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November 2011 Mums-to-be

1000 replies

DirgeInVegas · 22/02/2011 16:44

Am I the first? I can't see another November thread.

Ok, my stats, I am 32, have 1 dd (2.1) and edd is 03/11/2011.

I had a mc at Christmas but feel ok about this pregnancy, though I only found out 3 days ago so I may get a bit more panicked as time passes.

Anyone else want to join me in a November baby thread?

OP posts:
TerrysNo2 · 28/02/2011 20:26

Welcome Lucy presume you mean 8/11 otherwise you are only 3dpo and very quick at implantation Grin

Chip I think metallic taste is just the change of hormones through your body - it presents itself as different symptoms in everyone.

I am so scared to take a CB Digi now, I don't have one and am going to try and hold off as long as I can but I have no patience!

chipmonkey · 28/02/2011 20:37

Well, dh thought i was pg when I got a biy shouty with the boys. Blush
Mind you, that doesn't seem that unusual to me.Hmm

cep · 28/02/2011 21:09

evening all, welcome Lucy. congratulations. have you put your stats on our stat thread??

chip glad it's stopped. i haven't had the metallic taste either.

lucyintheskywithdinos · 28/02/2011 22:12

Nope, tried 2 different calculators and got 18/11, I am aware that it makes no sense though! LMP 4/02, UCL 35, but I still ov on day 14/15. My dates have always made little sense though and confused sonographers who have told me that I must have conceived during AF with both DDs.

lucyintheskywithdinos · 28/02/2011 22:14

Nope, tried 2 different calculators and got 18/11, I am aware that it makes no sense though! LMP 4/02, UCL 35, but I still ov on day 14/15 which was 18/02 so 10dpo today.

MissInvincible · 28/02/2011 22:25

I got a very feint positive test 8dpo - I know this for sure! It can happen.

MissInvincible · 28/02/2011 22:37

(congrats Lucy!) :)

chipmonkey · 28/02/2011 23:03

Have added you to the stats thread, lucy.

rightontime · 28/02/2011 23:47

Dirge I have exactly the same symptoms. Sooooo hungry was going to come on and ask what can I eat that isn't going to make me humungous! I have had that taste in my mouth with all my pregnancies. Usually start noticing it when I drink tea so have had to stop tea already. Sad

I was getting tiredness last week that was more than 'normal' tiredness. Wherever I am I feel the overwhelming urge to curl up on the floor and sleep. At BIL house on kitchen floor, at work tonight. I have been fighting the urge to sleep in inappropriate places so far though but if I don't get a nap I am grouchy. Blush

chip so pleased that there is no more blood today.

Starting to feel like this is actually real now Grin When is everyone planning to tell family and friends?

chipmonkey · 01/03/2011 00:04

Usually tell close family and friends at 6 weeks ( Oh and the 250,000 members of Mumsnet!) and then work and everyone else at 12 weeks. Now, having said that, I usually get such bad morning sickness that everyone in work has figured it out by 7 weeks, they just don't get officially told.

DirgeInVegas · 01/03/2011 03:21

Haha! Chip yes me too! I am also going to try and keep up the pretence to family this time too. My midwife (or a midwife) left a message on my phone on Friday saying "I believe you've called requesting a scan, I've booked it for you". Er, I hadn't but good stuff anyway. We'll probably announce it after that.

Righton yes! After drinking tea, me too! I haven't gone off tea yet which pleases me because I love it but also concerns me because it was a strong sign of pg with dd very early on. Do you think it's normal for your body to react differently to each pg even if it's a healthy pregnancy? I hope so.

Welcome Lucy! I used a site which calculated dates based on ov as my cycles are long. Either way, you're due in November and we're very pleased to have you here. EDD is just a guess anyway, right?

I'm thinking of lying about my EDD so I don't get the questions and constant checking in the last two weeks to see if I have had the baby yet. DD's birth was traumatic and the hospital have said they'd prefer me to have a cs though accept it's my choice. When I was pg last year my family kept asking how I'd give birth and it was a source of stress/gossip/stick to beat me with (MIL/SIL). So I'm wondering if I should lie and say I'm going to decide at 36 weeks and then just have a homebirth and tell them later. Any ideas? I don't want to spend the next 8 months justifying my decision.

Ok, I'm going to try and get back to sleep...

OP posts:
rightontime · 01/03/2011 07:33

chip That sounds like a good idea. I was thinking I would have to wait for ages to tell family and friends but 6 weeks is manageable. with ds1 I didn't know I was PG till I was 10weeks so just told people straight away and with ds2 we were keeping quiet till BIL had his baby so we didn't steal his thunder so never had to just decide when to tell. lol

Dirge Yes each one is slightly different I think. I went off tea completely with DS1 (although I was hospitalised through other problems with him so hard to know what was pg and what was genuine illness.) with DS2 I drank far more tea and didn't really go off it just avoided it because it gave me that funny taste. I have defo gone off it completely now though.

Lucy How rude of me not to say Hi and welcome. I am sorry. So Hi and Welcome.

Terry fingers crossed for you when you do your CBD.

I am actually feeling very pg all of a sudden which surprised me considering I didn't when I took the tests yesterday and the day before. Already don't want to sleep on my belly or squash it by bending over, feel sick and headachey, and am soooo tired but can't get to sleep. Secretly quite pleased though as there must be lots of baby growing going on.

cep · 01/03/2011 07:43

morning all,

i tell work as soon as i know, that way if i'm sick it doesn' go towards my sick level. i tell everyone else once i've had a successful 12 week scan.

ok appologies i'm going to start again. is anyone else getting sharp pains on the right of their stomach? I was starting to get sharp pains in my stomach last night dull ache now, back was also aching and still is this morning (although i do get back ache at points but haven't for a few weeks now.) i was googling ectopic pg lastnight. Blush i booked an appt to announce pg with dr's in 3 weeks time wondering now if i should have done it sooner.

pookypup · 01/03/2011 07:48

Hi ladies!

Almost dare not post here but have had 2 very feint BFP yesterday and today a little darker. AF due tomorrow so fingers crossed all is well!

Husband is away on business and wanted just to share with someone :) you seem like a friendly bunch!

Will be my first, EDD 10/11/11

Off to work fret for the rest of today now.


rightontime · 01/03/2011 08:00

Welcome pooky and congrats. I just had to tell someone too!

cep Yes I have been getting those sort of stabbing pains and an aching back. They started last night. Seemed better if I laid flat or stood up. seems sitting and squashing my belly does not make for a happy bean!

DirgeInVegas · 01/03/2011 08:42

Congratulations Pooky! It's nice to have somewhere to let it out isn't it? I'd have told everyone by now if I didn't have this thread. Smile

Cep - I get back pain and stabby pains too. I also get terrible shooting pains in the ligaments across the front of my lower stomach if I stretch or strain. No idea what that is but because its a departure from "normal" I am taking it as a good sign Grin.

Other than that and the funny taste, no real symptoms. I am not sleeping (hence the 2.30am post today) but put that down to being woken by DD and not falling back asleep easily.

Think I am going to tell my boss today. If I have another mc then he'll need to know probably and if I don't then it'll be scans, MW appointments and possible sickness all before 12 weeks and, like cep, I don't want it going towards my sickness or having to lie/take annual leave.

OP posts:
TerrysNo2 · 01/03/2011 09:35

Morning all, can't believe you were posting at 3am Dirge what were you doing up, we don't have newborns yet!! Grin

Congrats pooky 10/11 is a good birthday - its DS's!

Lucy sounds like the dates are right then, I thought it was a typo Blush as it only seems so recent I got my BFP and you are due 2 weeks later. Still, as Dirge said EDD is a guess and I read somewhere that only 5-10% are born on EDD! (Guess that explains the E in EDD!)

chip I read MN has 850,000 members so even more people know! I don't know when we are telling anyone, my mum came to stay this weekend and I was going to tell her but it didn't feel right, we are quite close but I think it is too early yet, I don't really plan it but if it comes up and I feel ready then I will.

rightontime and cep I too have pains in my abdomen, not so sharp but more poky and constant.

Ohhh, look what I found St Davids Smile

chipmonkey · 01/03/2011 09:50

Welcome pooky! Aw, first baby, so exciting! ( I do vaguely remember that!Wink

TerrysNo2 · 01/03/2011 10:02

I'm a bit sad its not my first again, its so exciting and new!!

Reallyusefulengine · 01/03/2011 10:25

I've got terrible stabbing pains and a sore side. Because I've had an ectopic pregnancy previously I get really worried and anxious. I have a 5 week scan tomorrow to check that the pregnancy is progressing normally and am trying to be as brave as possible - really hard to do! Am terrified there'll be bad news. Having said that, I had awful pains, cramps and brown spotting with the 2 healthy pregnancies and were assured it was normal and nothing to worry about. It's funny though how you never know any of this until you get pregnant!

knockedout · 01/03/2011 10:54


I've made it to one day late now, so I guess I can count myself as 'officially' pregnant? (Been testing positive for a few days now, whoopsie for giving in to early testing!)

All terribly exciting as it will be my first, EDD 7/11/11.

Off to carry on keeping my fingers crossed, as I can still hardly believe it. :)

chipmonkey · 01/03/2011 11:55

Welcome, Knockedout ( or should that be Knockedup?)Wink


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bumpsnowjustplump · 01/03/2011 12:20

Hello ladies can I join you please.

I tested yesterday but have no idea how far gone i am at a guess I would say 4/5 weeks. Going to get one of those clearblue test today to help me out.
It has been a total shock as wasn't trying and had rulled out no3. Not sure of edd as i cant remember when last period was!!

This will be my third baby I have a dd almost 4 and ds who just turned 2!!!

rightontime · 01/03/2011 13:36

Welcome and congrats to the new ladies. Getting much busier now. Smile

FX that your scan goes well and everything is normal for you Really

Tiri · 01/03/2011 13:50

Just wondering how many Mums have experienced the new Birth suites at Lewisham? Would you recommend it?

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