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The Elderberry Pavlovas and the eternal hope for a fresh, springy and healthy Palace of the Child! (thread 15)

1000 replies

Bunnygirlie · 26/09/2013 19:49

Here we go again.....
The smallprint –
Berries have a strict entrance criteria (TTC #1, over 30, TTC for 6+months, NO instadiffers, must have a special pot) and def no mention of baby dust or baby dancing UGH !!! Ooooh aren’t we strict!

OP posts:
Bunnygirlie · 28/09/2013 19:50

lady I want a DH that makes dinner!!!

OP posts:
Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 20:22

ok, there are such alot of us on here?!?
whatever happened to frogcatcher?
mrsboombastic did namechange to boomgoeastheweasel (or am I wrong?)
sorry if I am dense but just wanted to check!

Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 20:25

Also I am now hovering on the pop, but know this nausea cannot be pg related - I am only 5dpo, help!

Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 21:00

Just had a look back over an old thread (before my time) and found this -
In the beginning Mumsnet created the TTC forum and saw that is was good. But many of the threads were full of women complaining that they had not been blessed with their 4th baby. And Lo many women who were evil and greedy for having delayed having babies so they could live fabulous lives and have holidays (and nothing to be with being financially stable and being with the right partner) and they were made sad by the women who already had babies.
And they went into the wilderness and walked for 40 days and 40 nights until they came to the promised land of elderberries and sausages. And they saw that it was good.

And Lo those women did pee upon the stick of OPK and saw that there were two lines and held it to the light and did say unto their fellow elderberries 'tell me oh wise women, is the test line darker than the control line?' And the wise women said that it was and they must make haste to their bed and the elderberries did call unto their husbands and ask for him to lay with her and he said, 'but I have been busy at work and I'm too tired.' And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

And the elderberries did go to the wise GP and speak to him but he didn't understand but sent the woman to have tests on the wrong day. And the woman did say unto her husband 'you must spill your seed into this pot and a man will look at it and see if it is good' and the man said that he was too busy and tired. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

And the woman looked at her fellow women and they all doth say 'but I laid with a man but once and I have had many babies' and another said 'I think thou doth triest too much. If thou stop trying it will happen'. And the women were evil and they thought not for the feelings of the elderberries and they doth call upon their friends to bring them gifts as they were very pleased with themselves for having a baby and could not understand why the elderberries find it so difficult.

And lo the elderberry did find herself reading the scripture of the internet and did do everything asked of her by the soothsayers therein. She did eat manuka honey, she did pee on sticks, she did put a pillow under her bottom, she did not partake of the caffeine or the alcohol, she did put the legs into the air after she had lain with her husband but each month she was visited by an evil spirit. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Our peestick
Who art in the bathroom cupboard
Clearblue is thy name,
Thy peeing on done,
Thy one line only come,
This month as every other,
Give us every other day strength to DTD
Forgive us complaining
As we forgive those who give us advice,
And lead us not to read the internet
And deliver us of a baby (eventually)
For thine is the CBFM
The opk and the conceive plus,
Until we get two lines

Cheers pip !!!

Also what was the deal with mike???

barkingtreefrog · 28/09/2013 21:07

foody if I slap you will you slap me back? Feeling tired and nauseous and the last time I felt like this I was pg. But I can't possibly be pg as my temps show I haven't ovulated!!! Spent all day trying not to think about pg friend and failed miserably. 2 or 3 hours sleep last night (which is the obvious cause of said nausea and tiredness) meant I have been close to tears all day. Seeing our wedding venue was nice, the location is absolutely stunning. Won't have any guests if it happens to snow that weekend though... (end of Feb). Shock

CatsCantFlyFast · 28/09/2013 21:21

Barking have a think about how people could get there if it did snow. Can you find a local farmer on standby to grit the road(s) from the main road? (Farmers are the ones normally employed by the council to do this). But some cheap salt for paths etc? As long as you have a backup plan (and your guests know) you will be fine. And the pics will be amazing

Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 21:26

ok barking its a deal, mutual wanging eh??

nights and oversleeping is cause of my nausea for sure, but it sucks.

Found out last night about a friend who is pg - not seen her for a while so it was another friend (H) who told me - rather insensitively I thought - she is one of the few people who know about the mc and there really was no reason for her to tell me, especially as it was in front of another friend who does not know about mc, so I could not react badly even if I wanted/needed to.

was all a bit odd -we were at H's house when she mentioned that she had seen our other friend last week. Then said "oh haven't you seen them for a while?" - she knows we haven't as we talked about them 2 weeks ago! She then said "oo, you wont know then" I knew what she was going to say before she said it, felt her hesitate a tiny bit then tell me anyway. All I could say was "oh, thats nice" .
If I had seen pg friend and she had told me herself I think I would have been ok - (I have suspected for a while that these friends have been ttc for ages with problems, so it really is great for them).

I could not help but say a bit shittily "they are telling people then??" don't think I hid very well that I was pissed off she had said something and that I did not think it was her news to share!


ok just earn't myself another wang barking, please go ahead

Boodle9 · 28/09/2013 21:27

Ooooh. I'm home alone and I've decided it would be a really good idea to read this spooky thread and this urban legends thread I've got one cat in but the other might just have to stay out for the night as I'm not too thrilled about the prospect of opening the back door now! Grin

Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 21:42

Ohhh boodle, was just reading it when bratty kids banged on my front window!!! made me just right out of my skin Shocknot reading anymore

Bunnygirlie · 28/09/2013 21:47

Will avoid those threads, I scare easy!

Grrrrrr foody

barking tell us more about your venue Hun

OP posts:
Boodle9 · 28/09/2013 21:47

Argh! That's unfortunate timing! I've just braved it to let indoor cat back out as she was whinging! Now they can both stay out!!!

BlindKitty · 28/09/2013 23:12

foody how could we forget the clear lie prayer?! I forget who wrote it now though! Re mike, she got diffed abroad with ivf. She made a very brief appearance but I guess it could only be brief before mn kicked her off again

Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 23:21

Can't.Stop.Eating. feeling sicky all day, eating is weirdly it's the only thing that helps.

Bunnygirlie · 28/09/2013 23:33

foody I sometimes feel like that with my IBs nausea! Vile IBS symptoms hideously like pg symptoms grrrrr

OP posts:
Foodylicious · 28/09/2013 23:35

I know, its all just post nightshift bollox, been eating lots of Tums today too

BlindKitty · 29/09/2013 08:30

*clear blue

Bunnygirlie · 29/09/2013 09:36

Berry advice please, have my consultant report letter, it says I need a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, will they be done together do you think?
What's the recovery time?
Did you take holiday or were you signed off to rest?

OP posts:
PuppyMummy · 29/09/2013 09:44

Morning all just wanted to check in and keep a place on the thread.

Not sure about either bunny prob worth giving them a ring and asking

Pipbin · 29/09/2013 09:47

I had a lap and dye on a Thursday and I was back at work by the Monday.
Not sure about having the two together though.

funkymonk · 29/09/2013 10:07

Morning ladies, not been on mn for a few days or so. I have no advice for you sorry bunny but sure someone on here will!
barking that's really shit news about your friends. Just rubs salt in the wounds a bit more hey. It's going to be really hard for you. Stay strong!
Think I'm finally ovulating on cycle day 23. Seems ov is massively delayed by b6 but the new opks I've been using are faulty. Shock I uploaded a pic onto fb.
Hope everyone is having an ok weekend.
Love the elderberry prayer etc from the first threads!!

BlindKitty · 29/09/2013 10:38

Can anyone remember who wrote it?

Bunnygirlie · 29/09/2013 11:00

Isn't pip the poet?!?

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Foodylicious · 29/09/2013 11:28

Bit more painting today, off to hobbycraft to get some Mod Podge 1st

Whats everyone else up to today?

BlindKitty · 29/09/2013 11:51

Hmm think you might be right bunny

barkingtreefrog · 29/09/2013 12:33

Pip is the lyrical genius.

merk if the snow is bad I can't imagine gritting the local roads would make a difference. Guests are coming from all over the UK and if the forecast is as bad as some of the snow we had last winter they really shouldn't be travelling at all. Although we do have a few friends (mainly the snowboarders and ice climbers) who own snow tires/ chains and will be able to get there anyway!
I'm just going to be slightly obsessed with the weather forecast in the weeks leading up to the wedding! !

Had a meltdown this morning. Being in the Lakes with no reception and only brief mobile internet last night has meant all my usual ranting outlets (here, berries on fb, close friends) have been unavailable. DP was joking around this morning but I was barely holding it together and really not coping so just burst into tears. He snapped as he was fed up of 'walking on eggshells' and I cried even harder Sad . Had a chat when I calmed down and all good now but I'm fed up of feeling like this even after a great night's sleep when I'm in a stunning location in gorgeous weather with my favourite companions (DP and the dog) and doing what I love (running). Conditions couldn't be better and I was still utterly miserable. Life sucks right now, but what sucks even more is that it shouldn't. I have an amazing partner, the world's greatest dog (fact), a nice house, a good job etc etc. Not to mention a wedding coming up! I'm supposed to be happy Angry .

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