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who's contemplating a home birth - want to discuss it?

352 replies

elliott · 23/06/2003 11:59

Hi there
Noticed that quite a few of us who are now pregnant are planning or thinking about home birth - katherine, motherinferior, princesspeahead, www etc. I'm just 17 weeks now and very undecided about what to do, so would welcome hearing other's thoughts and views. What has motivated your choice? What are your greatest worries/fears/hopes? What is the deal in your area re midwife care - do you feel confident in your midwives? Lots of other thoughts but that should do for now...

OP posts:
Oakmaiden · 24/06/2003 13:26

Holby City.... oh, don't get me started! rolls eyes

Katherine · 24/06/2003 13:55

Just wanted to add two more bits:
First I think the point about the fact that you don't feel like a patients when at home is a really important part of the whole expereince.

Second that it really annoys me when you hear MWs and GPs going on about needing to transfer to hospital, especially for first time labour. Don't we all transfer to hospital in the middle of labour? And as someone pointed out in most cases we don't know how advanced we are. Better to have a MW tell you before you go.

Finally (OK 3 points, can't count any more) - they do have to supply 2 midwives - one for you and one for baby officially but of course its not as if they don't communicate and help one another. That makes it 2 to 1 care. Anyone ever experienced this in hospital?

ames · 24/06/2003 13:58

Haven't read all the posts but wanted to offer some encouragement. After a horrendous first birth (it was straight forward enough just didn't feel in control and very lengthy) in hospital, my midwife suggested a homebirth for no. 2.

I was keen but dh not. We talked him round and for me it was a very positive experience. Ds decided to come 10 days early I called the midwife at about 6pm and she arrived about 15 minutes later (they have a list of who is planning to birth at home around that date) We had most of the kit already at home but she brought the ressusatation kit and gas and air etc
I had already got pethadine from the doctor (who apparantly was not keen on home births and sent a letter to the other doctors about me although he said nothing to my face- another story!) I did struggle to find a chemist with stocks of pethadine so bear this in mind - don't leave it too late if you want it.

I was nearly fully dilated already (its amazing how a 15 month can keep you so busy!) so she called for the second midwife. Who also arrived quickly.

They encouraged me to move about, I had a bath and they monitered me really well. I only used gas and air and they were very supportive and helped me through each contraction.

Ds decided he was quite comfortable and at one stage they suggested breaking my waters but having had this done before I wasn't keen and so they allowed the labour to progress naturally.
I found the bath really helpfully and they poured water on my tummy with each contraction which really eased the pain.

Ds was born at 10:30pm with no problems, they checked him and we and immediate skin to skin contact and he was breastfed soon after.

He was born in our living room. e put plastic sheeting and then an old duvet over the top which all went straight in the binso there was no real mess.

When we were all settled the midwife went back to the hospital with the placenta and put my notes on computer. She then called back in to check we were all ok. We were all tucked up in bed by 2am.

Dh even agreed it was a much better experience. Obviously every pregnancy and labour are different but thats my experience. My neighbours (semi- detached) heard nothing although our bathroom is joined to theirs, they knew i was having he baby and beleive me they would have said if they heard something (they'd be banging the wall telling me to keep it down!)

Sorry for the long post, good luck to you all whatever you decide.

musica · 24/06/2003 14:00

Re. 2 to 1 care in a hospital - I had 2 midwives, a junior doctor, registrar and anaesthetist....for a straightforward delivery!!! But I am going for home birth this time.

Wills · 24/06/2003 14:08

Musica - I was merely trying to stress that a lot of people assume that in a hospital you will get a lot of care but that the opposite is actually unfortunatley often true. At home at least with a normal home birth you are guaranteed at least 2 to 1 which is often better.

bubbly · 24/06/2003 14:21

musica it was all those strangers I was trying to avoid....

beetroot · 24/06/2003 14:26

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musica · 24/06/2003 14:33

Sorry Wills - I wasn't at all meaning to argue with you - I just found it rather funny having so many people for what was really a very straight forward birth. I'm a convert to homebirth, honestly!

motherinferior · 24/06/2003 14:45

well, as my waters have just broken and I've just had a show too I'd better see what the hell's going on....!

musica · 24/06/2003 14:47

How exciting!!!!!! Keep us posted!

beetroot · 24/06/2003 15:04

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Wills · 24/06/2003 15:19

Musica - I did wonder if my posting came across strong. Sorry - I didn't think it was arguing at all!

Motherinferio - Wow - if you're up to it keep us all up to date. Goodluck!!! Sending you loads of best wishes and will be thinking of you.

bubbly · 24/06/2003 15:27

best of everything motherinferior keeping everything crossed for you. Soo exciting
cyber support winging your way.

Ruth21 · 24/06/2003 16:14

Wow motherinferior, very exciting. Good luck!

motherinferior · 24/06/2003 16:21

2cm dilated, irregular contractions. Thanks for the support - I think I'm going to need it. Dp has just gone to drop off dd's overnight bag with her childminder (who's very excited) - I only packed the bag this morning, and have just shoved some things in a bag for me!

This is doing my head in - apparently I AM going to have a baby. Maybe not immediately, but within the next 48 hours, one way or another...!!!

aloha · 24/06/2003 16:24

Oo-er! Good luck!

princesspeahead · 24/06/2003 16:27

i've been offline all day - v pleased to get online for motherinferior's momentous news! good luck, and keep us posted...

ANGELMOTHER · 24/06/2003 16:28

Only getting the chance to catch up now......


Completely agree as others have stated, why go into hospital if you don't want an epidural (unless of course there are major complications).

Have been pondering the idea of a water birth but as others have said it is Incredibly expensive......but am also astonished at the cost of this American one , def going to take a closer look.

Finally started Nct classes last night and again as others have said, heard all the other birth stories reluctantly.
Not sure if it was the humidity but combined with so many hospital horror stories, I felt quite weak afterwards. Completely re-afirmed in my mind why I want a home-birth.

Motherinferior best of luck hope all goes as you want, it is exciting so keep us posted.

ANGELMOTHER · 24/06/2003 16:30

Posts crossed

Oh Motherinferior good luck, you can do it...

StripyMouse · 24/06/2003 17:02

wow motherinferior - I have just checked out todays messages and seen your exciting news - hope it is still going to plan for you and you are not too uncomfortable.When you are up to it, please keep us posted.

www - re the sol birth pool stuff - I was amazed at the cost too and I reckon it is deep enough, just not sure about the strength? I might get one anyway and make the most of it this summer with dd in the garden and hope it doesn?t pop!! Will take another look at the site later on with DH and see what he thinks..

WideWebWitch · 24/06/2003 20:24

stripymouse, I think I'm going to go for it and order one of those pools in the next week or so, I'll let you know what it's like if I get mine before you do. I agree, even if it isn't any good it'll be a good paddling pool so not wasted.

WideWebWitch · 24/06/2003 20:27

motherinferior, you were right, it looks like you will be the first! I hope this thread has helped with positive thinking - it's really helping me to hear all these great home birth experiences.


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sobernow · 24/06/2003 20:28

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motherinferior · 25/06/2003 04:28

check birth posts. And get that sodding pool!

tigermoth · 25/06/2003 07:09

thinking of you motherinferior - hope all is going swimmingly!

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