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Due May 07 - Thread for w/c 04/12/06

297 replies

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 07:49


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Juicythe2ndnotsowiseman · 04/12/2006 14:14

I know I should drink more water, but it's dull and makes me wee. Oh the joys of pregnancy

lildrummerKel · 04/12/2006 14:29

Cheers for the tip on the lacey pants at M&S. I for one am unable to wear thongs since giving birth in March (will my bum ever be the same again? .

As for hormones, well, why're people so surprised that we're hormonal? I mean, we're freaking bloody growing people inside of us!! Doesn't that tell you that something is not quite normal??? Give us a break!! (Rant over).

For itchiness try dousing yourself in babyoil straight after your bath/shower, before you dry off. Easier than rubbing lotion everywhere and makes you feel so yummy smooth. I was getting odd itching on my legs till I did this. Maybe works for you?

Suggestions please for something to drink other than blummin water. Blech.

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 14:36

I find water awfully boring as well. I drink it at work, but can't be arsed at home. I buy sugar free Robinsons Orange & Pineapple Squash and Sainsbury's Lemon and Lime Squash and mix the two in the water. (I personally, like it quite weak anyway). Fruity and refreshing. Yummy.

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LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 04/12/2006 14:42

Like the sound of lacy pants! Will investigate...

Another one drinking lemon squash, fairly weak by the bucket... still headachy though! Pg is such a joy!

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 14:49

Was going to post you a link to the pants, but thought better of it when I saw all the HUGE pants in the "shorts" section of M&S website. Don't want all my (male) colleagues seeing those.

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lildrummerKel · 04/12/2006 15:01

hee hee hee - if they were like my old colleagues, they need no encouragement... but wow I checked the M&S site and there are 12 pages of 'shorts' - !!!

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 15:05

Yup, noticed that! They're specifically ones that in the shop, have "no vpl" stickers on them.

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largevirginbirthandtonic · 04/12/2006 16:10

Afternoon all, how are we today? No time to chat yet my brother has come to stay....

A message for pebble sorry wont be able to make tomorrow pebble am as broke as broke can be....would love to make another time after the manic season. Would make it next week but Dh is home... Talk to you all late and stop talking please or i will never catch up...

LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 04/12/2006 16:54

Just had to post...

Baby is doing some kind of acrobatic routine in my uterus.

It's weird, but amazing... there's something in there!

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 16:59

Yipppee! Well done LetitShnow.

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lupins71 · 04/12/2006 17:05

Hi everyone

Glad you all sound quite jolly today, I am loving the xmas name - struggling to think of one tho

The emma jane maternity thongs are fab, in boots at the mo 3prs for £2 reduced from £10 - bought 2 pks but gonna get another pack, i didnt get any new undies with dd, dont know how i managed - no way i would fit in my normal drawers now

I had a really horrid dream last night, wont go into details it was grim, needless to say i woke up really unsure if i was pg or not, you know when a dream seems really real, was scary anyway hopefully my doppler will arrive in a few days or i might go insane

Apparently we can take strepsils for sore throats went and asked the pharmacist today as i seem to be getting a head cold grrrrr

Went crazy today seemed to have a mad moment, cleared all the kitchen cupboards, baked a cake (which is yummy, banana, walnut and jumbo raisin), tidied up rest of house, done laundry, started sorting out spare room for when mum comes, errr think that was it, more xmas shopping tomorrow, then had better wrap it all i suppose. oh and have 54 preschool cards to write hmmm what fun

back later Lisa xx

anneme · 04/12/2006 17:07

Drinks - elderflower cordial - yummy. I can't face anything citrussy.
Ldk - like it so I am now thinking of names - annemestockingup? (as in hang me/my stocking up?) - any other ideas?
Oh dear, that means that I've got to try and work out how to do it. Silence from me means that I have failed to work it out.

A question - I am going to treat myself to a big pillow this time round. Anyone got any favourites - should I go for a v shaped one or a big rectangle one? What should it be filled with? I can't decide. Did any of you use a v good one last time round - this is for putting under bump and maybe between knees depending on the size - if you see what I mean....I looked at other threads on this but not a lot was suggested.

Off to midwife tomorrow so she can listen to heartbeat (she is seeing me more frequently because of my history). Can't help but worry in case things have gone wrong so keep prodding my tummy. I know it will be alright but hormones hormones hormones - horms, horms, horms (might as well find a shortened way to write that since I suspect it will come up again)

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 17:20


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SnowyMeadow · 04/12/2006 17:50

Hello ladies - loving the festive names btw

Did a spot of xmas shopping today. And also managed to find some gorgeous shoes to wear to my friends wedding next week.

Would anyone be up for a meet up? It looks like there are a few of us fairly local to one another...

Back in a bit - my dad has just arrived.

Megglepantomimevache · 04/12/2006 17:57

Well I am feeling rather festive. Tree is up and I put it up with ds, he was delighted and keeps telling everyone that he made a tree with mummy

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 18:30

Where is Jess? Did she say she was going away?

MKG - Question for you. No need to answer on a personal basis as I know it's can be an emotive question. I've heard that in the States, it's fairly common practice for baby boys to be circumsised - not just for religious reasons. Is that true? Do they offer it to everyone when boys are born? (I think this may have come up in ER or something so I could be talking out of my arse.)

Am pondering it now for if we have a boy. DH was circumsised as an older boy for medical reasons and is thinks he'd like to have his sons "done", given that he knows what it's like both ways and says being circumsised is better. (God, he would KILL me if he knew I was talking about this.) I prefer it as well, but am trying to be objective. It's pretty uncommon here I believe, so I'm intersted to find out what the general thinking is in the US. Like, are the medical profession happy for parents to decide or do they try to put you off, like I hear they do here?

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lildrummerKel · 04/12/2006 18:31

awwww can't wait till my little DS can tell me he loves the tree...!!

How about partridgeAnneapeartree? sorry, stupid I know...

also am procrastinating big time in starting to write the xmas cards.

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 18:32

BTW am on for a London/ M25 area meet up if anyone else is.

Will inform those of you in the South if we're going to be visiting DH's aged uncle in Pompey or visiting IL's in Yorkshire. Anyone on here in Yorkshire? There isn't is there?

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lildrummerKel · 04/12/2006 18:32

12DOC, pml about your other message - that board was just a bit too quiet !!!

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 18:34

The one on June 07?

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lildrummerKel · 04/12/2006 18:36

yeah - feels like a library over there - !

GodRestYeMerryPebblemum · 04/12/2006 18:46

Evening all, have tried to read all the posts but my brain just isnt working, ended up reading the same ones over and over again

LVB&T its ok about tomorrow, i bet its nice having your brother around. Mine only lives 15mins away but i havent seen or spoke to him since August (hes always at work poor thing). Im not even sure if he knows im pregnant We will sort out another meet when things have calmed down

Today started out so well, I managed to finish all my christmas shopping but then it all went a bit pear-shaped. I had just put the dinner on (bangers and mash dh's favourite) when i had a phone call from ds1's school saying that he had bumped his head and was complaining of double vision, he was also a bit disorientated. Off went the oven and off to A&E we went. He should be fine but ive got to keep an eye on him, any change in him and we have to rush him back. I wanted him checked out because in July he had an unexplained seizure and I was worried in case the bump caused another one but its highly unlikely thank god.It turns out he had been tripped up during dinner break and while he was lying on the floor a boy grabbed his hair and bashed his head on the floor 7/8 times no wonder he felt funny. The school is investigating but i dont hold out much hope, ds1 didnt see who did it. I dont know, at the beginning of the year he ended up down A&E because a boy in his class smashed his head against a wall and now this happens at the end of the year, isnt having kids fun

I now have to pop over to ebay to order loads of nintendo ds cases for my neighbours, perhaps i should set up shop and earn commission Will pop back later and try again to read all of todays posts


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InTheseShoes · 04/12/2006 18:50

Hello all. Contemplating a change of name to something more festive like InTheseReindeerAntlers or InTheseNativityCostumes, but think that they are rather crap compared to everyone elses. Any suggestions?

I'm having some wriggles, some days more than others, which is very nice, there was a very enthusiastic reaction to a cream doughnut that my DH kindly purchased for me last week (not KK, just Sainsbury's but yum-tastic). I am (tentatively) saying that I am feeling SO much better - I started taking Pregnacare last week, and I don't know if the two are linked, really trying to up my fluid consumption also. Just feeling better is making me do more stuff like cook properly which continues to make me feel better. The sort of opposite to a vicious circle I suppose.

I am really looking forward to Christmas too - trying to do nearly all my shopping online, but we're going to have a nice day at the German market in Manchester on Sunday after we put up our tree, so hopefully will do some then too.

Glad to hear all May mummies are doing well!!

MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 04/12/2006 18:57


Not a personal question at all.

I would say yes circumsision is really common. Ds was circusized. Before we did it, the doctor gave us the pros and cons, and said that we didn't have to have it done. He said it's only in countries that don't have access to clean water and soap that it's really necessary to do. I left the decision up to dh, because honestly, I don't have a penis. Ds slept through it, of course for the first week he slept through everything.

You just have to put cream on it for about a month after, but it's no big deal.

Dh isn't circumsized, but he said that he wishes he was.

lildrummerKel · 04/12/2006 19:12

sorry to continue this cringeworthy topic but my DH and I had a massive debate (no really not an argument we were just totally 50/50) about circumcision. In the end I found a website that captured the procedure in living colour photos and after that I couldn't give someone permission to do it to my wee little boy. We are still unsure tho and seriously wondering if he's going to hate us later in life for leaving him as-is. I figured, worst case, he could get it done for cosmetic reasons later, when it was his own decision. Weird topic I know.

OK so back to xmas - what in the world do you buy a 9mo old for xmas when your house is tiny (ie nil storage space)...

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