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Due in June - bounce on your ball till your bum goes numb or it gets so sweaty that you just fall off.

989 replies

derlor · 07/05/2007 21:46

oops hope i've fixed it????

OP posts:
derlor · 07/05/2007 23:23

oh yikes 100 messages in 1.5 hours - start thinking up new title threads now!!!!
right i'm off to dream about my lovely prison break man (weird thing is he actually looks like my brother in law - don't fancy him though!!)
oh all this could get me arrested - i'm off, later chicks x

OP posts:
hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 23:24

Night derlor! I'm going too, just realised what the time is! Night foxy and NA, if you are still around xx

derlor · 07/05/2007 23:25

oh yeah nappyaddict - you are most welcome on here anytime - just be warned you will get sucked in and won't be able to leave (it's like LOST in here!!!)

OP posts:
nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 23:40

oh know i never got into lost. i missed the first episode and couldn't get into when i tried watching it. it makes no sense unless you watch it religiously. didn't go on my own ante natal thread much lol. it went to quick and i'd get lost trying to keep up!

BadZelda · 08/05/2007 08:21

Morning ladies...looks like I've missed evening conversations again, only to be on here at the crack of dawn, and you've all been so fruity too. I seem to have gone to sleep an agile sylph and woken up as a weeble. Is it really possible I've expanded nearly 3 inches overnight? Is it really possible I've another 5 weeks growing to do? Informed DH that I'm going to finish with the spreadbetters this week and he seemed quite shocked that I'm planning on stopping work there 'already'...I wonder if it was actual (as opposed to virtual) prostitution would he still be telling me 'get out there, earn money'? Have to stop though, otherwise I'll be working on my other project (for a nice literary magazine) whilst in labour with bubs...and I reckon I deserve at least a week off with Ella before that. Maybe he just doesn't want me to send HIM back to work!

riabutterflew · 08/05/2007 08:55

Morning all. I would never have thought of trawling the gay pix sites either - well done Holly, you are wasted on mere chat forums! (Bet you can't find semi-naked Top Gear presenters, on seconds thoughts, the dreams have stopped so don't bother!)

I am having a cup of tea with DH then he is sending me back to bed for an hour (in the hope that my swollen face de-swells before the hospital appt this afternoon). Was awake most of the night with DS2 who felt the need to lay with his eyes open and the light on (nothing wrong with him, just think he wanted to see what went on in the middle of the night.)

Have a good day all. X

MarsLady · 08/05/2007 08:56

So I'm back from my hols and appear to have buggered up a wee bit on the June shower. So... because I've been away and my brain is still fried.... could you email me and let me know who you sent to or are waiting to send to? Ta muchly. lovelymarslady at aol dot com

claire74 · 08/05/2007 09:10

Morning all..Hope you've all slept well and had good saucy dreams

Hello Nappyaddict, nice not to be the only newbie!

Reading though the post, laughed at H&A 'wasn't it that new claire lady'?

Been noseying at all the profiles, Derlor how gorgeous are your children (thats not to say everyones else aren't as they all are) just particularly good photos! and nappyaddict- you look far too glam and pretty, you make me feel old

Hope you all have a nice day planned.

Daisybump · 08/05/2007 09:26

Ow Ria....isn't a swollen face something to worry about?

god you lot...what are you like? can tell there's not much of the other going on in RL the way you were all drooling over that young semi-naked buck from prison break.....he does have nice eyes though, and a nice bod....

Sitting on the ball obviously worked atreat yesterday, as last night was the first nights sleep I've had since Christmas where I didn't wake up with lower back pain....wish I'd tried it earlier. DS, bless him didn't get up till after seven this morning as well so feeling fresh as a daisy (boom boom!!) and ready to sort this house out.

TH (to coin a foxy phrase) and I didn't speak at all last night and I banished him to the sofa. He's gone off to Boston for the week and didn't make me a cuppa this morning either like he usually does.....

NattyThomasandEllen · 08/05/2007 09:32

good morning ladies, just thought id let u know due date was moved back (by 3 days pointful?) so that makes me due 28th May, but im still staying here! anyway point of the matter is that i am 37 WEEKS today! wooooo!
my goodness am i counting down the days, how sick am i of being pregnant?
how is everyone else, popped in breifly last night but was having so many braxton hicks could concentrate.
love to all

NattyThomasandEllen · 08/05/2007 09:33

isnt swollen face/arms/legs supposed to indictate high blood pressure? better get it checked hun xx

Daisybump · 08/05/2007 09:42

hi found us OK then. didn't think they'd bother moving dates at this stage in the proceedings. Hope all is well with you and LO though.

Sounds like things are gearing up nicely for might not even make it to May 28th if your BH are getting painful. Drink lots and keep well

Daisybump · 08/05/2007 09:52 you want feed back from all of us on the shower?

MarsLady · 08/05/2007 11:28

Hi ladies. Mystery solved. No more feedback necessary. Just be sure to post on the received thread.

As you were ladies......oh and Ria... haven't read what you posted but the responses I've seen suggest you need to get to the GP/MW asap!

fatcatkin · 08/05/2007 11:47

Morning all!!

Another mammoth catch up with you chatty lot!

Well, I tried to go back to work today and lasted an hour . The SPD is just too bad to cope anymore so I am back at home. Love the thread title and am sitting on my ball in honour of it!!

NattyThomasandEllen · 08/05/2007 11:57

aww poor you! ah well enjoy ur time off while it last lol.

wish BH meant i was getting close.. unfortunatly been having painful regular BH since week 32 so not holding out much hope for an early baby

glad to see everyone is so chatty on here, im sure we are getting though a new thread every few days now! expect things will petter off as the bubbas start arrive, fingers crossed im first lmao!

NattyThomasandEllen · 08/05/2007 11:58

peater even!

sputnik · 08/05/2007 12:24

Flippin eck you lot. Right, where were we...
Welcome to Flightattendant and new honorary member Nappyaddict, you can be our mascot .
N&T&E you're getting really close now, funny they should move your date by 3 days at this stage, glad you're sticking with us June lot!

Can't remember what was said now, anyway seems everyone is ok, just checking in quickly before getting back to work. Oh yes, any news from Doggus, Lilkel? Have been wondering too, she checked in briefly a few days ago with an update on having arythtmia (sp?), think she was feeling a bit down, hope all is ok with her.

Oh and I like Gabriel myself. Our dentist is called that, and it might be worth it as you say on the FIL annoyance front! Did your face go back to normal Ria, if not best get yourself checked just in case.

fatcatkin · 08/05/2007 12:37

Gabriel was one of our favourites too! It's a lovely name!

daisybump · 08/05/2007 12:39

Not heard from doggus for what seems like ages, but in reality may only be a few days, the pace of things here.

It was mytwocents who doesn't have internet access at home wasn't it, not Doggus.

Anyway, if you're lurking chuck, let us know how you are.

Been wandering over the boards for a bit and have put in bids for potential name changes in the MN Nickname Auction to raise money for MileforMaude. Here's the link if anyone is interested.

Not sure exactly how it works, but people have posted saying they want a specific name so I've followed suit.

daisybump · 08/05/2007 12:40

sputnik...hows the cervix?....have you seen your gynae yet?

derlor · 08/05/2007 12:56

hello - i'm just home from a morning waddle round the shops with DD - had to sit down at every available bench!!! - yikesie pain in the fanjo region every few steps NOT good!!!!!
anyway sitting down now eating my lunch and DH taking DD to playgroup -
Ria how is your face, whats going on there????
i'm joining the "where and how is Doggus?" group and await news......drums fingers.....
anyway - lunch

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riabutterflew · 08/05/2007 13:03

Thanks for your concern everyone.

It's funny, I was thinking (in the middle of the night when DS2 was looking at me) that I would like to put a soppy post on to thank you all for being here because I would have found day to day life a stuggle without being able to come on here and rant or just be generally vague and ramble away, and now I have good reason, so thank you for being my virtual friends.

I don't know if swelling has gone down or not, nowhere else is swollen and I haven't had any other symptoms so it's probably just being tired from too much sorting out and getting wound up yesterday. (It only looks so bad because I have quite a big nose and it swells up first - almost comical!)

Must go as on was to hospital appt in 5 minutes.

Hope everyone else well and happy. "Talk" later.

MarsLady · 08/05/2007 13:07


If there is are any lovely june ladies who didn't sign up to the original secret shower then please do so by the end of today. Happy to jiggle a few more names about.

lovelymarslady at aol dot com

fatcatkin · 08/05/2007 13:15

Just found out what the pets do when i'm at work all day...

Big boy cat stretched out in baby's new pram...
Little girl cat curled up in baby's new car seat...
Smelly dog stretched out on sofa with his head on all the cushions!

Bad buggers. Have shooed them all outside. Time for lunch I think! (mine, not theirs!! )

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