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Due in June - bounce on your ball till your bum goes numb or it gets so sweaty that you just fall off.

989 replies

derlor · 07/05/2007 21:46

oops hope i've fixed it????

OP posts:
riabutterflew · 07/05/2007 22:18

Although if this weekend (the "the start of the season") is anything to go by, I'll be on my own now until at least September so I can have the baby by myself and call it what I bloody well like and he won't even notice.
Sorry, I'm moaning again. I KNOW I should be grateful he has a job, and I KNOW it's not ALL his fault, bu the people he works for don't half take the piss sometimes...

Rant over. Am going to skip joyfully round a virtual meadow scattering flower petals and chanting... 'til I trip and land in a big pile of cow shit of course.

foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:19

LOL Ria, you moan away! its usually me moaning about my TP!

who is, indeed, a twunt!

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:20

him foxy trying to find one of his bod -bear with me......

OP posts:
foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:21

Good lord! That's made me come over all a bit peculiar ....

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:21

I love the mental image of you skipping through the field and landing in a cowpat! All dhs/dps are being a bit twunty lately aren't they? Maybe we should just slap them!

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:24

oh look at him here
delicious - still searching for a naked one!!!

OP posts:
riabutterflew · 07/05/2007 22:24

I wasn't going to read a book at all, but it appeared in one of the boxes and I just wanted to check...

Gabe was the name of the character in that film last night about falling off mountains that he made me watch.

I don't mind religious names BTW, DH just makes me laugh (in a nice way) - he has a couple of acquaintances (sp?) who are priests, and was VERY pro-baptism for DS1&2 when he claims not to be "religious" in any way. I want to name a boy David (after DH middle name - he hates his first name) DS1s name is Hebrew.

Gawd I'm BORED tonight (and there isn't even anything to eat as haven't been shopping and takeaway shut on Mondays and can't face toast).

foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:25

mmm, find a naked one!
Porn for pregnant women

riabutterflew · 07/05/2007 22:26

Have to say that bloke looks a bit young for me...

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:28

Oooo he's a fitty!

foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:33

Derlors off searching, isn't she???

I'm off to bed, sleep well everyone xx

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:34

Ria his DOB is 2/6/1972 - not too young at all - lets face it we don't want to marry him just!!!!!
can't farkin find even a semi naked one anywhere - aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh i'll keep looking.

OP posts:
foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:34

younger than me

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:35

night all i'm not going to bed till i find this man NAKED!!!!!!!
i'll post you all a gift on here for the morning to make your day start with a smile

OP posts:
hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:38

Night foxy, sleep well xxx

riabutterflew · 07/05/2007 22:40

He's older than me then. Maybe if I was a bloke and not a heavily pregnant mum of two (very trying) small boys I would look better than I do?

I am sorry to desert you in your quest but a)I don't know how to find naked pics on the net and would probably end up with more than I bargained for and a dawn raid by the police
b) I'm too pissed off to sit up any longer cos I'll only have to listen to how much tireder he is than me when he does bother to come home
c)LO is doing something awful to my rib cage and it HURTS.

Jonty is nice...

Goodnight. Enjoy your pregnant porn - maybe you could find him semi-naked (better surely) with some short of chocolate?

riabutterflew · 07/05/2007 22:41

SORT of chocolate, not chocolate shorts.
(have got to K now - am leaving book downstairs!)

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:41


hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:42

Night ria! LOL at the chocolate shorts! Sound VERY interesting and fun!

foxybrown · 07/05/2007 22:42

scary tats!

nappyaddict · 07/05/2007 22:43

feeling a bit nostalgic today. i remember this time last year. i had chicken pox and felt truly awful!

really hated being pregnant, i know i did. but i really want to do it again and enjoy it 2nd time round. will be a good few years for me though yet!

derlor · 07/05/2007 22:44

ta Holly - i found that one too but i was looking for one of him without the fake prison break tattoos - i like tatoos but not that many can't seem to find one anywhere think he may have a "no topless photos" clause in his photoshoots - i'm well

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derlor · 07/05/2007 22:45

tats not real Foxy - phew!!

OP posts:
hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:47

Nappyaddict my first pregnancy was truly awful and I hated every second. This time has been really not so bad, I suppose your body knows what to expect the second time round! Hope your LO is doing well!!

On all fours!

hollyandalice · 07/05/2007 22:48

In Speedos!!

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