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November 2011 Mums-to-be

1000 replies

DirgeInVegas · 22/02/2011 16:44

Am I the first? I can't see another November thread.

Ok, my stats, I am 32, have 1 dd (2.1) and edd is 03/11/2011.

I had a mc at Christmas but feel ok about this pregnancy, though I only found out 3 days ago so I may get a bit more panicked as time passes.

Anyone else want to join me in a November baby thread?

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 25/02/2011 11:54

I think it's probably worse on a first baby, Bump.
Have you ever seen the size of a uterus when you're not pregnant? And then look how big it's going to get. It's got to be uncomfortable at least some of the time.

Mine is probably like a baggy balloon!Grin

cep · 25/02/2011 15:48

hi everyone.

hello terry Smile

chip you have to make sure you're the one to tell this guy when it's time, you'll want to see his face. Grin

bump you do get what feels like af pains cause everything starts loosening up and stretching in preparation. i have several hurdles in front of me, first is tomorrow as af due date. then i want to see if i can get a scan at about 9 weeks cause last one died at 7 wks. then my 12 week scan as i got the bad news last time at 11 weeks. Once it's moving it's fine cause then you can keep proddingit. Grin

chipmonkey · 25/02/2011 15:53

Oh, once I am puking they will all guess, I have never kept a pregnancy secret for 12 weeks!

I am STARVING all the time at the moment. Even after I have a meal, I am still hungry. Don't remember being liket this with the others but then my usual abiding memory of the first trimester does tend to be the sickness, maybe I have just forgotten the other symptoms!

DirgeInVegas · 25/02/2011 16:06

Hello everyone.

Thanks for the stats only thread Cep and welcome to the thread Smile

I do understand you being unsure about posting. I went to start a thread before this one and then deleted it for the same reason. I don't want to go through the first trimester thinking of this baby as a maybe. Even if I don't post I will still hope for this baby just as much and I appreciated the handholding through my mc.

I am sorry you have been through it too but I am glad I have others on this thread who understand how I might be feeling.

Bump firstly, no such thing as tmi on here so post away. I found the sensations in my uterus so bizarre in my first pregnancy that I went out and bought 3 baby books. One of them (I forget which) explained how the ligaments also start to stretch very early on, plus there is implantation and a growing little bean to expand your uterus so I think this is all normal. It's only cramps with bright red blood which are of concern (but even then don't neccessarily mean anything negative).

Ok, so I have had no more spotting since the wipe yesterday. I think it must have been implantation which apparently finishes around week 4 so that makes sense and that's what I am going with.

Symptom-wise - urge to pee is increasing probably directly correlated to my urge to drink pints of water.

Happy weekend everyone!

OP posts:
Sibella1 · 25/02/2011 16:10

Add unlucky (or lucky depending which way you look at it) me. 39 years old with 2 girls aged 9 and nearly 5 and no plans to have more children.

I actually thought I was going through early menopause as my cycle has been extremely short (only 3 weeks) the past few months. This month I was glad as it seemed to be back to normal - NOT!

Yesterday it was 28 days so did a PG test today and felt quite faint when I saw the result. My husband is not going to be happy and I'm sooo old...

Guess what - due date also 3/3/2011.

And just for the record - the timing method is not a reliable form of birth control - we did it just a week after my last period and look at me now!!

Shock Shock Shock

DirgeInVegas · 25/02/2011 16:18

Oops xposts with a few there (slow today!).

Welcome Sibella1 39 isn't old! How do you feel about it (apart from shocked)? When are you going to tell DH? Mine was amazingly underwhelmed. I think he said "Oh, nice one". Though we were ttc so I guess your DH's reaction might be a bit more lively. Good luck!

Have you added yourself to the stats thread started by Cep?

chip I am starving too. I fell asleep at 9.30pm last night with DD lying on top of me and the tv on - unheard of. DH got back from the gym at 10:45pm and I groggily moved DD to her side of the bed and asked DH to make me some toast Grin. I could barely focus I was so tired but needed toast!!

OP posts:
cep · 25/02/2011 16:18

chip i've been really hungry today. I managed to not tell anyone till 12 weeks with the first pg, almost managed on second then mc'd anyway and ironically rang my mum straight away who hadn't even known i was pg. Hmm

dirge glad spotting has stopped. i've been going to loo a lot but i think that's mostly just to wipe. Grin getting a bit dizzy and hot flushes. i didn;t really have any symptoms with ds wasn't sick as long as i was eating and that was it really, except bad wind during the first couple of months and that stopped. oh and being tired of course.

chipmonkey · 25/02/2011 16:37

Well, Sibella, I'm going to say congratulations!Grin
If your cycles were 3 weeks, that means you were probably ovulating on day 7, probably why you got pregnant. FWIW my ds1 and ds2 were both conceived on day 6. but I usually have a 24 or 26 day cycle. I did have one or two 17 day ones lately, v. frustrating as I was ovulating during my period. Really was beginning to think I couldn't get pregnant any more.
Still trying to remind myself it's early days.......

cep · 25/02/2011 16:44

sibella just realised i missed your original post. sorry. I'll say congratulations as well Smile When are you telling him? and i second chip 39 isn't old.

dirge dd to her side of the bed?? i take it you bed share then?

Has anyone else still got af due date to come yet???

Sibella1 · 25/02/2011 16:44

Thanks everyone, I am petrified of telling my husband.

We are in the process of immigrating to Australia (we got our visas in January and hubbie had a final interview last night) so the timing is not good!

I also just started a very demanding TESOL course and I'm already tired.

Secretly I'm very excited as I longed for another one but honestly thought I wasn't ovulating any more.

Chipmonkey thanks for the info - I will try to remember that in future!!! Grin Grin

cep · 25/02/2011 16:47

sibella when would you be moving then?? it wouldn't be too bad i'm sure. Do you have a job lined up or would you be lookking after dc's??

Sibella1 · 25/02/2011 16:54

Probably beginning June. The plan was for me to look for work once the kids are settled but it seems I'm going to be a SAHM for a little bit longer.Wink

cep · 25/02/2011 16:58

that sounds alright to me Grin it's not as though you'll lose a job, means you'll have longer time to get them settled.

mumcha · 25/02/2011 16:58

Hi all and congratulations ,i was on the nov 2010 thread my little boy was born on the 3,11,2010 .Enjoy your pregnancy as time goes so quick :)

chipmonkey · 25/02/2011 17:00

Thanks, mumcha!Smile

cep · 25/02/2011 17:04

congratulations mumcha

DirgeInVegas · 25/02/2011 17:44

What is it with the 3rd? Grin

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 25/02/2011 17:47

Oh, all the planets are aligning on the 3rd.

cep · 25/02/2011 18:01

can't believe i'm the latest so far and it's still only the 5th. just think of all the fireworks being let off for us all. Grin

DirgeInVegas · 25/02/2011 19:25

Any more lurkers with EDDs later than 5th Nov? Come on, join us! Smile

OP posts:
DirgeInVegas · 25/02/2011 20:38

Cep sorry, I didn't answer your question. Yes, we bedshare. I'll do the same with the next baby although how it will work in reality (DD is still bf) is stressing me out a bit. I can't even imagine DD in her own room at this age, she seems too small to sleep alone but I wouldn't be too upset if she decided to sleep through! Smile

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 25/02/2011 21:04

Dirge, we have a 4-in-the-bed situation most mornings as things are. I generally end up sleeping in the most awkward positions! We are thinking of getting one of //these to put at the end of our bed so ds3 can crash there when he has a bad dream!


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Reallyusefulengine · 25/02/2011 21:06

Hi there, congratulations all! Yup, due 3rd November too. My stats are:

34 years, pg#4 (DS 3, DD 15 mos, ect 2005 ) EDD 03/11/11

Had implantation pains and spotting like crazy and still have cramps galore. Was utterly convinced it was my AF. Tested positive on Thursday, having tested negative for the 10 days before (terrible POAS habit). I have a doctors appt next Weds to rule out another ectopic but have a feeling (fingers crossed) it'll be okay.

cep · 25/02/2011 21:07

are you going to try and wean dd off the bf before bean arrives?? I really hope (if i get that far) i can bf this time, my nips just kept disappearing last time it was an absoluter nightmare, i was absolutely devastated. I can't remember when ds went into his room by himself (technically dh and i moved bedrooms) i think it was about 7 months. Do you have one of those beds that connect? or does she just sleep in your bed?? sorry to be nosy,

cep · 25/02/2011 21:10

chip i tried link it came up with another list. a cheap hotel maybe a bit extreme (or is that for you??) Grin

reallywelcome and congratulations. noooo another 3/11/11, i'm starting to feel pretty lonely at the 5th here. Grin i'll put your stats on our stats thread if you haven't already.

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