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The Elderberry Pavlovas and the eternal hope for a fresh, springy and healthy Palace of the Child! (thread 15)

1000 replies

Bunnygirlie · 26/09/2013 19:49

Here we go again.....
The smallprint –
Berries have a strict entrance criteria (TTC #1, over 30, TTC for 6+months, NO instadiffers, must have a special pot) and def no mention of baby dust or baby dancing UGH !!! Ooooh aren’t we strict!

OP posts:
Bunnygirlie · 27/09/2013 18:54

Oh barking we are here for you x

Thought I'd tell my boss as my moods have been quite erratic lately and I wanted him to know i'm not a complete nutter!

Ooh yorkie hope cherry is ok! Jabs for you? How scary exciting!

Ugh foody I suffer from IBS it is horrid!!!

Did someone say doody

OP posts:
mrswalker13 · 27/09/2013 19:41

Barking I hope having a definite answer helps even if the answer confirms she's instadiffed.

No IBS for me - another relief - and the appt is just standard GP... Will cross the bridge when I come to it.

In the meantime a relaxing weekend. Swimming, maybe a bracing walk and who knows - DTD just for fun Wink

FeatherFeather11 · 27/09/2013 19:53

Bonsoir all!

Just got home from a ball-ache of a day and poured myself a glass of Wine - I need a drink!

Doody! I love that! Lol! Grin

Flopity Glad you found your way here. Dying to know your extreme sport too.

snowlily diet sounds intriguing!

bunny I think it's seriously cool you told your boss.

pip and kuma sorry about af arriving - such a cow!

RP: still trucking along, cd36, with no sign of af and another bfn on a first response this morning. Sheesh! Just taken delivery of 20 internet cheapies though, so I need to exercise some self control! I'm not holding out any hope though, but it's ok - have come to terms with it - and now just want af to come. Have been toying with the idea of taking another month off clomid though - is that dumb?

Had a very, very interesting chat to a friend/colleague at lunch today: she's one of the only pregnant mates I can be around without feeling weird or sad or whatever (no idea why - think its because she's so graceful and not show-offy about it. Does anyone else have that?) and she was telling me that she was SIX WEEKS pregnant before she got a bfp. Can you believe it?? The doc had told get that he was putting four weeks on it, but then when she had her scan a few days later, they said she was six weeks. How'd you all like them apples?

barkingtreefrog · 27/09/2013 20:11

She's diffed and I'm a mess. She's just had her 12 week scan which means she is less than 2 weeks ahead of where I would be now. I can't handle it. I can't get across just how much this is going to be in my face all the time. How the hell do I deal with this? They're at the pub tonight so we're not going. Not that I could actually leave the house in the state I'm now in.

Bunnygirlie · 27/09/2013 20:16

Oh barking that must be so tough for you, both of you. Sending you lots of hugs x

OP posts:
FeatherFeather11 · 27/09/2013 20:17

Oh, god, barking. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Xx

mrswalker13 · 27/09/2013 20:45

Barking I'm so sorry. I'm thinking of you.

Bunnygirlie · 27/09/2013 20:45

P.s. barking I'm on FB if you wanna chat

OP posts:
yorkiebilb · 27/09/2013 20:50

Oh barking I just read your post and my heart sank for you. You poor thing. Do they know what you've been through? If not they need to know and the tough time you're both having so they can be a bit more sensitive in your company. I know you feel so low at the moment but it is all still very raw for you right now. I promise you the pain will eventually lessen but for now hugs to you.

BlindKitty · 27/09/2013 21:31

snow I've just got my bfp with iui but also had a load of accupuncture. Dunno if it helped but I defo felt so much better about everything.

yorkie woop woop! Take it fannycam went ok?

BlindKitty · 27/09/2013 21:37

Oh barking, sorry to hear this but I think you already knew this. I think you're right to stay clear until you're a bit stronger. Don't leave it too long though, confronting your feelings might be what you need at some point xxx

barkingtreefrog · 27/09/2013 21:38

Thanks for the thoughts. They do know about our situation which is why they've been avoiding us for the last two weeks. I've calmed down a little now. A friend happened to call just as I was trying to get through to someone else and he is going through a really tough time right now. I then got a call from the friend I was trying to talk to and she's going through even worse and was in tears pretty quickly about her situation even though she'd phoned to try and sort me out (I didn't realise the extent of her situation until tonight). Both calls put my situation into perspective. It's bollocks, but I will at some pull through it and hopefully have a baby. I may have many moments of running to the toilets crying when faced with said bump, but at some point, even if it takes a year, the future will look brighter. Neither situation my friends are in will be as easily resolved. I need to learn to appreciate what I have.

BlindKitty · 27/09/2013 21:54

barking sorry that you're friends are also having a crap time but I'm glad you're starting to be able to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Tbh you did get diffed on your 1st go of clomid so there's no reason why you won't again now you know what works for you

Bunnygirlie · 27/09/2013 22:00

barking also sorry to hear about your friends, seeing friends go through these things is tough. I find it very difficult to put things into perspective as its so easy to concentrate on our own drama so fair play to you. I know you will have that bump and baby sometime soon x

OP posts:
Bunnygirlie · 27/09/2013 22:04

Odd moment to post this but needed to share

OP posts:
happylass · 28/09/2013 00:09

Evening all and welcome Feather Just quickly popping in to offer Barking a hug. Both for you and your friends that are having a tough time too Flowers

Merk I think I remember the instadiffer too. Did her name begin with F? (Not you Foody!!) If so she stole my shag tiara when I was feeling particularly proud of the fact that we'd managed to DTD 14 times in a month by doing it 10 times a day for a month or something equally ridiculous. And then getting upduffed as a result grrrrrr

Off to read about the cheese singed fanjo now. Night all

barkingtreefrog · 28/09/2013 06:18

Yes happy I remember her stealing your tiara! And her name did begin with an F. Definitely not you foody this was her first cycle of trying. Grr Angry .

I've had about 2 hours of sleep. Laid awake most of the night. What upset me most when it got to 5am was the realisation that my temperature wouldn't be reliable!!! Just took it now and it's still way below coverline. When I've forgotten to take it before and done so 5/10 minutes after waking up it's always been a lot higher so I figure I can assume I still haven't Ov'd. Presumably if I don't Ov at all this cycle AF will come before I've seen a temp rise?

yorkiebilb · 28/09/2013 07:11

Morning all,

Up ridiculously early as on a train up to Yorkshire to watch the football. Seemed a good idea at the time to book a train at 7, now not so sure zzzzzz

Managed my 1st injection last night but DH had to help as shaking so much. How rubbish am I?!

barking sorry you didn't sleep. You had alot to deal with last night so not surprised your brain was working over time. Not too sure on temps. What day of your cycle have you calculated you're on?

BlindKitty · 28/09/2013 07:13

Hmm I can't remember who it was! Was I around then? Think I started the thread about feb. can't be frogcatcher as she'd been ttc about 9 months from what I remember

barkingtreefrog · 28/09/2013 07:16

yorkie I think I'd be the same. I'm ok with having injections but not sure how I'd cope with doing it myself!

If I take my first day of mc bleeding as cd1 (don't really know where else I'd start) then I'm on cd23. Some people have said it took them 8 or 9 weeks to get AF. I just want it to arrive asap so I can take the clomid and feel like we can start trying again. Can't deal with would-be-same-bump until I can at least feel like we're back on track with ttc Sad .

yorkiebilb · 28/09/2013 07:16

Morning kitty

I can't remember either but I have an awful memory. They sound very smug from what has been described. Smug instadiffers are the worst! Grrrr!

barkingtreefrog · 28/09/2013 07:19

Not frogcatcher! I started in February as well. Can't believe you wouldn't have noticed this woman who hung around for a little while to give us tips on how to get updiffed like her....


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yorkiebilb · 28/09/2013 07:30

barking I didn't bother taking temps until my first AF arrived after the mc as I didnt know what was happening wirh my body and I wasn't sure how reliable the temping was. I know everyone is different but I decided to write that off and start again when AF arrived. Have you thought of asking someone on the mc thread about temping straightaway?

yorkiebilb · 28/09/2013 07:34

Ahh I really want to know who it is now!

A few months ago I had a smug instadiffer ask me if I wanted children and then she offered to sit down with me and tell me how to get pg! Grrrr

barkingtreefrog · 28/09/2013 07:42

yorkie I've asked on the mc board about when AF might return as realistically our best chances are when I can start on the clomid again. I'm only temping as if I see a rise I can assume I've O'd and can therefore predict I still have at least a week to wait and it will stop me looking for it everyday!!
I hate waiting. Everything about this ttc business (for us berries) is just one big horrible waiting game. It sucks.

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