get a BFN to prove she can start DTD with intent
(6) Rule (1) does not apply if a lady wants for unknown reason to pee on an actual stick, like a twig or some such, if that lady is unexpectedly caught short whilst tramping in the forest looking for bears.
(7) These rules (including Rule (1)) are subject to the change at any time if the ladies of the Posifrickentivity thread decide on a whim come up with empirical evidence to prove that it is luckier to POAS on any other day of the week
(8) Violators of Rule (1) shall be subject to fish throwing.

And as a grand finale, why not pledge to NEVER POAS before 14DPO?

OP posts:
sebsmummy1 · 26/02/2014 15:42

Oh Holly I really hope it isn't AF chick

Penguin13 · 26/02/2014 16:00

Sorry you're having a shit time Holly. Have a very unmumsnetty hug. It must be awful coming up to your due date, especially spending time with someone pg. Even if it's not meant to be this month, your time will come.

I'm pretty much officially out now as flow has increased. I knew in my bones this wasn't our month so not quite sure why I am so upset. Giving myself an evening to wallow and drink prosecco before normal chin up, tits out service is resumed tomorrow. I hate this shit.

EnglishGirlAbroad · 26/02/2014 16:09

holly, im sorry you're feeling down. Its utterly shit. Two of my friends have just sent me pics of theor 12 week scan (one yesterday, one today) both due litterally days after my edd. Just glad I don't have to physically see them for a while. Try to plan something nice around the time of your edd, to take your mind off it. But hopefully you'll have a new bfp to concentrate on. Sending big virtual unmn hugs.

Sorry your flow has upped the anti penguin, allow yourself a wallow and get ready for plenty of tith!!

Metalhead · 26/02/2014 16:27

Sorry you're feeling down Holly, it is hard when you see other pregnant ladies and think 'that should have been me'. Hope the pink cm is not AF starting for you.

Enjoy your prosecco Penguin, have a good moan and then dust yourself off for next cycle!

Penguin13 · 26/02/2014 16:28

Keeping everything firmly crossed for you ladies that are still in with a chance.

mini28 · 26/02/2014 18:27

Sorry to hear that af arrived penguin. Enjoy your prosecco, take some time out this evening to do whatever you fancy and then form a plan for next month Thanks

Oh holly, it's awful having to endure pg ladies, especially when your edd is approaching. If it's any help, I was absolutely dreading my edd last year, but actually when it came round it wasn't nearly as bad as I feared it would be. I took the week off work and gave myself time to do whatever I wanted (mostly baking and gardening Grin). Take care of yourself. Fingers tightly crossed that af stays away.

Sorry about the pics English - totally knocked me sideways seeing a 12-week scan photo the other day, so can only imagine what it's like to have two in as many days Sad

I've been having af-like feeling all evening, so not looking good here either.

Triplespin · 26/02/2014 19:48

penguin sorry to hear that the witch got you. Enjoy your Prosecco.
hollyben hopefully you are not out as yet. It is horrible seeing others when it should have been you with the same bump or scan pictures.

english horrible about the scan pictures. I wish there was a way to filter such messages.

Sending positive vibes to everyone else including parsley and otters. Hope it's your turn soon.

sarnie how is it going for you?

As for me I caved and tested this morning, still have two lines but since evening have been having mild cramping and got some pinky cm. This is how my mc started and so I am not really very positive at this moment. Think I might now officially even leave this thread yet. Thinking I would have been better off without my bfp if it will end the same way.
Also considering taking baby aspirin. sal you had mentioned that. Do you think I should take it without GP recommendation?

Sal1977 · 26/02/2014 20:06

Go for it Triple. 75mg a day. They're tiny. What harm can it do is what I think! Xxxx

HollyBen · 26/02/2014 20:13

Thanks everyone! Bit of a mini melt down this afternoon. AF has definitely arrived. I will drown my sorrows with a naughty school night vino and tomorrow I am going to sort out some acupuncture.

Still got everything crossed for you triple xxx

Penguin13 · 26/02/2014 20:25

So sorry Holly that's shit that AF arrived. Here's to a TITH filled month followed by a BFP next go around

Sorry it's so stressful for you Triple sending the stickiest of sticky vibes to you and the triplet.

CorporeSarnie · 26/02/2014 20:54

triple, I am thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed.
Here all is uneventful, bit irritable and dizzy but nothing to be concerned about. Am still going almost stir crazy thinking about the possibilities.
I am going to call my GP in the morning and ask her advice. I will be just 5w on Tuesday, so having googled what scan pics look like can see it might not be very reassuring.
Holly enjoy your wine, I will try to refrain from being an annoying pg lady complaining about no wine for me Grin

mini28 · 26/02/2014 20:56

Sorry to hear that you've had a stressful evening triple. keeping everything firmly crossed for you.

picklebum2011 · 26/02/2014 21:34

Fingers crossed all still ok, like everyone's said a bfp is there for a reason. Keeping fingers crossed triple. I am taking aspirin too.
Sorry holly, it is really not easy approaching due date esp let alone with such visual reminders, it happened twice with me with two of my cousins, awful. My last little one should have been due 27th Dec and she had hers 15th. I did actually feel better when she had him and I met him, it was as if the wait was worse. I let off three balloons along the seafront near my due date one for each little one. Sat and sobbed then felt a little lighter like something had eased.
Sorry to penguin too horrible witch.

picklebum2011 · 26/02/2014 21:36

Corpore you will only get the awful dildo cam till about seven weeks, wishing you a sticky boring pg.

HollyBen · 26/02/2014 22:37

aaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh So sitting with vino in hand flicking through fb when I come upon a flippin scan phone Sad Someone I know from work who only came back to work after having dc2 is due in August. Much wailing ensued.

DH just asked whether we should go see someone. It had been 6 months since mc but as it took 3 for af to show post erpc. however dh is 41 and I will be 40 in a few months. Thoughts ladies?

picklebum2011 · 26/02/2014 22:50

Go and ask doctor if he can refer you. Sorry for your shitty day.

Parsley2506 · 27/02/2014 00:05

Penguin, English and Holly - eff MN rules, I am sending you huge bloomin hugs. It's not bloody fair and I want all of us off this thread ASAP.

Holly, I am in the same (ish) quandary. We waited 18m for our BFP and were well down the nhs fertility treatment but after getting it, it seems we're back at square 1. If we have no BFP by May I am heading back to gp and kicking up a stink till we're referred again. Go to your Dr, but be prepared to fight. If you have the £ then a private MOT might be worthwhile.

Just heading home from best 100 company awards and we did really well but sort of tarnished by Kate Silverton who was hosting and kept going on and on about her baby bump. Blargh. Shouldn't feel that way, I know she struggled to conceive herself but it was so in your face. Meh Hmm

OP posts:
Parsley2506 · 27/02/2014 00:06

Penguin, English and Holly - eff MN rules, I am sending you huge bloomin hugs. It's not bloody fair and I want all of us off this thread ASAP.

Holly, I am in the same (ish) quandary. We waited 18m for our BFP and were well down the nhs fertility treatment road but after getting the BFP, it seems we're back at square 1. If we have no BFP by May I am heading back to gp and kicking up a stink till we're referred again. Go to your Dr, but be prepared to fight. If you have the £ then a private MOT might be worthwhile.

Just heading home from best 100 company awards and we did really well but sort of tarnished by Kate Silverton who was hosting and kept going on and on about her baby bump. Blargh. Shouldn't feel that way, I know she struggled to conceive herself but it was so in your face. Meh Hmm

OP posts:
DoctorDonnaNoble · 27/02/2014 06:46

Well, about two fertile days this month left for me. And DH's illness is worse! This is really crap. Ever since the MC we've struggled as he seems to always be ill/on a crappy part of his shift pattern so there's been no TITH this month. Getting frustrated as you know it's a very necessary part of TTC. Oh and we've both had to pull out of the Bath Half Marathon - me from injury, him because he has the ridiculous lurgee. Sad

OttersPocket · 27/02/2014 09:16

Sorry AF turned up Holly, it really punches you in the stomach doesn't it.

I'd find it a bit Hmm too Parsley if someone at a work related event was always referring to their bump. For me work is somewhere I go to escape babies and baby chat as I work mostly with men. I get the rage when someone brings in a sprog! And thanks for the invite to the Berries, I think I'll join next week. It'll be 2 years on Saturday since me and DP started on our really fucking long ttc journey AngrySad

Sorry you're having such a crappy time this month Doctor, it's very very hard emotionally to just write a cycle off and not stab DH. FX he feels back in prime tith condition soon.

11DPO for me today and as I have an event tonight at which I would like to drink wine if not upduffed, I poaFRER this morning. And, as I expected, BFN. All of my 'symptoms' in my head have vanished and I'm feeling very premenstrual and teary today, which is a sure sign af is on it's unwelcome way. I'm feeling like a bit of an emotional wreck today if I'm honest, I can feel tears pricking at my eyes and just feel very blue Sad. I know I'm not out until AF shows etc, but my bfp mc was 9dpo and you know when you just know that you're not upduffed? That.

tannyLoo · 27/02/2014 09:19

Well, I really don't want to be here again, but I am...

MC number 5 last week. Feeling shit and drained and back to square fucking one. Sad

I haven't got the energy or guts to ttc for a few months, but wondered if I could hang out with you guys for a while?

My chin is on my chest and I'm not sure what happened to my tits, but it's early days...

OttersPocket · 27/02/2014 09:26

Oh tanny, I'm so very sorry you're here lovely, what an awful thing to happen again. Please do join us and feel free to open up and chat about your mc, or, just talk rubbish with us instead Smile. And have a big un-mn hug.


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Penguin13 · 27/02/2014 09:42

Thanks all you lovely lot. Last night I face planted into the largest mille-feuille you could ever hope to see and today I have dusted myself off and am ready for a banquet of TITH this cycle.

That's really rotten luck Donna. Totally understand your frustration. Why don't these flippin bodies cooperate? Frustrating about the injury too. Hope you're not in too much pain with that.

Oh Otters I'm so sorry about the BFN, that's rubbish. I haven't totally given up hope for you but I do know what you mean about just 'knowing'. Be kind to yourself today.

Parsley grr at Kate bloody Silverton who should know better if she struggled to conceive. Well done on your company doing well though!

Anyone else not so much fallen off the healthy living wagon as swallow dived off it into a pile of cakes? I need some inspiration from you fitties on motivating myself to exercise. 4 hours commuting every day (2 hours each way) leaves me not so much in the mood but I know I need to start treating my body better if we're ever going to conceive.

Penguin13 · 27/02/2014 09:46

Cross-post. Tanny I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please do stick around with us as long as you like and just lurk or chat or whatever helps. Gutted for you.

Sundance2007 · 27/02/2014 10:15

oh no Tanny - so so sorry to hear your news. You must be feeling pretty exhausted with it all, your poor thing. Hope you are getting lots of hugs in rl.

Sorry to Otters and Holly too; hope you're both okay. This ttc malarky is so depressing at times, thank god we've got this thread.

Bloody kate Silverton - I know she had quite a bit of IFV in the past, but I think it's only people who have experienced a mc that are a bit more discreet about their pg's.

4dpo - and already run out of patience with the 2ww. urgh.

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