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WARNING: This thread is only for the Posifrickentive! Grab your trout gun, help yourself to a steamy helping of Toad In The Hole and head on in. All new TTC after MC - chin up tits out ladies!

999 replies

Parsley2506 · 25/02/2014 19:51

The Rules...

(1) A lady may only POAS on a Friday.
(2) Friday means the day that everyone calls Friday in the time zone where you spent the night.
(3) Rule (1) does not apply to POA-OPK-S, UNLESS they are being illegitimately used as surrogate HCG detectors, in which case Rule (1) most definitely does apply
(4) Rule (1) does not apply following a BFP because if you want to waste £25 a day POADigiS that's your prerogative
(5) Rule (1) does not apply if a lady is POAS in an attempt to get a BFN to prove she can start DTD with intent
(6) Rule (1) does not apply if a lady wants for unknown reason to pee on an actual stick, like a twig or some such, if that lady is unexpectedly caught short whilst tramping in the forest looking for bears.
(7) These rules (including Rule (1)) are subject to the change at any time if the ladies of the Posifrickentivity thread decide on a whim come up with empirical evidence to prove that it is luckier to POAS on any other day of the week
(8) Violators of Rule (1) shall be subject to fish throwing.

And as a grand finale, why not pledge to NEVER POAS before 14DPO?

OP posts:
OttersPocket · 28/02/2014 10:04

Thanks Penguin and sebs Smile. I'm okay really, just a bit pissed off with it all but there's not much can be done about it. It's in the hands of the Gods as it were (I mean that metaphorically, I'm an atheist).

I totally understand their excitement and I'm jealous chuffed to bits for them. I'll be a friggin' awesome auntie Grin. Long-term ttc and mc just takes the shine off things a wee bit. I hope that it'll happen for us one day, but we're getting to the point of starting to think about adoption etc. Which is a whole other scary but exciting thought!

Thank goodness for you lot. I wish none of us were here but I'm infinitely thankful to have this place to vent and to giggle.

sebsmummy1 · 28/02/2014 10:18

Otters can't you be referred for IVF?

Parsley2506 · 28/02/2014 10:19

sebs you're absolutely right, they don't know and I am glad in a way they don't as who'd wish any of this on anyone? Thing is, it does just heap a load more pressure on those of us struggling as it's such a taboo, so no-one talks about it and, because the instadiffs are happy in their blissful ignorance, they more often than not put their foot right in it without realising and are probably left wondering why they're getting weird responses to their happy news.
Hence, we end up with our heads in the sand, avoiding everyone and everything for fear of upsetting ourselves and/or other people.
Complete lose:lose situation all round really. Bah

Sorry for the repeated BFN otters. You will indeed be an amazing aunty, and mum too!! Enjoy DH's birthday weekend. Maybe you can break out the Taste The Difference TITH too. Shock

CD8 here, period ended on CD6 - CBFM started asking for sticks yesterday (low) but today I got a High?!? WTAF? I am not due to OV till CD17/18. What is all this High nonsense? I guess SMEP starts tonight then. yeesh.

OP posts:
sebsmummy1 · 28/02/2014 10:24

Parsley I swear that monitor has a total mind of it's own. Fuck knows why I bought mine as I don't believe a word it says lol

To prove that point I ended up buying ovulation sticks from boots yesterday as I plan on using FMU for the monitor and sticks in the afternoon as I always seem to miss my (I assume shirt) surge.

I swear that bastard egg is going down in a hailstone of spermunitions. I'll probably end up with triplets Grin

sebsmummy1 · 28/02/2014 10:24


OttersPocket · 28/02/2014 10:27

sebs I can be referred after 3 years. So next March. I've got 4 more cycles of Clomid left then it's onto gonadotropin injections for 6 months. I don't ovulate naturally which is a right bugger. Hopefully the Clomid will work again but it has negative side effects, mostly it drys up cm. I'm just getting sick of all the medical intervention to be honest. I'm also a type 1 diabetic so the effort of having to have perfect control of that for the past few years is also taking it's toll.

The hangover is starting to lift so I'm starting to feel a bit more positive Grin

Croftgirl80 · 28/02/2014 10:35

Hi I have been a lurker on MN for a while but decided to post after a crappy week. Discovered I was pregnant quite early on - not even 4 weeks and was very excited. Weirdly excitement only lasted a day before absolute fear set in. DH thought it was all the hormones but I convinced myself that I was going to miscarry. Fast forward to 5 weeks and spotting started, got heavier each day, pregnancy symptoms just went, referred to EPU, no sac and weak positive. Two days after got a negative test.

This was my first pregnancy after TTC for 6 months. Going to start sooner rather than later, nurse at EPU said it was fine - will just be problematic for dating.

Its comforting to know that I am not alone - thanks MN!

Parsley2506 · 28/02/2014 10:42

Hi croft. Sad at all the newbies we're getting in the last week or two. Bad times! But still, you found us and I hope we can help you face ttc after your sad loss with a bit of a spring in your step and some fighting 'tude!

OP posts:
Seasides · 28/02/2014 10:46

Hi croft, sorry you're here-I had a similar thing with being pretty sure from the get go that my pg was doomed. Sounds like you're Scotland-based like otter and I? On that note, why 3 years otter? Edinburgh doc told me 2? And hoping to have all the investigations done by then so if we do get there we'll hopefully have a short wait. We've been thinking about adopting for a while too, though it's always something we've planned. I was going to have one then we'd adopt the rest-simples!

No bfps today? It was looking so hopeful too, what a bummer. Sorry I can't scan back over posts, I know I've missed loads of people out but bloody internet is down so posting from phone. My good news though is that my temp was up this am! Yay ovulation! And it seriously was scattergunned with sperm, no excuse this month other than possibility of ov from tubeless side! And we''re off to Geneva for the weekend this afternoon, to visit friends Smile

OttersPocket · 28/02/2014 10:57

Seasides WTF? I was told 3 years at the fertility clinic at the ERI. Oh, I might need to get my rage on discuss that at my next appointment in May. Although I think that they will make me finish off the year of clomid (which annoys me because most clinics only recommend 6 months of clomid due to the negative effects of prolonged usage), then 6 months of injectables. Which will take me up to 3 years. I believe the waiting list in Edinburgh is pretty long too. Grr.

OttersPocket · 28/02/2014 10:59

Hi croft, sorry you're here love. Love the name, I'm wondering if you're based on the islands? Smile

Seasides · 28/02/2014 11:06

That's so weird otter, there's not supposed to be any postcode lottery up here. My first doc told me - naughtily, I think - that she could refer me after TTC for 1.5 years, then I'd hit the top of the waiting list (6 months in Edinburgh, she said) at 2 years. I think this is actually not true, as another doc at the same practice looked very askance when I mentioned it, and said they'd start doing IVF investigations after 2 years. But I reckon most of the investigations will have been done by then, as I've been badgering them for everything I can think of since 8 months post-ectopic. I wish there was more consistency of message, we're planning our lives around this advice! Though I am making a point of going to the same doc now (the more sympathetic one who's not kicking up a fuss about tests because she thinks I'm batshit baby crazy which I am. I would indeed get that rage or tears on. A year and a half of ovulation drugs? That blows.

OttersPocket · 28/02/2014 11:21

When you put it like that Seasides, it does indeed blow Angry. If I'm not upduffed at the end of the Clomid cycles I'm going to beg argue for an IVF referral. The injectables are basically the same thing as the IVF prep, i.e the same hormones etc, so I'd really rather not have to go through 6 months of that before full-blown IVF iyswim? Thanks for sharing your info though, it helps to know what you've been told. I had a brilliant GP at my old practice but now we've moved within Edinburgh and I can't find a decent sympathetic one at the new place.

CorporeSarnie · 28/02/2014 11:29

seasides, I think you've hit the nail on the head with there being protocols, but a lot of local interpretation on top of them - so who you see makes a difference.
otters sorry you've had a crappy evening, it is horrible talking to people with close EDDs to the one you dread coming up, and even when people do know the history they're not always that conscious. Last summer, about a week or two after the MC, I was at a BBQ with a close colleague (who had supported me through a project deadline I had during the MC and knew all about it). They had had a dreadful time - a MMC of twins three years ago. They had a DC a 6mo after ours, and had just announced their 2nd pg. She is and was lovely but whinged about being pg the whole time - I think even with her history she struggled to not do foot-in-mouth. I am sure I offended people left, right & centre during my 1st pg. Good luck with getting your referral sorted out asap (although fingers crossed you won't need it).
Welcome croft, sorry you have to be here, but hope you find some solace here in knowing there are many of us who have been through it too.
triple, I braved the GPs this morning - I figured it was on my notes now after telephone convo, and they would want to check BP etc. before I can get a MW appt, which I need if I want an early scan; all of the hoops take so much time. Also needed to get something for DDs eczema. Am however now even more scared that I've booked it and I'm going to MILs this weekend - I shouldn't have created such a similar set of circs as last time I was at this stage. I remember watching DD running about on her GM's lawn and feeling so so happy - this time I am just really scared. Fish slap needed here ladies.

GailLondon · 28/02/2014 12:39

Thanks for the welcome everyone! I'm a bit up in the air this month, no idea when I'll ovulate or get next AF after the miscarriage last week. I think we are planning to not actively try too hard this month(but not prevent), then ttc in earnest after the next AF.
Good luck and best wishes to everyone!

Penguin13 · 28/02/2014 12:57

Hi Croft I'm so sorry you lost your baby. I too had a feeling something had gone wrong, which we discovered when I had a scan at 13 weeks it had but it doesn't make it any less of a loss. I hope you find some comfort here. These ladies never fail to support, pick you up, thwack with fish when needed and almost most importantly for me make you laugh.

Sundance2007 · 28/02/2014 13:04

Welcome to newbies , pull up a chair and pour yourselves a glass. We do seem to have had an influx lately, which is sad obviously, but also good to know more people can benefit from the random rants that occur here! :)

So no one POAS today? Still in first week of 2ww for me and driving myself insane.

If love to be able to say 'I'm going to Geneva this afternoon', how lovely! This afternoon, I'm going to Sainsburys. Doesn't have the same ring to it.

sebsmummy1 · 28/02/2014 13:30

I am on cd3 so no peeing on a stick for ages Sad

TeaRex · 28/02/2014 14:32

Lol at sundance, sainsburys sounds awesome (that's another word like dude isn't it? I'm too old to say these things)
Just got back from a trip to Guildford which was nice, spent a bit of money I don't really have on a jacket I definitely don't need but it's perked me up no end.
Think it was penguin who asked about the redundancies? Not sure if I'll be effected to be honest, they say not but I don't really believe all that talk, but my bosses boss has resigned as he's emigrating to Canada, lucky git, so the overheads in my dept look a lot better now as they won't replace him. To be honest I've known since end of last year that it was very likely that this would all be happening but thought I'd have a year or two left there. The plus side if having a misscarridge is that this really isn't upsetting me as much as it would of as I really know now that it isn't important at the end of the day.
Sorry about your shit night otters :( I've got a cupboard full of chocolate if you're a junkie and need a hit? Xxx

Penguin13 · 28/02/2014 14:41

Oh god. Just met up with a friend I hadn't seen for about a year. And she rocked up with her 7 month old in tow.I. Was.Not.Prepared. Actually it was great to see her and her baby was all squishy and cuddly and lovely I just would have liked to have been forewarned so I could gird myself.

mini28 · 28/02/2014 14:48

Welcome to the newbies. Sorry to see you here, but this is a lovely supportive thread. Hope your stays here will be short Smile

I wimped out of poas this morning. I just couldn't hack the thought of getting another bfn this month. I'll wait it out instead - af is due on Sunday. Till then, I'm trying not to think about it and not doing a good job of it Hmm

Croftgirl80 · 28/02/2014 14:48

Thanks for the welcome and your kind messages Smile
I am actually based in the South, my username is a play on the area where I live!


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CorporeSarnie · 28/02/2014 14:58

oooh croft you mysterious lady you :) I used to live in SE Ldn, and so may have worked local to you as a teenager.
Well done to mini on holding out til AF due - am hoping that you be rewarded with your very own BFP.
penguin - so she not only hadn't told you she was pg, but hadn't told you she was bringing baby with her? Poor you. Small babies are lovely but that would have been a bit of a shock regardless of your TTC status!

CorporeSarnie · 28/02/2014 15:04

In random strange news of the afternoon, I rang the X ray dept to try and cancel my appt, on finally getting through they said to come in anyway Shock. So looks like will be having a not-much-reassurance scan come Tues.

Seasides · 28/02/2014 15:35

Will it be dildo cam scan sarnie? Blurg if so, hate them. Funny-my phone autocorrects dildo to Romeo!

Sorry work's uncertain tea, it must still be nerve racking . Glad you seem safe though.

Just had lunch with friend and her 2 month old. Oddly babies are easier than bumps, I find. Maybe because itssohard to actually imagine having my own, and they distract you. And there's always a bit of relief to be able to hand them over when they cry! There actually is nothing like hanging out with kids to make me appreciate a bit of peace and quiet.

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