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Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)

999 replies

NoWordForFluffy · 28/04/2020 06:51


Morning. Welcome to our new thread.

We maybe have rain today. I really hope we do! I have no ides when we last had it.

I'm baking with the kids today plus potting some plants on. Exciting. No idea where they'll go, mind you!

Only 2 days left of furlough. Yaaay for the financial side and booooo otherwise! 😂

OP posts:
NerosFiddle · 01/05/2020 22:24

Fluffy I've been sat watching clips of it for about 20 minutes now. They wouldn't be able to show half of it now.

NoWordForFluffy · 01/05/2020 22:26

Oh, I know! Very much of its time. I can't believe it went on until 1992!

OP posts:
whydoesitalwayshappentome · 01/05/2020 22:38

Hi everyone. I think I must have not been paying attention to real life much recently, I had no idea that Friday is a bank holiday. I will catch up eventually.

Sorry to hear you have been poorly Nero. Roll on your rest.

I had a Morrisons delivery and I ordered carrot batons x2 because it said carrots were out of stock and they substituted them with....... drum roll please.... yes two packs of carrots!!!!

Mrsmadevans · 01/05/2020 22:45

Evening everyone Smile
Not felt very well today, awful headaches . eye pain and so tired after l came from Mum & Bob's . I think it was a migraine. I took 2 lots of tablets and had a sleep after and l feel much better now.
So what have you all been up to today, will have a catch up now Smile
Crazy you definitely need a little yellow star on the top of that gorgeous tree Smile
Nero ahhh bless you sweetheart AF is so horrible , my DH has it and he is so scared when it happens. He is dreading it happening during this CV crisis he doesn't want to go to A/E too. You must have felt so frightened , bless you am so glad you are alright now Flowers
You can PM me anytime xxx

Mrsmadevans · 01/05/2020 23:13

Wreck & Fluffy Asda have been fab for us here, real life savers and l like knowing the stuff isn't in stock before they send the order so l can change it for things l think will be in stock. You think Asda are bad honestly they are angels compared to Iceland Grin l literally had only half my order delivered with them!
However the creme de la creme are definitely Tesco, they have got it off to a .....T Grin

Mrsmadevans · 01/05/2020 23:15

Wreck they always move the goalposts , l think you definitely need to use this as a boost to get another job, come on you Wreck!

Mrsmadevans · 01/05/2020 23:19

Nero they didn't keep Dh in here even when he had a cardioversion done. They just sedated him for a few mins and shocked him and he came home after a couple of hours. He was absolutely scared to death so l totally get how awful you must have felt Flowers

Mrsmadevans · 01/05/2020 23:32

AF is the most commn heart arrhythmia. There doesn't even have to be anything wrong with your heart and you can be perfectly healthy yet still have it Hmm. If it is any consolation the pill in the pocket works for him thank God. I am so worried when he gets it and we have linked it to caffeine, stress & tiredness. I think it can happen for no reason as well to be honest, or we just haven't been able to find out the reason. He was tried on a few tablets before the Consultant gave him this PIP it's been a life saver for us .

Mrsmadevans · 01/05/2020 23:51

Mum cut Bob's hair
She only wanted to have another go to 'even' it out. I showed Bob the picture he wasn't very pleased with it and wouldn't let her have another go thank God 😂😂

Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)
Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 02/05/2020 07:13

Sorry I have fallen behind! So glad your scan went well fire :)

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :) Plan to do a lot of gardening today and visit the allotment. Nothing to plant so just some weeding. Waiting for my leeks to get thicker before putting them in and want my peas to be a bit bigger before transferring them. Need to start my runner beans off indoors though :) Sowed my first parsnips yesterday in the garden and hope to do some more today. Going to measure the allotment while I am there so I can do a proper plan for the autumn rather than just sticking things in wherever as I am now!

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 02/05/2020 07:17

Oh also need to apply for the free school transport for DS for September Shock

WreckTangled · 02/05/2020 07:50

Asda update: some suitable subs and no available brioches or dextrose tablets. Will have to go to Tesco tomorrow morning I think. Wonder if the nhs priority hour before opening will be crazy? I also have to go to the local health food shop as have ordered some bamboo face masks from them. I think when they ease lockdown face coverings will be recommended for supermarkets etc and if we're allowed to go and see my mum then we will all wear one to protect her.

I'm going to be more productive today that should make me feel better.

Mrs I am going to apply for that job but it's only two days a week so could only do it along side my current one if they let me reduce my hours. I'm not expecting to get it though so not worth worrying about but I'm definitely going to try. Bobs hair looks....cut Grin

Just had jus roll cinnamon swirls for breakfast. So good. Diet starts tomorrow Grin

Mrsmadevans · 02/05/2020 08:03

Morning everyone 😀
Off up to Bob's & Mum's in a bit same old, same old, just like that song ' getting to be a habit with me ' haha
No headache this morning thankfully and I feel back to normal so glad🤗
Hope everyone is ok , am racking my brain what to give them for dindins 🙄
Think l might do them a salad because I am all out of ideas 😋🤔
Most that sounds like a plan😀👏👩‍🌾🥜🥕🥔🥒🥬🥦🌽🍅🍆🍠🥑😀
Have a great day everyone

NoWordForFluffy · 02/05/2020 08:05


Morning! It seems we've seen the last of the wet weather for now. And it's going to warm up again towards the end of the week. Yay!

Poor Bob. He's definitely been shorn!

Wreck, not too bad with the shopping. I don't know about the Tesco NHS slot. It's worth a go though.

Mrs, the problem is that if there is no reasonable sub then you lose your choice completely. If you get to keep it in your trolley then you at least get most of the time if things come back into stocked before the order is picked. I don't like having to remove it completely!

I'm not sure if it's allotment today or tomorrow. We've only just got up, so I'll decide in a bit. 😂

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 02/05/2020 08:30

Wreck good for you, give it a bash and you never know. Just keep trying till you get there. As for the travel allowance, when we had to move base, not because of our own decision. Our travel allowance was protected for 2years but it might have been 4 years l can't remember now. Have you been onto HR to ask them where you stand. It's nothing personal but I know what I had to put up with on the Community 🙄. They just keep moving the goalposts and it's so upsetting 💐

WreckTangled · 02/05/2020 08:34

Mrs it's protected for four years but they're trying to give us a reserve rate rather than the standard rate which is almost half Angry

Mrsmadevans · 02/05/2020 08:40

Fluffy hope your Shoulder is feeling better today , just as well you have the Amitriptyline there to fall back on 💐. I get what you're saying re the order with Asda & I much prefer Tesco but tbf to Asda their dates are much better than Tesco . This is consistent over the weeks too, we have found. It all sucks though ,l am afraid to go in a shop full stop. Mum and Bob will die if we take CV to them so we shall have to keep going to protect them. I am bored to death though l would love to be able to have a bloody good browse round Aldi middle aisles and my mood fluctuates on a sixpence 🙄🤔😂
On another note, in a bid to Cheer Mum and Bob up l have bought them an afternoon tea box from Morrison's for next Friday. £15 delivered which l thought was excellent 👌😊

Mrsmadevans · 02/05/2020 08:47

Wreck are you in a union ?
They did all this with us and l think they had to give in because they were trying it on basically. We had to fight them though it was tough and made us feel worthless. It wasn't good for morale put it that way 🙄
It's the managers fault they are all too busy looking after their own arses, bit like politicians. l was scarred by my bosses they were all aholes. Yours may be much different than mine. Keep fighting them. Good luck 🤗

WreckTangled · 02/05/2020 08:51

The trouble is a policy is not contractual and there's nothing in writing to state an actual figure. I will fight it though. I know previous employees who have had to move bases haven't had to have the reserve rate and I know the redeployed staff aren't being made to take the reserve rate either so if that's the case then why should I have to? If they've decided to change the policy in line with national policy (which as it stands they haven't) then they should have given me notice (and make it the same rule for everyone else). At the end of the day though if they say no there's literally nothing I can do about it.

Mrsmadevans · 02/05/2020 08:58

If there has been a precedent set then l think you have a good case. They were going on about precedent when we fought the same thing. I don't think they can do this to you . I don't know but going by what happened with us they couldn't do it. I'm so sorry love it's so upsetting for you 💐

Mrsmadevans · 02/05/2020 09:02

Try to enjoy your weekendWreck despite all what is going on, it's all shit atm 🙄💐🤗

Cherryrainbow · 02/05/2020 13:45

Hey hope everyone is ok. My son's been keeping me busy this morning. was feeling low and weepy past few days but feeling more normal today. Had a video chat with my mum. Mentioned some of the stuff I got the xmas already and mum said I've got the right idea getting stuff now with the way lockdown and shopping is now going x


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pussycatinboots · 02/05/2020 14:02

Mrs I'm guessing you have given your Mum and Bob some salad and plastic ham
Has Poor Bob recovered from being "trimmed" Shock
Wreck stick with it and dig your heels in. It is obviously unfair if others have been treated differently.
fluffy how are your butts? We had some more rain overnight.
Spuds are doing nothing yet...getting impatient!
why loving the sub of carrots for..erm, carrots Grin
Nero are you ok today? Beta blockers take a few days of getting used to. Take it easy if you can Flowers
most do you have to apply for the transport for DS? what happens if you don't get it?
Crazy have you done your Star or do i need to work through my stash of random bits? Grin
Firefly hope you are ok. x

NoWordForFluffy · 02/05/2020 14:09

Boots, butt update: no further rain; butt 2 is at critical levels!

Why, my friend (the midwife) has cheese substituted for cheese the other day (the sub was the cheese she'd wanted but it wasn't in stock!).

I need to go and collect a parcel from the shop. And get a few bits of food too. I've cleaned the bathroom, utility and kitchen, as well as the dining room / hall woodwork. DH vacuumed the house.

I've a distinct lack of motivation today, it has to be said! 😂

OP posts:
pussycatinboots · 02/05/2020 14:15

fluffy why aren't you digging??? You always dig on a Saturday...


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