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Due May 07 - Thread for w/c 04/12/06

297 replies

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 07:49


OP posts:
largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 11:59

Just get the sonographer to write it on a piece of paper that you leave in your notes. You will be asked to leave the room while the sonographer writes the notes up and he/she could leave it in the notes for you to find later. You will need to let the sonographer know beforehand that you want to know though. Again a note in your notes that they can find. If you dont want dh to know what you are doing then just put that in the notes. Sneaky but hey...

StarlightStarbrightSKYTVtonite · 06/12/2006 12:19

PJ - I like Mason

LG&T - your ex sounds like a twat. Mine isn't too bad on the maintenance and seeing the kids etc but you did really well not telling the kids. I have been known to let a few things slip to DD1 (10) that I shouldn't have. Not too much though and I'm sure she'll work out eventually he left us for the woman he is now married to (and if she doesn't I may just have to tell her when she is 16!). DD2 is more complicated, only 3 when he left and has now known DP as long as she lived with exH. Needless to say she is not keen on the every other weekend stays at Dads!

Is anyone else forgetting things , i.e. trips to shops with friends? I was supposed to go to cash and carry on Monday with a friend and was picking her up at 10.30. At 11 she txtd me! I was shopping in another town altogether with my mum . Anyway we went and did it yesterday.

TPT for yesterday was still not quite 10.

LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 06/12/2006 12:29

Quick q as am at work, will check back later. DH just phoned with my triple test result. Neural tube defect test normal, risk of Downs 1:2200

I know this is low risk, but am being paranoid and seeking reassurance... my friend's was 1:3000 and she's about four years older than me.

Please tell me I can stop worrying.

twelvedaysofchristmas · 06/12/2006 12:34

You can stop worrying! Seriously, I really think having these tests done often just makes people worry more than they need to. You're worrying about a 1:2200 chance and lots of factors go into that result, not just age, so you shouldn't compare yours to anyone else's. Your baby is fine. x

LVB&T, loving your sneakyness.

I like Mason for a boy too.

OP posts:
largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 12:41
LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 06/12/2006 12:41


largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 12:41

Didya see me????!!!

LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 06/12/2006 12:41
LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 06/12/2006 12:42

[collapsed in pregnant heap]

largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 12:44

No worying about your result, it's all good. Be happy..

Ive made lemon muffins and snowmen for the school fair on friday, my house smells yummy... I was supposed to do it yesterday but couldnt summon the energy. I want to go and eat them now...

largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 12:45
largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 12:46

Bugger it have your lunch back

largevirginbirthandtonic · 06/12/2006 12:47

Just dont tell the school....
Juicythe2ndnotsowiseman · 06/12/2006 12:58

Letitshnow - mine was higher 1:1500 and I'm really pleased with it!!
One chance in 2200 babies that the baby will have downs. Great odds if you ask me.
Now RELAX - that's an order

LVB&T - good job you didn't try to steal my lunch (still in the fridge), I'd have had ya!!

Might consider swapping some of DH's homemade leek and potatoe soap for some of your lovely sounding cakes though.

Juicythe2ndnotsowiseman · 06/12/2006 12:58

or maybe even soup

twelvedaysofchristmas · 06/12/2006 13:14

Leek and potato soap could be er, interesting!

OP posts:
RobinRedBreastsKennedy · 06/12/2006 13:14

ha haha haha was just about to say, Leek & Potato SOAP??
Sounds like a crazy pregnancy craving!
When I first had my BFP I trawled through nearly every page on this site (and everywhere else) and was utterly shocked to hear that quite a lot of women have a craving for eating sponges. Not even the natural ones. Synthetic ones. They were all at it, talking about the smell and the texture and how much they wanted to eat them in the bath. I cant think of anything worse to put in my gob! sets my teeth right on edge.
I did however eat about 50 sweet silverskin pickled onions on saturday. And dipped some bread in the vinegar of the jar.

CreenaberrySauce · 06/12/2006 13:17

Good afternoon everyone!

12DOC - excellent news on the house move. The completion date gives you plenty of time to get Christmas all done and dusted without any upheavals too.

20 wk scan - once Christmas goes by, the beginning of January will be upon you before you know it. That's what I'm hoping, anyway - my scan isn't until 11th January!

I've been having strange dreams too but not necessarily about the baby or giving birth. I've been having loads of really rude ones! . I had a mad one the other night - I was in the Oxford Street branch of TopShop where two camp male shop assistants were arguing about who was the most fashionable. They decided to have a 'fashion off' and asked me to judge it. The first one appeared walking down a spiral staircase in a bright red frock coat with the word 'couldn't' emblazoned in big black letters down the left side. Then the second one leapt out from behind a counter wearing a tweed country gentleman, Little Lord Faunteleroy type suit with a big ruff made out of white netting coming out of his shirt collar. He shouted "I am the most avant guarde, therefore I win!" At that point, I woke up. I think I might be going mad!

peacemakerukuk · 06/12/2006 13:32

I don't have my next scan until 12th January At my hospital for some bizarre reason they don't do 20 week scans anymore - its a 21-23 week scan

JonahB · 06/12/2006 13:45

whispers.... i had a very rude dream the other night.... Let's just say towards an inclination that has never been something that has appealed to me at all.........Never dreamt that one before. DH was delighted when i recounted it. Dont know why, it wasn't like there was going to be a live action replay EVER

CreenaberrySauce · 06/12/2006 13:46

Day after me, Peacemaker - I can't wait, can you?!

I've just been looking at a names thread in chat (not the horrible one with people sneering at children's names all over the place) and I've come across a couple of names that I'm now starting to really like. For a boy, I was liking Owen but now really like it with the Irish spelling Eoin (my dad and his side of the family are Irish and I wanted to give this one an irish name). So I'm thinking Eoin Francis for a boy (second name has to be a family name and a saint's name - I know I could break with tradition if I wanted to but I think it's kind of nice). For a girl, I'm now really liking Nancy and I'm torn between that and naming her after my mother, who died a few years ago - her name was Mitzi (well, it was Morag really - she's Scottish - but we all called her Mitzi). Just can't think of a suitable middle name at the moment. I had settled on Mary but I'm not sure if it will go with either Nancy or Mitzi. Any ideas, anyone?

Juicythe2ndnotsowiseman · 06/12/2006 13:59

Oh yes, well done 12DOC on your completion. Hope it sticks more or less to that date.

Names.Phew...I find the whole names thing tough.
Nancy - that's quite uncommon, which is nice. But for me - my friends mum is called Nancy, so I find it hard to associate with a baby (IFSWIM)
I think 2 names after each other ending in the "e" sound is a bit too much.

Love Mitzi - would you name her Morag and call her Mitzi??

My 20wk scan isn't until the 16th Jan - HOW WILL I HOLD OUT!!!

As for rude dreams, my last one was with Rudgar Hauer, and that one will last me quite a while


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MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 06/12/2006 14:04

Hey everyone. I'm just finishing my breakfast. I decided to make waffles, and not the frozen kind.

Potato leek soup is osoooooo good.

I Don't have anything interesting to report, so I'll check back later.

LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 06/12/2006 14:27

Having wrestled it back from naughty LV&T, my sheperds pie was lovely thank you very much. Cheeky mare, brave though taking food from a pregnant person.

I've finally lost the bloody plot. Last night I spent hours looking for my house keys only to discover that I had put them in the fridge.

12DOC- great news on the house. I'm still stuck in house-buying limbo. Just got the survey and valuation back and all's fine apart from a lead rising main which I can probably replace myself- much to DH's amusement as if we ever move I'll be fairly pregnant by then and will probably wedge myself underneath the sink. I'm currently tormenting myself with the notion that our mortgage application will be turned down although we're young, have no debts and are able to pay the mortgage. Paranoia is the prevailing state of affairs in the ShowOfHands household.

Thanks for the reassurance. I do know that 1:2200 is a good triple test result, but I can't help wanting to know more. All the stuff on the Internet says 1:250 is high risk, anything lower is fine, but I want more detail. 1:1000 is very different to 1:400 for example- I just need to satisfy my thirst for statistics and I would be interested to know what the actual levels were and how they work the probability out.

I'm glad I'm not the only one scoffing silverskin onions. I've become mildly addicted to them too. Might be why the baby's kicking like mad just recently. It's reassuring but I keep yelping in public places.


LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 06/12/2006 14:28

Morning MKG- can't believe you've just had brekkie and I'm thinking about afternoon snacks...

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