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Due in June - bounce on your ball till your bum goes numb or it gets so sweaty that you just fall off.

989 replies

derlor · 07/05/2007 21:46

oops hope i've fixed it????

OP posts:
foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:48

niiiiice. worth staying up for!

am really off now, n'nite x

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:50

Yummy Bum!

nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 22:50

mine really wasn't though. no morning sickness, no cravings, mild case of spd. there was the chicken pox but that was right at the end. actually i think the spd was worse than i remember.

was just tired all the time especially being at school right up until the day i had him doing exams etc. didn't really have time to enjoy it!

nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 22:51

holly just looked on your profile. your dd is gorgeous!

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:54

oh ~holly thank you thank you thank you I FARKIN LOVE YOU xxxxx
i'm obviously looking in all the wrong places

OP posts:
nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 22:55

derlor those photos on yours at the bottom are really cool. were they done professionally. your dd's curls are so cute!

foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:55

Blimey NA take my hat off to you, going through pg at school. he's a gorgeous little boy - making me go all a bit wobbly

yes, I am still here

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:56

Thanks nappyaddict! Your ds is super cute! Well done for coping so well, just read your profile and you are a super star going to uni with a little person to look after! I was supposed to be going this year, but my sodding LEA wouldn't fund me, so we couldn't afford the £3000 a year! I got pg instead!!

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:56

it's funny how many things about pregnancy/birth you just block out or forget isn't it - people keep asking me if this pg is like either of my previous ones and to be honest i can't actually remember!!!

OP posts:
foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:58

I can't remember any specifics of any of mine. I think thats one of the downsides of having them so close together, it all merges into one!

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:58

I have a strange gift for finding things on the internet derlor! Maybe one day I'll discover a way to make a career out of it!

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:59

I can remember every second of my pregnancy with dd, it was such an awful experience!

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:59

yeah photos were done by my friend who was dabbling in photography - they are fab we got over 100 of them - most of them are amazing - make my LO's look like angels!!!

OP posts:
derlor · 07/05/2007 23:02

Holly i'll ALWAYS come to you from now on when i need to find something - definate special abilities there!!
nappyaddict - you and your LO are beautiful - wish i looked so glam.... currently sitting in pj's feeling rather weeble like!!!

OP posts:
foxybrown · 07/05/2007 23:08

young, glam and clever.

feeling decidedly old, frumpy and dull.

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 23:09

I just feel fat foxy!!

derlor · 07/05/2007 23:10


nonsolilKel - 25/05/07 section (due 03/06)
Nattyandthomasbump ? 01/06/07
Derlor - 04/06/07
Fannyannie - 05/06/07
Twinkle5- 08/06/07
Kiwinat ? 08/06/07
Tallulahbelle ? 08/06/07
nikie1 - 09/06/07
kellogs 09/06/07
flightattendant - 09/06/07
Daisybump ? 10/06/07
Sleepychunky ? 10/06/07
K1K2 ? 10/06/07
Cocobear ? 11/06/07
Babymonster ? 11/06/07
Trace2 - 12/06/07
Badzelda ? 15/06/07
Smilingkiwi ? 15/06/07
Kittykit - 16/06/07
Catsuitgirl ?18/06/07
Bumperlicious ? 18/06/07
Hollyandalice ? 19/06/07
Riabutterflew - 19/06/07
Dontknowmyarsefrommyelbow - 20/06/07
Kdracey ? 23/06/07
Twiga - 24/06/07
Sputnik ? 25/06/07
Doggus ? 25/06/07
Auntymandy ? 27/06/07
Catkin555 - 27/06/07
Magicgenie ? 28/06/07
Mytwocents - 28/06/07
Seansgirl ? 29/06/07
Foxybrown - 29/06/07
Justbeme - 29/06/07
Diplidophus - 30/06/07
Annobal - 3/07/07

OP posts:
derlor · 07/05/2007 23:12

oh you 2 still here? i thought you'd gone. think i should go to bed soon actually DD went to bed early tonight which is nice but i feel a 0600 wake up call from her....

OP posts:
hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 23:14

I'm still here, but I am going to go in a sec. I'm going to go and get my bloods done (for 1st time in pregnancy) in the morning, so should go and get a good sleep!

derlor · 07/05/2007 23:15

make sure you eat before you go so you don't pass out like ???? can't remember who ???? oh god it was only a couple of days ago - my brain is mince!!!

OP posts:
hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 23:17

Wasn't it that new claire lady? I've got very good veins (as every doctor and nurse cheerfully tells me) so they'll have no problems getting any blood! I shall have some sugar puffs before I go for energy !

derlor · 07/05/2007 23:18

maybe it was Daisy?
anyway - good luck. oh no here comes my HB!!!!
might need some mint vienetta before bed

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nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 23:18

wobbly lol. i think thats the ball your sat on!!!

so how do you lot fancy an honourary member of your little thread?

wow daisybump. i love your ds' hair. white blonde hair like that makes me go a bit wobbly as foxy puts it tee hee.

nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 23:19

ewwww stop talking about blood tests. your making me queazy.

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 23:21

Sorry NA!! You are very welcome to become an honourary member!

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