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The Elderberry Pavlovas and the eternal hope for a fresh, springy and healthy Palace of the Child! (thread 15)

1000 replies

Bunnygirlie · 26/09/2013 19:49

Here we go again.....
The smallprint –
Berries have a strict entrance criteria (TTC #1, over 30, TTC for 6+months, NO instadiffers, must have a special pot) and def no mention of baby dust or baby dancing UGH !!! Ooooh aren’t we strict!

OP posts:
CatsCantFlyFast · 29/09/2013 12:38

Barking don't expect too much of yourself, it's way too soon. You can't expect some beautiful scenery (v jealous by the way) to fix everything Grin
Even during the worst snow the main roads and motorways are normally fine imo

Bunnygirlie · 29/09/2013 13:14

barking don't be too hard on yourself, you are still grieving and it will take a long time to get over this.

It's taken me nearly 2 weeks just to come to terms with us having to have ivf so I cannot imagine how horrendous things have been for you.

And men really don't understand how us girlies feel! Thanks and Cake

OP posts:
barkingtreefrog · 29/09/2013 13:21

I know merk, you're right, but I was hoping for an hour's respite Blush .
I've emailed the hostel manager for advice on how realistic my plan b is if it snows. Boodle has very sensibly advised me to invest in wedding insurance which I will be doing immediately Grin .

barkingtreefrog · 29/09/2013 13:23

X post bunny have some Cake for yourself Smile .

Bunnygirlie · 29/09/2013 14:27

Nom nom nom diet starts tomorrow Grin

OP posts:
PuppyMummy · 29/09/2013 15:18

barking the lakes is a beautiful place for a wedding, we will be getting married in the Ullswater area
(when we manage to pick a date and plan it properly!).

BlindKitty · 29/09/2013 15:33

barking it is early days, it's no wonder you're still upset. Try and focus on why you're there and think about planning your amazing wedding Smile

FeatherFeather11 · 29/09/2013 16:20

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, and barking hope you feel better soon.

Need opinions on somethingpls: I am now cd39 - 7 days late and no sign of af. I was just in a cab coming home, and was hit between the eyes with the biggest wave of nausea ever. Cab driver was wearing what smelt like a whole bottle if cologne and I could barely keep my lunch down. Still feeling quite ill, but I've not been sick, and having to lay down. Just did an internet cheapie and got another bfn. I just don't feel right though and haven't for the last week (today being the worst). When can I ask for a blood test? Called the fc last Wednesday and the nurse said there was not really anyway I could be pregnant and to start taking provera to bring on af, but I really don't want to do that. Feeling emotional about it all this afternoon and just want some answers! :(

Boodle9 · 29/09/2013 18:27

Hey Feather. Sorry no magic answer for you, but didn't want you to feel ignored!

What you are saying about nausea and aversion to smells sounds promising, but the bfn is clearly a problem.Don't know when you can get a blood test but perhaps ring your gp surgery, rather than the fc?

Sorry you're feeling sad. Cake for you

RevoltingPeasant · 29/09/2013 18:30

Feather if it were me, I wouldn't call the clinic anymore as that nurse sounds very set in her opinion. I'd just go to your GP, pref the youngest and least experienced yo can find, describe your symptoms and v innocently say you are late, but have had bfn from a cheap Internet bought test. Are those ever wrong? Is there any other way to check?

I bet they'd offer a blood test then.....

Bunnygirlie · 29/09/2013 18:40

Aaaaagh my husband is a moron!!!! He's just had a 'sit down' in the bathroom where I'm about to have a bubble bath Angry

feather maybe try a different test?

OP posts:
FeatherFeather11 · 29/09/2013 18:53

Thanks guys Flowers-and sorry to vent/be so needy! Will swing by the gp in the morning and try to get them to see me. Have a lovely evening. Enjoy your bath bunny! Shock

barkingtreefrog · 29/09/2013 20:36

feather good luck with the gp, hope they are more helpful than the nurse. I think staff are more hardened at fc's. I suppose they have to be.

Bunnygirlie · 29/09/2013 21:36

Keep us posted feather

Anything new with anybody else?

OP posts:
Foodylicious · 29/09/2013 21:45

Nothing exiting here, painted, sanded and second coat on the dresser done. Skirtingboard primed. Phew, Smile. Looks good but am knackered. Training next 2 days so not proper work which is good!

Foodylicious · 30/09/2013 07:21

Soo, no proper work today which meant I could have an extra hour and a half in bed. however did not get so sleep until after 1 and woke up at 5.45. GRR! I am going to be feeling tired later. Off to spend the day messing about of crash mats.

SmileHave a good week everybodySmile

Bunnygirlie · 30/09/2013 08:29

Grrrrrrr indeed foody

Back to work today, yuck!

OP posts:
SidneyBristow · 30/09/2013 11:50

Ooh Feather can't wait for your update! Why on earth would the nurse totally discount a pregnancy? I'd think that would be a fairly common reason for AF being so late Hmm

Barking only just saw your post about your friend Thanks Even though it wasn't a surprise, it had to be a blow, and who could blame you for dreading being around her over the next few months? Please go easy on yourself. Things will get easier to bear in time - you'll never forget and it will always be a sad chapter, but your feelings won't be this raw forever. I hope seeing the venue has taken your mind off it a little & that you've gotten to see some of the lovely scenery. Mega jealous as DH and I won't be going anywhere for ages damn you IVF costs

Nothing exciting here either, blissfully uneventful weekend, drama free Grin I could get used to this!! Tonight is the "monitoring" bit of my "monitored ovulation" cycle...not really in the mood for a dildocam but then who would ever be? Today's CD11 and I feel pelvically bloated, and PMSy. Gearing up for Shag Week: Do It Only When the Doctor Says edition. Biscuit if I didn't joke about it, I'd cry. Why the hell couldn't things have worked naturally???? Kind of pissed about it today, Boodle is there room on your Bitching Bench for me??

Updated list:

Barking - 34, ttc 21 months, bfp on clomid in aug, mc in sept. Hoping AF or bfp isn't delayed so we can start back on the clomid asap
Bunny - 33, TTC 18 months, FC says IVF is the way to go, next step lap & dye
Foodylicious -34, ttc nov 2011, mc in may, back on the ttc bus this month
Kuma - 38, ttc 9 months, GP appointment to get things moving on 24th. AF/BFP (how optimistic) due 1 Oct
Happylass, 35, currently on a TTC break. 1st appointment at FC on 20/9
Yorkiebilb, 35, ttc 13 months mmc Dec. High fsh suggesting low ovarian reserve. iui next cycle.
Sidney, 38, ttc 15 months. On first round of clomid/monitored ovulation, feels a little pointless although maybe the monitoring bit will prove helpful; onto IVF by Dec if no joy.
RevoltingPeasant, 34, ttc since May 13 but with various "challenges"
mrsw, 35, ttc since May 13, AF 40 days late but BFNs, waiting for blood test results.
Fox82 -31, ttc since Dec '12. Not even a hint of a bfp!
FeatherFeather11, 34, ttc since sept 12. Pcos, 5 rounds of clomid since Feb 13, not a sniff of bfp
Boodle - 30, ttc for 27 cycles and counting. Clomid sucks. FCs suck. People having babies suck, except Berries, who are wonderful and whose babies will sleep 10 hours a night and fill their nappies with rainbows and rose petals.
Funkymonk - 31, ttc since October 2012. mc in July 2013. FC appt 10th Oct. AF/BFP ? as screwed things up with high doses of B6.
Pipbin 38 TTC since April 2011 waiting for second round of IVF, due to start in December.
Lady, 34, just started IVF down regulation injections
Gillster, 39 1/2, TTC since March 12, waiting for appointment to have fibroid removed, waiting to see consultant about IVF (Dec?). AF due at weekend.
Snowlily - 33, ttc Dec'12, going au naturelle with GL diet, acupuncture & moonstones. AF due 4/10.
Charmingcats, 32. Ttc since August 2012. Pcos. Will start clomid once current cycle ends, but it may be another long one...taking metformin.

BFP Berries:-
Blindkitty - 33, ttc for 26 months, 5+0 thanks to the wonders of iui

SidneyBristow · 30/09/2013 16:52

Did I kill the thread?Confused

SidneyBristow · 30/09/2013 16:52

Did I kill the thread?Confused

SidneyBristow · 30/09/2013 16:53

Hmm it looks so much needier when it posts two times in a row Smile

Foodylicious · 30/09/2013 16:56


TMI alert!! creamy cm for last 2 days and the tiniest, tiny bit of spot today.
1)Implantation bleeding
2) Early AF
3) none of the above and just another bit of messing about by my unreliable body with the aim of screwing with my head!

Far to early to poas and I really darn't get my hopes up. Have been a mardy cow over the weekend so likely PMT and early AF.

Ahhhh my poor head!!!


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Foodylicious · 30/09/2013 17:00

Good luck with the dildocam Sid, lie back and think of ???[biscuits]???
No seriously, hope it goes ok Smile

Foodylicious · 30/09/2013 17:10

Barking how you doing today?? - I know it's awful but don't put too much pressure on yourself to feel 'better'. I am sure you desperately want to, but you have to let the sadness and the anger out. Someone once described depression to me as repressed sadness and/or anger and it has stuck with me since and makes me let myself feel what is going on. That being said I do find it comes in fits and starts and its a bit of a battle choosing when to let if overwhelm and when to make yourself think of other things as dwelling on it ALL the time gets you know where.
Sorry this did have a point???
Think what I am trying to say is I empathise with you in this most pants of pants time, and although you feel shit, you are getting through this, one day at a time. Thats the only way any of us can ever cope/manage.

Big Hugs (unless you really don't want them) - how was today??

CatsCantFlyFast · 30/09/2013 17:55

Terrible fred etiquette so I shall dodge you all slapping me with sausages whilst I elbow my way through the throng to Foody. What CD are you?? excited
Back later to chat properly and comment on all the v important updates that I have ignored in this post Grin

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