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November 2011 Mums-to-be

1000 replies

DirgeInVegas · 22/02/2011 16:44

Am I the first? I can't see another November thread.

Ok, my stats, I am 32, have 1 dd (2.1) and edd is 03/11/2011.

I had a mc at Christmas but feel ok about this pregnancy, though I only found out 3 days ago so I may get a bit more panicked as time passes.

Anyone else want to join me in a November baby thread?

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 26/02/2011 23:33

cep, I had a small red bleed at 4 weeks with ds3. I think it may have been my period not being completely suppressed because it was just about that time.

My Mum had a 3 day period at 4 weeks with one of my sisters but went on to have a trouble free pregnancy.

cep · 27/02/2011 08:04

morning all, sorry to just type and run last night. i was just so tired, and just kept worrying about the blood, i just thought the best way to see what's happening is to wait and see if more blood in morning. Thank you for all the reassurance. There wasn't any blood on st or wipe this morning. phew so now feeling Blush.

Yes i was 4 weeks yesterday, last pg i had a "odd" period at the beginning and then ofcourse mc'd later probably nothing to do with each other but in my head anything that's similar to my last pg isn't good news.

Thanks again everyone, sorry to be so daft.

TerrysNo2 · 27/02/2011 14:30

You're not being daft cep, you're being a normal early PG lady!! Smile My heart thumps a bit harder every time I go to the toilet now and breathes a sigh of relief when there is no brown/pink/red!!

chipmonkey · 27/02/2011 14:31

you're not being daft, cep. I remember that time on ds3. I was convinced there would be no baby. But he has just run in to the study in his Ben10 pyjamas ( having a lazy day!) so deffo very much in existence!Grin

cep · 27/02/2011 14:46

Smile i'm worried that i'm going to spend this whole pregnancy scared of everything. I loved my first pg, (although like chip had that fear at first scan would be nothing there.) And i just feel that the mc has taken that away. You have all got to promise that if i get too much you tell me so. I don't want to spend the next 8 months (thinking positive now) annoying everyone else as well as myself.

chipmonkey · 27/02/2011 15:01

Oh, don't worry, cep, we'll tell you!Grin

cep · 27/02/2011 15:16
Reallyusefulengine · 27/02/2011 18:02

Miss Invincible, I had a VBac with DD and it was fine, the hospital etc were really supportive - you are by nature high risk and they usually assign the most experienced midwife they have on shift to you for the birth. One thing you could do is visit and contact your local doula. Even if you're not planning to hire her I bet you anything she'll be lovely and will know what the varying VBAC success rates are at your local hospital(s) and give you some good tips. I had a doula and she was awesome btw.

TerrysNo2 · 27/02/2011 18:43

cep I know what you mean about not enjoying this PG in the same way, since my MC I am scared more about the whole journey and not just the first scan. Also DS wasn't planned and I went through the last PG thinking what will be will be (although I would have been devastated I could have rationalised it somewhat) whereas this time the baby was planned and I really really want this baby and PG so it kind of leaves me more vulnerable to it IYSWIM?

cep · 27/02/2011 22:10

it brings an odd edge to it doesn't it terrys you never think of being pg bringing any other feelings than joy and excitement. ok positive thinking now ..we'll all be fine. one day at a time.

Once it's moving it'll be fine cause i can prod it when i get worried. Grin

Piplysmelie · 27/02/2011 23:05

Hello everyone

I just found this thread and thought I would join if its ok.

EDD 03/11/2011 I have 2 DDs (5 and 3)

rightontime · 27/02/2011 23:34

Hello. Tentatively adding my details as I am almost certain that I have had a BFP this morning and I feel very PG but I have tested with ebay cheepies and am not 100% convinced by them. I took 3 tests today. One with almost FMU. and a very very very faint line came up so faint I could barely see it. The 2nd one i took was - and the 3rd one had a slightly darker line than the first but was still very faint. However I have been getting BFN for the last 2 months so can't see why I would get a false faint positive now?

I am planning to test tomo with a CB digi just to put my mind at rest. AF is due tomorrow. I will add my stats to the list tomorrow all going well (fx) but just wanted to pop my head in and say hi.

So for now stats are:

rightontime - 24yrs pg#3 (DS 4, DS 2) EDD 08/11/11

I will move them tomo if necc

chipmonkey · 28/02/2011 00:02

Oh, new people! Grin Thank heaven, we were beginning to think the party wasn't going to get started!

cep · 28/02/2011 08:23

morning all, welcome new ladies and congratulations. I've already put you on the stats sorry righton that teach me to actually read the posts first rather than jumping on trying to be helpful Blush They tend to say that you can't get false positives from what i've heard. but let us know. fx.

sniff there i was thinking the party had already gotten started.

cep · 28/02/2011 08:23

sorry that was supposed to be sniff

rightontime · 28/02/2011 09:26

Thanks cep I should probably have done it anyway. I have had another +ve strip test this morning and there is no mistaking it really. The line was faintly there within 30seconds but over the following 5minutes got stronger and is enough to pick up with the camera. so there it is my BFP! I will still do a clearblue later though. Blush

Hope everyone is still ok with their pregnancies. Smile

chipmonkey · 28/02/2011 10:36

Ah, cep, I didn't mean there was no party. Just that it was more of an intimate dinner party rather than a rave!Wink

Had a bit of a brown bleed this morning and now being a bit overly vigilant looking for symptoms of pg and symptoms of MC. Am definitely still starving so hoping that's a good sign.

rightontime · 28/02/2011 12:26

Hope all is ok for you chip

I have done a clearblue digi and after the agonising wait - those things take aaaaaages - it came up positive 2-3 weeks so my mind is well and truely satisfied with that.

Glad to be joining in the party. Grin

TerrysNo2 · 28/02/2011 12:58

Welcome rightontime I am pleased you got 2-3 weeks, I wonder if I can take a CB Digi now then!?!? I am waiting till I am in the 2-3 week timezone as last time I never got more than 1 week (and went on to MC) so am kind of hoping to do one to see i've gotten further IYSWIM!

TerrysNo2 · 28/02/2011 13:00

Oh, forgot to say, chip I hope the bleed goes away and is nothing to worry about. xxx

chipmonkey · 28/02/2011 14:49

IIRC, it was at the same stage that I had a small bleed with ds3 so hoping I get the same outcome. Or maybe not exactly the same, there is only so much stubbornnes and cheekiness one family can take!Grin

cep · 28/02/2011 17:17

chip brown is old blood hon. hope it's stopped now.

i have 1 more cb digi and a plain tesco digi, like terrys i plan on leaving it till it shows 2-3 weeks to show it's progressed.

had my first free dentist trip today. Grin


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DirgeInVegas · 28/02/2011 17:46

Hello all! Welcome Pip & Righton!

I did a CBD at the weekend when I think I was 4+3 and it said I was 5+ (well, its said "3+" but you add on two weeks to get gestation don't you.

So although I realise that I am probably not more than 5 weeks I am taking it as a good sign that I have lots of hormones surging through my wee Grin

Hunger is creeping up today and I am getting the strange taste in my mouth that I had with DD.

I am also exhausted but I had a really busy weekend and a couple of late nights so I can't say for certain that it's pg-related.

Chip anymore blood? Like the others have said, brown is fine.

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 28/02/2011 18:25

No, no more blood today. Am still famished!
Dirge, I have never gotten that taste in my mouth, but my SIL did. In fact, she got it before missing her period and it was how she knew she was pg with her second. What causes it?

lucyintheskywithdinos · 28/02/2011 19:20

Very tentatively adding my details, faint BFP this morning, lack of PMT and lots of weepiness. Weepiness was my first symptom with the DDs too.

lucyintheskywithdiamonds 26yrs, pg #3 (DD4, DD23mths) EDD 18/11/11

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