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Due May 07 - Thread for w/c 04/12/06

297 replies

twelvedaysofchristmas · 04/12/2006 07:49


OP posts:
StarlightStarbrightSKYTVtonite · 08/12/2006 13:17

Hi all

Starting with the MAIN news - had 20 week scan today and all is great. Everything measured 20 weeks. I told her about the high risk for downs and she confirmed back of neck measurement as being 3.4mm (good apparently), three bones in little finger (apparently some babies with downs only have 2) and heart is all well. Also we asked what it was - anyway want to know????

Pinkjenny - I think results can take up to two weeks but mine only took 6 days as the midwife visited on the saturday after the Monday!! They told me when I had the bloods taken that if you haven't heard anything for two weeks then assume all is well and wait for a letter saying so.

LVB&T - have a great weekend and ball.

Scooter - Happy Birthday for Monday - mine is a week on Sunday (17th) so I am looking forward to a lie in and some pampering.

MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 08/12/2006 14:08

SKYtv, your killing me, tell us what it is.

Bensonbluebird · 08/12/2006 14:09

Just had my results from a triple test last tuesday - pretty quick. I had forgotton all about it already. It's strange that the letter I got doesn't actually say what the result was just that there is 'only a low chance', so I guess I can forget all about it all over again.

Baby Roo has been kicking so much s/he has been distracting me from my work! 18 weeks today, I can't believe it's nearly half way through. I better start growing soon or I'll have a lot of catching up to do, still only 6 sheets one the bogrollometer.

Nearly didn't post because I can' think of anything christmassy beginning with B. Any suggestions?

MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 08/12/2006 14:13

I just want to say that I am jealous of everyone and their 20 week scans, and their feeling the baby kicking. I still have 4 more weeks till my scan (damn May 26th due date) and haven't come close to feeling the baby.

StarlightStarbrightSKYTVtonite · 08/12/2006 14:18

Well it looks like a boy but as they said DD2 was a boy ather 20 week scan we are not going to be buying anything blue. She did seem quite sure though and started calling him "he" and then said again at the end yes, there is a little willy - so we will have to wait and see if he comes out a he. At least me and the DDs can be prepared!!

MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 08/12/2006 14:28

Little boys are so fun. Mine has a natural need to "search and destroy".

MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 08/12/2006 14:28

What are you going to name him?!!!

Bensonbluebird · 08/12/2006 14:37

We don't get 20 week scans in my part of the world MKG, I'll have to live with tension a few more months. I've convinced myself I'm having another boy because I would secretly like a girl. Still have boy and girl names just in case...

BefnalhemBub · 08/12/2006 14:46

MKG I know exactly how you feel - I also have May 26th due date and have to wait until jan 16 for what will be my 21 week scan. grrr

StarlightStarbrightSKYTVtonite · 08/12/2006 15:03

I have April 27th as a due date still and have no idea what I am going to call "him".

I like Seth but DP doesn't. He likes Thomas or Tommy - Tommy I could probably live with but still need convincing. I also like Nathaniel and Isaac. Thomas is a family name apparently, maybe I could get away with it as a middle name?

CreenaberrySauce · 08/12/2006 15:03

Little boys are lovely! Congrats on the great scan, Sky!

I see that NatalieJane has had her baby now. Whilst I'm really pleased for her, I will miss dropping in on her threads in 'childbirth'!

lildrummerKel · 08/12/2006 15:05

Benson, I'm right there with ya. Just got my notice today, my next scan is in 42 days!!! 19 Jan. My due date is 3 June but my c-section will be in May, hence I'm on this board.

I also am convincing myself it'll be another boy, just to prepare myself. With DS I was secretly convinced it was a girl and I'm sure I looked a bit disppointed when they told us... So this time I'm brainwashing myself to really not care. And after the scare we had a birth (DS taken to SCBU straight away, couldn't breathe) I really will be relieved if the wee thing is healthy. I have such anxiety attacks about having a repeat nightmare birth.

Bensonbluebird · 08/12/2006 15:15

Ooh SkyTV, my DS is called Nathaniel! Nate most of the time. I thought it was a bit long winded too start with but now I love it.
LilKel, try not to worry... I'm sure it helps

lildrummerKel · 08/12/2006 15:17

as for names, how about JingleBellBenson? Not for the boy of course ! Putting less desirable names into the middle worked for us with DS. It's one of those he's going to deny having when kids at school ask him...

scootermum · 08/12/2006 15:22

My scan not till Jan 12th either..rubbish..

Have a good one tonight g and t.Have got a black tie wedding to go to on the 30th Dec-any chance of borrowing your frock?Think my ones will still be too big by then..

Baublesbenson · 08/12/2006 15:32

I like it!

LetitShnowLetitShnowLetitShnow · 08/12/2006 15:50

NattyandThomas (and oh so important bump) it's soooo nice to see you back! I'm glad the little one is starting to make his/her presence known, it's such a relief to finally feel something! Every time I start to worry, baby ShowOfHands wriggles about a bit to reassure me. Don't stay away so long.

AprilMeadow- thanks for the very kind offer on new house stationery. If and when we complete (!), I'll be knocking down your virtual door.

Scooter, welcome back- wondered where you'd scooted off to. Still no Christmas name? I think SleighMum is the way to go, or a version thereof.

SkyTV I am very of your scan. I've got mine on Jan 3rd and I am desperately trying not to hope for a boy but I do really want one. I can't bear the idea that I'll feel disappointment at a scan, but I fear I might. I feel selfish for not just wanting a healthy baby (I want a healthy baby of course, but I want a boy too iyswim)

Went to my work's Christmas do last night. Was great, but I'm a knackered old pregnant woman and I'm suffering today. I am tee-total so didn't miss not drinking but I'm exhausted. I ended up with horrendous heart-burn afterwards. Too much rich food!

So what exactly is a fruit rollup?

lildrummerKel · 08/12/2006 16:30

fruit roll ups: think of it as a thick puddle of yummy jam which has dried completely. It's flat and and then rolled up, a la crepes. To eat, unroll and peel off the plastic. Fold into misc shapes before eating if you are bored, or under 10. Someone very clever but unskilled in the arts of promotion labelled it 'fruit leather' once upon a time. Not hard to see why that name failed to stick!!!

Am nervous, getting ready for DH xmas do tonight, and we had to use a new sitter as our fav one is not available. DS has been a right screamer all day, I'm just dreading it!!!

SnowyMeadow · 08/12/2006 16:56

Scooter - you would be more than welcome to borrow my floor length black dress. Its from Formes Maternity shop and is a size 10. I am wearing it to a wedding next Friday and after that it will have no use

GodRestYeMerryPebblemum · 08/12/2006 18:32

Skytv, glad the scan went well. Wow the first 20wk scan of our little group, hasnt time flown, doesnt seem that long ago we were all getting our BFP's

LetItSnow Im the same as you except i would desperately love a girl (ive already got two brats, oops i mean boys , only joking they are great really)At first i was convinced this one would be a girl but now im not so sure, i think i have talked myself out of it. That is why i have to find out at my 20wk scan (2nd Jan), if this one is another boy i want a few months to get used to the idea so i dont feel the few seconds of dissapointment i had when ds2 was born (the midwife had convinced me he was a girl)

I bet LVB&T is happily getting ready for her ball. Its strange i dont know her but ive been feeling happy all day that she is being reunited with her Dh again

partridgeannemepeartree · 08/12/2006 20:30

Hello everyone. Finally can get back onto this thread. Internet at work being v weird - keeps blocking this thread (haven't worked out which words traumatised it) and would NEVER let me add anything. Lots to say but am v hungry so will not stay long. Have managed to christmasize name.
lvb&t - everyone said everything I thought (if you see what I mean). Stand firm!
12doc - Dreams - aaargh! last night I dreamt that the baby was moving so much that i could just see a little bump sticking out of my tummy, more that it was swinging around so that i could see its arms and legs and its head (which had scarily big ears)
Haven't put too much weight on but think I am in the camp that is still making up for alcohol weight - can usually put away quite a bit of wine each week which would explain attractive spare tyre.

Had midwife appt on Tues - all well. Found heartbeat and then felt the fundus (is that what you call it - sounds like fungus) and said - are you 161/2 wks - this feels more like 18. Not that comforting bearing in mind that DS was 9lb5oz. Oh well.
almost relaxing now that I look preg and it is moving - hooray.
now off to look for v shaped (not u shaped) cushions - thank you for advice thanks lk

partridgeannemepeartree · 08/12/2006 20:31

PS meant to add my 20 wk scan is on 9 jan. Meant to be about 2 weeks earlier but I guess they are all on holiday....can't decide whether to find out sex


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TwinkleTwinkleLupinsXmasLights · 08/12/2006 21:47

testing testing

TwinkleTwinkleLupinsXmasLights · 08/12/2006 21:54

defiante pregnancy brain changed name then couldnt remember it been trying loads of combis lol

GodRestYeMerryPebblemum · 08/12/2006 23:15

I think im going to have to change my christmas name, there is another MNer whose name is very similar and i keep getting confused, thinking i did'nt write that did I? It was hard enough trying to think of this one (pregnancy brain isnt up to much lately) so any ideas are welcome

Anyway im off to make a nice cup of cocoa before bed. Hope LVB&T is having a great time at her ball

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